how to retrieve past syllabus from blackboard drexel

by Rex Turcotte 6 min read

A little kindness goes a long way... (thank you!!!)

Shout out to think-tank-2101 for gifting me the master's cap, gown, and hood! I graduated with a 3.97 gpa (woot, woot!) with my Master's in Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum while being homeless for six months and juggling two jobs. I wasn't able to afford getting all this at the beginning of the summer and a stranger from reddit sent this my way.

Looking for some friends

This is gonna be a long shot, but I don’t really have much to lose by doing this. Hi, I’ll be a senior next term and I never really made friends after freshman year. It’s not a sob story, it’s just that I didn’t put myself out there.

Looking for a train buddy

Anybody here is commuting to Drexel using Frankford transportation center?

Looking for 2-3 MechE Members for Senior Design

Hello, my partner and I are looking for 2-3 mechanical engineers interested in race car suspension design. We will being researching, designing and building the suspension system for the Formula SAE EV race car. You may get a chance to drive the car if you would like. We will also be competing formally in the Formula SAE 2022 competition.

Robotics at Drexel?

I am surprised how we don't really have much going on in terms of Robotics ESPECIALLY when we pride ourselves as this great engineering school

Part 1: Adding a Collaborate link to your course

First, you will need to give students a simple way to access Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. One way to do this is by adding a Collaborate Ultra tool link to your course’s left-hand navigation bar.

Part 2b: Creating a scheduled session

Creating a session will allow you to control when the Collaborate room can be accessed. Follow the steps below to set up a session within your course: