how to post on blackboard thread cwi

by Diego Fritsch 6 min read

1. Click the Create Thread button at the top of the forum.* 2. Enter a subject line.

Full Answer

How do I login to Blackboard using my CWI email?

Nov 21, 2021 · To Start a Thread: If not already selected, select the Discussion Board you wish to modify. Click on the title of the forum you want to add a thread to. Click the Create Thread button. . Enter the title of the message in the subject field. Enter conversation text in the message field.

How do I add Kaltura media to a blackboard discussion thread?

May 05, 2021 · On the Action Bar, click Create Thread. On the Create Thread page, enter a Subject name. Enter an optional Message. Blackboard provides two methods of attaching files. Select Grade Thread, if desired and enter Points Possible. Click Save Draft to store a …

How long does it take for a blackboard discussion to play?

Nov 15, 2021 · To Start a Thread: If not already selected, select the Discussion Board you wish to modify. Click on the title of the forum you want to add a thread to. Click the Create Thread button. . Enter the title of the message in the subject field. Enter conversation text in the message field. 3. Creating Discussion Board Threads · Blackboard Help for …

What is blackboard and how does it work?

Oct 17, 2021 · 2. How do I post on the discussion board in Blackboard? post on the discussion board, first you’ll need to login to MySCU, then open up your unit. Then on the left hand side menu select Discussion Board. 3. Discussions | …


How do I post to a thread on blackboard?

On the Action Bar, click Create Thread.On the Create Thread page, enter a Subject name.Enter an optional Message. ... Blackboard provides two methods of attaching files. ... Select Grade Thread, if desired and enter Points Possible.Click Save Draft to store a draft of the post or click Submit.

How do I start a discussion thread on blackboard?

Start a Thread in a Discussion BoardOpen Blackboard and navigate to a course with a discussion board.Click the Discussion Board link from the navigation menu.Click the link for the forum you want to start a new thread in.Click Create Thread. ... Enter a Subject and Message for your thread.

How do I post a thread on a forum?

In order to post to a forum topic, you will Start a New Conversation or thread.Go to Forums. Select the Forums tool from Tool Menu in your site.Choose a forum. Zoom. ... Select a topic within the forum. This is an example of a forum topic. ... Click Start a New Conversation. ... Enter a message. ... Click Add attachments. ... Click Post.

How do you start a discussion thread?

Create a discussion threadOn the navbar, click Discussions.Click the topic where you want to create a thread.Click Start a New Thread.Enter a subject.Enter your post.Set any of the following posting options: To keep the thread at the top of the list, select Pin Thread. ... Click Post.

How do I reply to a discussion post on Blackboard?

Responding to Posts Click Reply or Quote to reply to a post in a thread. Click Email Author to send a Blackboard Message to the author of a post. If the instructor has enabled the feature, you may also be able to edit and/or delete posts that you have created.

How do you post a thread?

How to publish a Tweet threadClick the "Tweet" button to compose a new Tweet.Write your first Tweet. Click the "Add another Tweet" button and a second Tweet window will pop up.You can publish the entire thread at the same time with the "Tweet all" button.

How to upload a video to Blackboard?

Access the Assignment in Blackboard. Click Write Submission. Click in the text box and enter any necessary text first. In the text editor menu, select Mashups, then Kaltura Media. Click on Add New (upper right) and select Media Upload. Click the Choose a File to Upload button and select the video file from your computer. Click Open.

How to upload a video on a computer?

Click the Choose a File to Upload button and select the video file from your computer. Click Open. Your video will begin uploading. You must remain on this page until the upload is complete. Edit the Title, Description and/or Tags. (Tip: Use a unique title or tag.)

How to upload audio to a video?

Submitting an Audio or Video Clip in an Assignment 1 Click on Add New (upper right) and select Media Upload. 2 Click the Choose a File to Upload button and select the video file from your computer. 3 Click Open. 4 Your video will begin uploading. You must remain on this page until the upload is complete. 5 Edit the Title, Description and/or Tags. (Tip: Use a unique title or tag.) 6 Click Save. 7 Click Back to Browse and Embed. 8 Find the media clip that you've uploaded. You can search by Title, Description or Tag. Click the Select button for that clip. 9 Choose your display options (metadata and player skin) and click the Embed button. 10 Your video will appear within the text editor. 11 Scroll down and click Submit to submit your assignment. 12 Your media will begin transcoding/processing on the server. Depending on its length and size, it might take 2-20 minutes to be available for playback.

How long does it take for a video to play on a server?

Your media will begin transcoding/processing on the server. Depending on its length and size, it might take 2-20 minutes to be available for playback.
