how to say blackboard in italian

by Stefanie Goldner 4 min read

What does Puntana mean in Italian?

[putˈtana] feminine noun. (vulgar) whore (vulgar)

What does Macche mean in Italian?

(informal) certainly not! ⧫ you must be joking!

What does Barraca mean in Italian?

hutnoun. [ feminine ] /ba'rakːa/ (costruzione) hut , shack , shed.4 days ago

Is Fiala Italian?

Translation of fiala – Italian–English dictionary.

What is the definition of the word Fleck?

1 : streak, spot whitecaps flecked the blue sea. 2 : to color as if by sprinkling with flecks his wit is flecked with sarcasm— James Atlas. fleck.

What do we call mache in English?

Translation of "mâche" in English. Noun. Verb. lamb's lettuce.