how to post a folder and its contents on blackboard

by Miss Luisa Purdy 8 min read

Log into Blackboard and access the content area in which you would like to create a folder in, such as a Course Units folder for grouping content by unit. Please refer to the guide titled Creating a Content Area for more information on how to create a content area. To upload your document: Click on Build Content at the top of the page.

Part of a video titled How-to Upload Content to Blackboard - YouTube
After you have adjusted your settings. And information for the content folder click Submit at theMoreAfter you have adjusted your settings. And information for the content folder click Submit at the bottom right-hand side of the page. You should now see your content folder appear on the page.

Full Answer

How do I upload an entire folder to Blackboard?

StepsGo to Control Panel > Content Collection > "Course ID".Click on Upload > Upload Files.You will go to a page with an area of the screen that you can drag and drop a folder into.After dragging the folder into the upload area, the files in the folder are listed there.More items...•Mar 28, 2018

How do I create a content folder in Blackboard?

Add a FolderClick on the “Build Content” action menu button to expose a listing of content types to choose from.Select “Content Folder” listed under the “New Page” heading.Name the folder and decide when to make it available to students. ... Click “Submit” to complete the creation process.

Can you upload multiple files at once on blackboard?

Uploading multiple files Using Drag and Drop you are able to upload multiple files or entire folders. Please note: if you select multiple folders, all of the files will be uploaded into the same folder in the Blackboard Fileshare. And you cannot upload nested folders and subfolders.Mar 1, 2019

How do I upload multiple documents to Blackboard?

Choose multiple files at once by holding down the shift key and click the files (NB: you cannot upload a folder) alternatively, choose them individually and add more by repeating this step. ​ When you have finished attaching files, click Submit at the bottom of the page to make the submission.

Can you submit a folder on Blackboard?

create a ZIP archive of the directory. ... upload that zip file as an attachment to a new item on Blackboard. before clicking "Submit", go to the selection box underneath the file name and change it from "link to file" to "unpackage file".Nov 12, 2011

How do I add content to a folder?

Adding items to foldersIn the Folders list, select the folder to add items to and click the Contents tab.Click Add Existing.Select an item Type. The items displayed depend on the selected type.Select the items to add to the folder.Click Add.Tip: You can also add items already in a folder to different folders.

How do you submit more than one file?

Upload multiple filesBrowse to the page where you want to upload the files.Go to Edit > More, then select the Files tab. ... Select Upload:On the Upload a file screen, select Browse/Choose Files:Browse to the files you want to upload from your computer and use Ctrl/Cmd +select to choose multiple files.Select Upload.More items...•Nov 29, 2018

How do I add a second assignment in Blackboard?

In the Course Management menu on the left, click on Grade Center to expand the options and then click Full Grade Center. Locate the student and the assignment for which you would like to allow an additional attempt. Click the Allow Additional Attempt box at the bottom of the Grade Details area.Jan 30, 2021

How do I add a submission link in Blackboard?

0:349:02Blackboard - How to Create an Assignment Submission LinkYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOn this link. When they click on this link. This is a page they see okay. It has name names a linkMoreOn this link. When they click on this link. This is a page they see okay. It has name names a link it can be a name an assignment.

Does blackboard accept zip files?

Go to Original Course View page. You can upload file attachments in your course, such as to an assignment....Recognized attachment file types.ExtensionFile TypePrograms Associated with the File TypeWMFGraphicMicrosoft® Windows®XLS, XLSXSpreadsheetMicrosoft® Excel®ZIPCompressed packageWinZip®31 more rows

What is a file and folder?

The Files and Folders area is a designated area for uploading and storing files. Files & Folders is an excellent tool for pre-planning content for your workspace. Each Site, Subsite, Channel, and Section Workspace has one dedicated Files & Folders area. Users with editing privileges to a workspace have access to its Files & Folders. You can access Files & Folders two different ways, on the Tools tab or by selecting Files & Folders in Common Tools.

Can you link a file to multiple pages?

You can get a link to your file to use for linking the file in multiple locations. Using the file link allows you to house the file in one location for use in multiple areas without cluttering your pages.

Do you need to update a file to which you've already linked within your site?

There may be times when you need to update a file to which you’ve already linked within your site. This process saves you the work of recreating each link. The updated file must have the same name and extension as the existing file when updating.

How big can a blackboard file be?

Blackboard has a maximum file size for upload of 1 Gb, however it is strongly recommended that you keep files to 500 Mb or less. Browse my Computer: Click to attach a file, such as a Word document or PowerPoint, which resides on your personal computer.

What is a course entry point?

The Course Entry Point is the page where Blackboard will place people upon entry to your course. This must be a Blackoard-related menu item otherwise no one will have access to any Blackboard components of your course. You have the ability to set the Course Entry Point to any non-hidden, non-empty, menu item on the left hand menu.

Can you add external links to a folder?

You can add external links to the Content Collection if your institution has made this option available. If you don't see the options, it may be that your institution hasn't made this available, or you don't have permission to add a link in that folder.

Can you drag a folder of files?

If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn't allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attach in the folder's row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again.

Does Blackboard Learn work with read only?

Blackboard Learn automatically detects if Blackboard Drive is installed. If so, it changes the standard Open option for files on which the user has write permission to Open with Blackboard Drive. If you have read-only permissions, the file opens in the browser.

Can you edit files on Blackboard?

If your institution licenses content management, you can edit and save files directly within Blackboard Learn. Easy Edit with Blackboard Drive integration lets you open a file for editing directly within the user interface and makes editing as simple as three steps: select, edit, and save.

Creating a Content Folder

Log into Blackboard and access the content area in which you would like to create a folder in, such as a Course Units folder for grouping content by unit. Please refer to the guide titled Creating a Content Area for more information on how to create a content area. To upload your document:

Setting up the Folder Information

Zoom: image of the content Folder Information with the following annotations: 1.Name: Enter the name of the folder here.2.Color of Name: Select the desired color for the folder link.3.Text: Enter a description for the folder in the text box.

Setting Up the Content Folder Availability

Zoom: Image of the section labeled Standard Options with the following annotations: 1.Permit Users to View this Content: Select Yes to allow students to view the web link.2.Track Number of Views: Select Yes to record the number of times students view the link.3.Select Date and Time Restrictions: Use the date and time pickers for the Display After and Display Until dates to restrict the time period in which students can view the content.

What is content area?

Use content areas to hold related items and give your course organization and structure. Content is any course material added to a course (e.g., courses notes, presentations, Kaltura videos and audio files, weblinks, etc.) One or many content items can be placed in a folder or a Learning Module.

What is a learning module?

A Learning Module is a Blackboard tool that helps organize course content into discrete units. Any Blackboard tool, item, file, assignment, test, or discussion board can be added to a Learning Module. Tip: A Learning Module automatically creates a Table of Contents for all items added to the module. The viewing of content can be set so students ...

Select the Content to Copy

In your Blackboard course, locate the folder that you wish to copy, and click the chevron next to the item and choose Copy from the menu that appears.

Copying the Item or Folder

You will now see a screen labeled Copy. Under the section labeled Destination:

Selecting the Copy Destination

On the screen that pops up, select the folder to copy materials to. Once you have selected the folder, you will be taken back to the Copy Item screen.

Copying File Attachments

Zoom: Image of the Attachments and Embedded Links section with the following annotations: 1.Copy links to attached and embedded files: Chose this option to link to existing files and attachments when copying content.