how to i get my photo to show on blackboard

by Mrs. Kariane Maggio 3 min read

Place the cursor where you want the image to appear. Select Insert Image. How to Insert an image into a Blackboard discussion board postPage 2 or Right-click where you want to place the image and select Image.

On the personal information page, click 'Personalize My Settings. ' Select the 'Use custom avatar image' on the 'Personalize My Settings' page, browse your computer for your picture, and click 'Submit' once uploaded. Your new avatar image should now appear next to your name in the Global Navigation menu.

Full Answer

How do I upload a photo to my profile in Blackboard?

Sep 20, 2021 · If you would like for your instructor to see a photo, image or graphic, it is a good idea to have the image display right in the Blackboard item instead of … to where you would like to add the image, such as in a discussion or an assignment. … the file to Kaltura here if you would like to use it easily in other posts!

How do I add an image to a blackboard discussion?

Dec 23, 2020 · Step 1. After logging in, select your name on the left menu. Click the profile image to upload a photo. Note: You cannot edit or crop uploaded profile images in Blackboard. Your image appears next to discussion board posts and other areas of Blackboard. Last modified: December 23, 2020.

How do I change my profile settings in Blackboard?

Feb 09, 2021 · Log into Blackboard, and in the upper right corner of the screen, click on your name as highlighted in the image above. Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 2 The notification panel will appear onscreen, similar to the image above. At the bottom of the page, click the Settings button. Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 3

How do I change the size of an image in Blackboard?

Select the ‘Use custom avatar image’ on the ‘Personalize My Settings’ page, browse your computer for your picture, and click ‘Submit’ once uploaded. Your new avatar image should now appear next to your name in the Global Navigation menu. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have trouble uploading a profile pic in Blackboard.


Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 1

Zoom: Image of the Blackboard Learn Header with the user's name in the upper right hand corner outlined, and users are instructed to click on the name.

Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 2

The notification panel will appear onscreen, similar to the image above. At the bottom of the page, click the Settings button.

Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 4

Zoom: Image shows the Personal Information screen, with the Personalize My Settings link highlighted, with instructions to click on the link.

Uploading a Profile Picture, Part 5

Zoom: This image has the following steps annotated: 1.Display Options: Under Display Options, choose the option labeled "Use Custom Avatar Image"2.Attach File: Click Browse My Computer to upload an image and select a file from your computer.3.When finished, click Submit at the bottom of the screen.


A purple status bar with the message: Success: My Settings updated will appear at the top of the screen, and the selected image will now appear next to your name in Blackboard.

How to change your name on Blackboard?

Besides, you can also edit the privacy settings. It is important to remember that your instructor will always be able to see your name and email address. Here’s how you can have more control when it comes to privacy on Blackboard: 1 Click on your profile picture and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. 2 Now click on “Personal information” and then on “Set privacy options”. 3 Scroll through all the options and make your selections.

How to change your avatar on Facebook?

Open your profile page and click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen. At the bottom of the drop-down panel, select “Settings”. Click on “Personal Information”. Click on “Customize my settings”. Now you can choose your avatar image.

Can students use Blackboard?

Students can use Blackboard to access their courses, submit assignments, and participate in discussions. They can also add a photo to their Blackboard profile. This article will show you how to do it with the help of the Blackboard YouTube channel. back to menu ↑.

How to edit personal information on Blackboard?

This is how you edit your personal information: Click on your profile picture. From a drop-down menu, click on “Settings” and then on “Personal Information.”. Now click on “Edit personal information”. From there, fill in the information you want to share on Blackboard.
