how to get on to northampton community college blackboard

by Sigrid Cartwright 5 min read

To begin, go to .
  1. Click on the blue 'NCC LOGIN' button.
  2. On the next page, enter in your NCC credentials and click “sign in” to enter Blackboard.
  3. NCC credentials are the login username and password that are also used to access Workday.

How do I access NCC on blackboard?

Login to the NCC Portal at Enter your N# and Portal PIN. On the left side you will see a link to NCC Online. Click that icon to get into Blackboard!

What GPA do you need to get into Northampton Community College?

3.5To be admitted to the program, one must, in addition to meeting the requirements for admission into English I, meet one of the following: Have a 3.5 High school GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or... Have graduated from the top 20% of one's High School class or...

Is Northampton Community College a good school?

NCC was ranked #4 among 117 Pennsylvania colleges and universities with online programs by the website OnlineColleges. The Community for Accredited Online Schools named NCC as one of the nation's best colleges and universities with online degree programs for teacher training in 2017.

What is my NCC email address?

Email Address ncc. edu-OR-[FirstName. LastName][email protected] XXX are the LAST 3 numbers in your NCC-ID. Your MyNCC Student Email is where you will receive all official student related correspondence from the College.

Do you need SATS for Northampton Community College?

4. Submit Transcripts and Test Scores. Submit your high school, any college transcripts, and any SAT or ACT test scores to Northampton.

Is it hard to get into Northampton Community College?

It is a small institution with an enrollment of 4,302 undergraduate students. The NCC acceptance rate is 100%.Apr 12, 2020

How many students are at Northampton community college?

34,000Northampton Community College / Number of students

What rank is Northampton College?

7th outNorthampton College is proud to be one of the top 10 best-performing colleges in the country. Data released as part of the latest 2018/19 National Achievement Rates Tables (NART) shows Northampton College is placed 7th out of almost 200 colleges for 16 to 18-year-old education and training.

What is the tuition for Northampton community college?

In-state tuition 10,080 USD, Out-of-state tuition 14,880 USD (2019 – 20)Northampton Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

Steps to prepare for the upcoming semester

Click here to review recommendations for devices, internet browsers, and software. Also check out our YouTube channel for a wide variety of student-focused video tutorials. Refer to the Online Learning FAQ for additional information.

Blackboard login instructions

Logging into Blackboard is a seperate process from logging into other NCC accounts.

What is the username and password for Blackboard?

The username and password for the app are the same username and password as you would use on your computer when logging directly into Blackboard. For login instructions, refer to "Blackboard (Logging In). To download the app on your smart phone, follow these instructions .

How to contact Office 365?

For assistance accessing email or installing Office 365, contact [email protected] or call 610-861-5413. For assistance with how to use email or for training, follow this link and schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach.

What is Ultra Experience?

Blackboard Collaborate (Ultra Experience) is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual a whiteboard to interact. Ultra opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any software ( Launcher) to join a session.

What is read and write?

Read and Write is a literacy software that is available to download on your computer and mobile devices. Some of the features include: being able to have a document read back to you, study skill tools, a PDF reader, audio maker and screen shot reader (which may help read a document that is scanned in poor quality).

Is high speed internet good?

High speed broadband internet access (LAN, Cable or DSL) is highly recommended. Note that the following factors can negatively impact your internet strength: Using a shared Internet connection could impact connectivity – shared connection could include streaming TV, gaming, or other online activities.


Blackboard & Educational Technology Resources

  • The Blackboard Learning System™ is an industry-leading software application used to power virtual learning environments, supplement classroom education and as a platform for online learning programs. Featuring a robust core set of capabilities that enable instructors to efficiently manage courses, author content, create assignments, and foster collaboration, among other ke…
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Training Choices

  • Throughout the academic year training sessions are offered on a variety of topics which include Blackboard and other technologies. These sessions are delivered face-to-face on both the Main and Monroe Campus as well as online through Blackboard's Web-Conferencing Tool, Collaborate. Online Registration for all Blackboard & Technology Training sessions is preferred. Click on the f…
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Training Topics

  • For instructors who are new to the Blackboard platform, or for those instructors who need to refresh their learning on a particular area of Blackboard, we offer training on the following: 1. Getting Started in Blackboard: Including Building and Customizing your Quality Designed Course and Setting up Grade Center. New Features in Blackboard Learn™ 2. (new)xpLor - is a cloud-bas…
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Training Resources

  • Self-paced training using the step-by-step training documents and multimedia tutorials are available for you on a 24/7 basis. Click here for all Blackboard & Technology Resources
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Multimedia Tutorials on Blackboard

  • Faculty Training Tutorials
    1. Click learn more about new social learning tools and features in Blackboard. 2. Select training videos covering the design and creation of content for your course.
  • Student Focused Tutorials
    1. Click as submitting an assignment, discussion board thread or taking a test online. 2. Student Blackboard Help is accessible at Please contact …
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