by Prof. Gennaro Gleichner II
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
10 min read
Log into Blackboard Learn and enter the course.
Make sure that Edit Mode is turned ON at the top right‐hand corner of the page.
Access a Content Area or folder in which you would like to add your web link and click BuildContent.
From the drop-down list select Web Link.
Type the name and URL of your link. You may also add an optional description.Leave the checkbox unchecked where you see ‘This link is to a Tool Provider” unless specified ...
Additionally, you can attach a file. This step is optional.
Adjust the Options.
Click Submit.
Highlight the text you wish to make into a link, then click the Hyperlink button in the second row of buttons. It looks like a chain link. Step 2: The Insert/Edit Link page will open in a pop-up window. Step 3: Paste the entire URL (or web address) into the Link Path box.
On the Course Content page, select the plus sign wherever you want to add a discussion. Select Create > Participation and Engagement > Discussion.
Manage your discussion links
Your discussion links appear on the Course Content page where you created them. You can reorder and remove a discussion link. When you remove a discussion from the Course Content page, it remains on the Discussions page.