how to make a class available in blackboard 9

by Schuyler Robel 9 min read

To make the course available: Under Course Management click Customization. Then click Properties. Scroll down until you see Availability. Click the radio button next to Yes to make the course available.

  1. To make a course available:
  2. Click on the Customization under Control Panel.
  3. Select Properties under Customization.
  4. Scroll to item number 3 and Select Yes option.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the Submit button to activate the change.
Mar 14, 2018

Full Answer

How do I make a course unavailable on Blackboard?

Revised: 3.14.2018 Bb9.1: Making My Course Available p. 1 of 1 Instructors can always view and edit their Blackboard courses; however, Blackboard courses are hidden from student view until you make them “available.” To make a course available: 1. Click on the Customization under Control Panel. 2. Select Properties under Customization. 3.

How do I create an exam in Blackboard?

Locate the course you want to make available/unavailable on your My Courses list and click the link of the course ID. After entering the course, scroll down and click “Customization -> Properties”. Scroll down to the SET AVAILABILITY area of the page and change the “Make Course Available” to “Yes” Then click Submit to save the change.

How do I connect to qwickly on Blackboard?

Dec 19, 2021 · The Blackboard app only shows courses that are Available and Active. … Often Instructors will make courses active around the first day of … 11. Blackboard Courses – Information Technology Services. Blackboard Courses

How do I set individual language preferences in a Blackboard Learn course?

If the icon appears unlocked, the course is available to students: If it appears locked, the course is unavailable to students: Course Management Panel. From the Course Management area within your course, click Customization > Properties. Under the Make Course Available section, select Yes. Click Submit. Frequently Asked Questions


How do you make a Blackboard course available?

Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course. In the Course Management menu under Customization, click Properties. Under Set Availability, check the radio button next to "Yes" for Make Course Available. Click the Submit button.

How do I make a Blackboard course available to one student?

Under Role and Availability click the drop down menu next to Available (this course only)....To make the course available:Under Course Management click Customization.Then click Properties.Scroll down until you see Availability. Click the radio button next to Yes to make the course available. Then click Submit.Feb 12, 2018

Why is my course not showing up on blackboard?

Courses may not appear in the My Courses module in Blackboard for a few reasons: The instructor has not yet published the course for student view (most common reason). The student has not yet successfully registered and paid for the course. There may be an issue with the student's enrollment.

How do I make Blackboard course unavailable to students?

Make a course unavailableGo to the course you want to make unavailable.In the Control Panel (at the bottom of course menu on the left-hand side) Click Customisation. Click Properties.Under section 3, Set Availability, select No.Click Submit.

How do you make a link available to students in Blackboard?

If you want to make the link available to students, then click on the double-down arrow on the right side of the button. Next you will click on the Show Link option.Oct 25, 2013

How long does it take for classes to appear on Blackboard?

Tell Me. When you register for a class you are automatically enrolled into the Blackboard system for that course within approximately 6 hours. However, there could be several reasons why you may not see a Blackboard course.Aug 26, 2010

How long does it take for a new course to show up on Blackboard?

It takes 24 hours from the time you registrar or change your registration in CUNYfirst for it to update in Blackboard. I see a class that I have taken previously, how do I remove these from the My Courses menu? Some instructors will keep their courses available after the course ends.

How do I unhide a course on Blackboard?

To show a hidden course, filter the list by Hidden from me > open a course's menu > select Show course.

Instructions for USC Instructors Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

From the Blackboard Home screen, navigate to the Tools module on the left side of the screen and click the “Qwickly (Faculty/TA’s)” link,

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (current semester courses)

Locate the course you want to make available/unavailable on your My Courses list and click the link of the course ID.

Instructions for USC Instructors NOT Using Qwickly (while in current semester course)

From inside the course you wish to make available to students, in the upper right corner of the course, locate “lock” icon.

Instructions for USC Teaching Assistants

Under My Courses on the Home tab, click the name of the “NOT AVAILABLE” course that you want your students to be able to access.

About Course Availability

ITS automatically creates a Blackboard course for every course that is listed in the Schedule of Classes. All Blackboard courses are automatically hidden from students.

Option 1

From within your course, you can click the lock icon in the top right menu.

Option 3

If your course is set to Private, you can make it available to students by clicking the three dots (…) and choosing Open Course. You do the same thing to make it Private. If a course is Private, students see it in their course list but they are unable to enter it. This prevents student emails.

Where is the lock icon on Blackboard?

With Edit Mode on, there is a lock icon in the upper-right corner of your Blackboard Course as of March 2018. During an active semester, clicking the lock icon will change the course's availability to students.

What is course availability?

The Course Availability setting allows Instructors to make a course available or unavailable to students. Unavailable courses are not accessible to students, but are visible and accessible to instructors, teaching assistants, course builders and graders.

How to contact Blackboard at USC?

Call our Blackboard Help line 24 hours a day, every day at (213) 740-5555 and choose option 2. Faculty can request help and training from USC’s Enterprise Learning Technologies group by submitting a request to [email protected].

When does the summer semester end?

Student access to summer semester courses ends on October 1. Student access to fall semester courses ends on February 1. Student access to spring semester courses ends on July 1. If students would like to see their final course grades for previous semesters, they can view their official grade reports on OASIS or MyUSC.
