how to reset blackboard page

by Laurianne Lehner 9 min read

How do I reset my Blackboard settings?

Go to Original Course View page....Edit your info and preferencesIn the list where your name appears, select your name to access your profile.Point to a detail such as Full Name and select the pencil icon.In the panel, make changes.Select Done when you're finished.

How do I change the default page in Blackboard?

How to Change Your Course Entry Page in BlackboardSelect Customization from the Control Panel and click on Teaching Style.On the Select Course Entry Point screen, choose where you would like your course entry point to be with the drop-down menu. The options are in the same order as the Course Menu.Nov 11, 2020

How do I reset course content in Blackboard?

Restoring a course uploads the archive package into Blackboard Learn in the same state that it was in at the time it was archived....Restore a courseOn the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.Search for a course.Point to Create Course and select Restore. ... Select Submit.

How do I change the view on Blackboard?

Go to Courses on the Admin Panel and search for the course you want to edit. In the list of results in the Course View column, you can see the view for each course. In the course's menu, select Edit, and then choose the course view. A course must be unavailable to change the course view option.

How do I customize my blackboard page?

Select Teaching Style from the Customization section of the Control Panel to customize the course style in the following ways:Change the course entry point. ... Select a Menu Style. ... Select a default content view – Icon Only, Text Only, or Icon and Text.Add a banner to the top of the course Home Page. ... Click Submit.

How do I set my homepage in Blackboard?

In the Course Menu, click the + sign at the top of the menu and select the option Create Module Page. Give the Module Page a name such as, Home Page. Make the page available by checking the Available to Users box. Click Submit.

How do I reset course content?

How do I reset course content?Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.Reset Course Content. In the sidebar, click the Reset Course Content link.Confirm Course Reset. Click the Reset Course Content button.

How do I delete all content from a course in Blackboard?

In the Control Panel, click Packages and Utilities to expand this menu and click Bulk Delete. In the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for all of the materials within the course that you want to delete.

How do I reset course content in canvas?

Click Settings in the left navigation of the course. On the Settings page click Reset Content in right menu. A dialog box will appear warning you that this option is permanent. Click Reset Course Content.

How do I go back to the old version of Blackboard?

To roll back to an earlier version of a page delete the later versions up to the page to which you wish to “roll back”. Tick the page you wish to remove and choose Delete. 4. Note that this implementation of roll back means that you cannot roll forward after the event, because you have deleted the later versions.Sep 25, 2015

How do I get the old blackboard back?

You can revert your course to Old Blackboard if you are unhappy with the conversion. To revert the course, click "Back to Original Course" at the bottom of the page. If you are happy, choose "Use the Ultra Course" button. Once you choose to use the Ultra course, you can't "go back" to Old Blackboard with this course.

What is the difference between Blackboard and Blackboard Ultra?

The Ultra Course View is cleaner with a more modern design and easy-to-use workflows. It also has powerful new tools that are not available in the Original Course View, like Discussion Analytics. There are some features of the Original Course View that are not available in the Ultra Course View, however.

Step 1

Select Customization from the Control Panel and click on Teaching Style.

Step 2

On the Select Course Entry Point screen, choose where you would like your course entry point to be with the drop-down menu. The options are in the same order as the Course Menu. Once you have made your selection, press Submit.
