how to i view my out test in blackboard

by Gabriella Halvorson 8 min read

Log into Blackboard and enter the course you wish to view the test attempts. Find and click on the exam. Click Begin. Click on View All Attempts. Click on the grade you received.

Blackboard: Viewing Test Results
  1. Click Check My Grades from the course menu.
  2. Locate the test.
  3. Click on the title of the test to access the View Attempts page.
Jun 24, 2021

Full Answer

How do I view my test results on Blackboard?

Jun 04, 2021 · StepsEnter the course in Blackboard.In the Control Panel, click on Grade Center > Full Grade Center.Hover over the test attempt that you would like to reset, and click on the drop-down arrow.Select View Grade Details.On the right side of the screen, click on Clear Attempt:

Can students take tests in the Blackboard Mobile App?

1. From within the “My Grades” tool, find the Blackboard test in the list of grades and take the link to the test. (Note the grade awarded below the link.) 2. The following screen gives additional information about the grade earned. To view the test questions, click on the calculated grade. 3. The information about each question of the test will vary according to what viewing options …

Can I preview a test in Blackboard instructor?

Feb 21, 2022 · How to Print a Paper Test Created in Your Blackboard Course. button at the top-right corner of the page (i.e., Steps 6 and 7). Step 12. On the Retrieve Questions Wizard,. Select the course you want to retrieve the test from. You must be enrolled in …. 4. Printing a Blackboard Test through Respondus. …

How do I find my grades on Blackboard?

Reorder your text and files. Tab to an item's Move icon. Press Enter to activate move mode. Use the arrow keys to choose a location. Press Enter to drop the item in the new location.


What happens after the due date on a test?

After the due date has passed and you open a test, you’re alerted that your submission will be marked late. You can view the alert in the Details & Information panel and on the test page. In the Details & Information panel, you can also see if any submissions are or will be late.

Why do instructors use tests?

Instructors use tests to assess your knowledge of course content and objectives. Your instructor assigns point values to questions in a test. You submit your test for grading and the results are recorded. You can view your grades when your instructor makes them available to you.

What is a proctored test?

Proctored tests. Proctored tests are delivered with tools provided by proctoring services. Your instructor can add a proctoring service to a test. This is different than adding an access code, and the proctoring service may require a verification check to make sure your system is running the required setup.

How many digits are required for access code?

Access code. Your instructor may require a 6-digit access code. Instructors issue the access codes, but they might have another person, such as a proctor, deliver the codes. After you type the code, you can open the test. You can use the code to resume a test you saved.

Can an instructor reveal the correct answers to an auto scored question?

Your instructor may choose not to reveal the correct answers to automatically scored questions until all students have submitted. A banner appears at the top of the assessment with this information. Check back later to see if answers have been revealed.

Can you view a rubric before a test?

If your instructor added a rubric for grading to a test, you can view it before you open the test and after you start the attempt. Select This item is graded with a rubric to view the rubric.

Preview tests and assignments

Navigate to Course Content in the app and select a test or assignment. You can see the assessment's details, such as due dates, the number of attempts allowed, and whether it's visible students.

Edit test and assignment settings

Select a test or assignment and tap the Settings icon to change settings such as the visibility to students, number of attempts, or due date. For more options, tap EDIT ON WEB to open the settings panel in a mobile browser.
