how to invite someone to blackboard collaborate

by Pascale Gutmann 7 min read

Upload the file

  • From Session Settings, select Invitations .
  • Select Import Attendees .
  • Select Import new attendees, browse for your CSV file and select Upload.
  • If everything is ok, select Confirm to finish uploading the attendees. If there are errors, resolve them in the CSV file and upload the file again.
  • Select Add To Session.
  • Select Save to send the invitations.

Full Answer

How do I invite guests to a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session?

Open Collaborate tab on menu sidebar; Click on desired file or create new file; To see how to create a recording in Collaborate, see Getting Started Create …

How do I use the guest link feature in Blackboard Collaborate?

Aug 01, 2018 · In a course, go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra or access via a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool link added to the course menu. For the main Course Room To find the Guest Link for the Course Room, click on the Course Room Options button, then click Get guest link .

How do I invite people to join a collaborate session?

Aug 30, 2021 · Invite People To Blackboard Spaces. 1. Blackboard Collaborate: Invite Guests to a session – Sites. 2. Blackboard Collaborate Sessions. 3. Invite Attendees to Your Sessions | Blackboard Help. 4. Invite a Guest Into Your Collaborate Ultra Session – Solutions. 5. Invite non-university participants – ...

How do I access the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool?

Oct 13, 2021 · Blackboard Collaborate: Invite Guests to a session. You will need to use the Guest Link feature to allow users to take part in a session where: * you want to invite people who are not enrolled …. 2. Blackboard Collaborate Sessions.


My meeting is not for a course

If your meeting is not affiliated with a specific course (such as a meeting with colleagues or outside guests), you may use your My Space course. Not seeing your My Space course on your My Courses tab in myLesley? See Customizing your My Course List.

Is your system compatible?

Before you begin, check the the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra system Requirements and Accessibility to make sure that your system is compatible. For the best experience, use the Chrome browser.

Get the guest link

Once you have determined that you are using a supported browser and your system is compatible, either create a new Collaborate Ultra session or use your existing Collaborate Course Room.

Invite external guests to your session

It's very easy to invite people from outside of the University of Sheffield to your session - in Blackboard Collaborate this is known as 'Guest access'. People joining via Guest Access do not need access to Blackboard, or a University of Sheffield computer account.

Dial into a Collaborate Session without internet access

Collaborate offers the ability for any participant to join the session audio via a telephone. If your attendee (s) do not have access to a computer, or stable data connection, they can join in using the Anonymous dial in feature. Locate the Anonymous dial in details from the Session Settings menu.

Promote all attendees

You can also have all attendees join as presenters or moderators. From the list of Sessions, find a session. Select Session options and Edit settings. Select Presenter or Moderator in the Guest Role menu.

Can an attendee rejoin?

If the attendee joined from a guest link, they can use the guest link to join again right away.

Can I remove other moderators?

No. Moderators can't be removed. You can only remove participants, presenters, and captioners.

Attendance in your Blackboard Learn course

If you are using Collaborate from your Blackboard Learn course, you can choose to have Collaborate send student attendance to your Blackboard Learn course Attendance page.
