how to get to podcasts in tegrity in blackboard

by Anastacio Champlin 6 min read

Locate Podcast

1. Locate the podcast that you wish to listen to or download from your Blackboard course.

Or Use Podcast Menu Item

3. If you are accessing the podcasts from the podcast index page you may also click on the play icon highlighted in the screenshot to play the podcast.

To download

4. If you wish to download the podcast, right click on the name of the podcast and choose the option to save the file. Depending on your browser this may be save target as, save linked content as, or save link as . Then follow the prompts to save the file to your computer.

What are the elements of Learning 2.0?

Podcasting, videocasting, Corporate YouTube, Tagging, folksonomies vs. taxonomies, social networking, are a few of the elements that make up the new ecosystem we called Learning2.0. Perhaps the Google and Yahoo shopping sprees, and of course the Blackboard thingy , make the cut in my book.

What is blended learning?

Blended Learning is in itself self-explanatory, its all in the name.

What is flipping the classroom?

Inverting or “flipping” the classroom is accomplished by using a variety of media-rich technologies like screencasts, lecture capture, podcasts and video to convert lectures from a fleeting moment in the classroom into digital assets that can be played by students on demand.

Is online learning one dimensional?

Although blackboards were eventually replaced with whiteboards and overhead slides gave way to PowerPoint, education was one-dimensional. The number of users for online learning grew exponentially, and in 2011, more than 67,000 of the company’s engineers and clients took advantage of a variety of online training media, including webinars, podcasts, video podcasts and seminars, all dealing with how to mitigate a range of natural and man-made perils.

Is Tin Can API easy to implement?

Unlike SCORM, Tin Can API is also easy to implement and major players like Articulate , Lectora , and Blackboard have already adopted Tin Can. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you might have heard by now that mobile learning is no longer the next big thing – it IS the big thing.
