how to see feedback in blackboard

by Roscoe Lubowitz MD 6 min read

How to View My Comments on Blackboard

  1. Log into Blackboard at with your UARK username and password.
  2. Click the Courses tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the course.
  4. Select My Grades in the left menu bar.
  5. Your grades will appear on the page.
  6. Click on the comment bubble next to the assignment grade.
  7. Your comments will appear in a box on the screen. To...

Full Answer

How do I view feedback on a blackboard assignment?

Feb 24, 2022 · In the classroom, click the Tools link in the course menu and select My Grades to view your assignment grades. If there is feedback on your assignment, a blue speech-balloon icon will be to the left of the recorded grade. If you do not see a blue speech-balloon icon, the instructor may have left comments within the assignment submission.

How do I view my grades on Blackboard?

Dec 13, 2021 · In the Submission panel, you can see which attempts have grades and feedback. Select the attempt you want to view. Your submission opens, and you can view your grade and how it was calculated. You can review your work and expand the Feedback panel if your instructor left …

How do I view my instructor's feedback?

Jul 19, 2020 · To View These Comments Select the assignment title. The comments will appear in the document as blue comments. Hover over the comments to view them.

How do I review my grade and feedback for an assignment?

Dec 27, 2021 · Review instructor feedback in Blackboard Annotate. When you submit an attachment for an assignment, you’ll see your submission in the new Bb Annotate viewer. The new menu provides you with a sidebar summary view, page and view settings, search capabilities, and lets you print and download the submission. To review your grade and feedback, select the …


How do I see feedback on blackboard?

Blackboard – Find Your Grades and FeedbackIn your course, click on My Grades.Click View Rubric if you see a link for that, or.Click title of Assignment.You should see your assignment displayed. If your instructor left feedback, click the feedback icons in your document.To go back to My Grades, click “OK“Sep 21, 2020

How do I see my teacher feedback on blackboard?

To access your instructor's comments, follow these steps:Log in to The Portal and access your Blackboard Course.From the left menu, Click on My Grades (You can also find My Grades in the Tools item.Find the Graded Item, Your Score is on the right.Click Rubric to see your feedback and how your score was calculated.More items...•Feb 15, 2021

How do you download feedback on blackboard?

Downloading your annotated paper You can download a PDF copy of your work along with any annotations and comments, click on the Download icon. To view all of the markup and comments you may need to open this in Adobe Acrobat, not just in your internet browser.Aug 29, 2018

Why can't I see my grades on Blackboard?

If you have submitted an assignment and you don't see a grade, that means the instructor has probably not graded the assignment yet. The yellow exclamation point icon means that the assignment still needs grading.

How to clear an attempt

If a student needs to re-submit an assignment you can clear their previous attempt so they can submit it again.

Common Actions

The most frequently used features are accessed by using your mouse/trackpad to select text in a student’s document. Then choose one of the 5 functions from the pop-up toolbar:

Additional Actions

You may also want to use the menu options to adjust your view of student assignments or add additional annotations.

Choose ADA Accessible Colors

Text boxes can be shaded with various colors that can make the font difficult to read. Ensure that the background color and foreground (font) colors are sufficiently in contrast with one another for ADA accessibility by using this free contrast checker.
