how to get around a post first on blackboard

by Sidney Marvin 8 min read

How do I login to blackboard from post University?

May 30, 2021 · If you are looking for how to get past post first thread on blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Threads | Blackboard Help. Select Edit to open the editor. After you make your updates, select Save Draft again to update the draft or Submit to …

What can I do on Blackboard?

Feb 05, 2022 · If you have set up a Blackboard avatar your chosen picture will appear beside your posts. … When you open a thread you see the first message and any subsequent replies. … It is recommended to only use Submit. 9. Blackboard Quick Tip: Make a ‘Post-First’ Discussion | IDeaS … Blackboard Quick Tip: Make a ‘Post-First’ Discussion ...

How do I login to my post University account?

Blackboard easily allows instructors to change from a “regular” discussion forum to a “post-first” (before students have posted, obviously). The post-first option was possible in ANGEL, too, but I think under-used. Its advantages are that it forces students to create an original post (called a thread in Blackboard) before they can reply ...

What is PostPost University doing to improve student experience?

Jul 28, 2017 · Instructors can choose this option when they create new discussions or edit existing discussions (as long as there are no student responses or replies). With the setting enabled, students only see the instructor's initial post. This allows them to reply with their own thoughts and ideas, unbiased by their peers' contributions.


What is a post first discussion forum?

Creating a discussion forum where students have to post first before they can see posts. Full Instructional PDF. Instructors may want to create a discussion forum where students have to respond to the prompt before they can see the responses of classmates. This is called a Q and A Forum.

Can a student delete a discussion post on Blackboard?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

What is collapse post in Blackboard?

Select Collapse to minimize a post and increase the vertical screen space. If your instructor enabled the rate posts feature in a forum's settings, Overall Rating displays the average rating for a post. When you point to the rating area, it changes to show Your Rating.

What is a post first discussion forum on Blackboard?

In an effort to encourage student originality, Blackboard has released a new feature which allows faculty to set the Discussion Board to Post-First. This setting will prevent students from reading other students' threads until they have posted their own threads. Discussion Board: Post-First.

What does clear flag mean on blackboard?

Clear Flag will delete set flags on selected messages.

Can I edit a discussion post on Blackboard?

You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts. Open a forum and select a thread.

Can anyone see my blackboard draft?

Drafts Only: A thread saved by any user that is not published to the forum but can be edited and then published for everyone to see. Posts in draft mode are only visible to the person who wrote them.

How do I get to site manager in Blackboard?

Sign in to your website to access the Site Manager. After you sign in, find Site Manager in the basic navigation or dashboard and select it.

How do I delete a student submission on blackboard?

In your course, go to the Control Panel > Full Grade Centre.Click on the downward grey chevron arrow icon in the right of the cell corresponding to the submission. ... Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page.Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered.More items...•Jul 17, 2018

What is yellow on blackboard?

The grade pill for each assessment question and graded item may appear in colors or with dark backgrounds. For the colored grade pills, the highest score range is green and the lowest is red. ... 89–80% = yellow/green. 79–70% = yellow.

Are discussions correct?

1 Answer. They are both grammatical, and in most cases interchangeable. Discussion is one of those words which can be a mass noun or a count noun. As a mass noun it means the act of discussing in general, as a count noun it means a single event of discussing.

How long should discussion board posts be?

75-150 wordsPosts should be within a range of 75-150 words. Make certain that all posts and responses address the question, problem, or situation as presented for discussion. This does not mean you should not extend the topic, but do not stray from the topic.

Step 1: Edit Mode

Edit Mode is a slider located near the top right of the page. This gives you the opportunity to see exactly what your students see (Edit Mode Off) when they log in.

Step 2: Main Page

This is the first page your students will see when they log into Blackboard and view the FIG Class Page. By default, this also serves as the Announcement Page. Any Announcements you create will appear on this page for the convenience of your students.

Step 3: Announcements

By clicking on the “Create Announcement” button from the main page, you are brought to the Create Announcement page. This is most often used for text and/or link comments that your students simply need to read. Information about assignments or course content will be discussed on later slides.

Step 4: Time Options

Time Options give you opportunity to tailor your Announcements by date. You can create a future announcement that will not appear to students until a certain date and remove itself from view at a certain time as well. These options are available for all Announcements, Assignments and other items you post on Blackboard.

Step 5: Syllabus

By clicking on the Syllabus button on the left list you are brought to the Syllabus page.

Step 6: Instructor Info

By clicking on the Instructor Info button on the left list you are brought to the Contacts page. This is the best place to post the contact information for both you and your CoFac. (be sure to double check with your CoFac to see what is the most appropriate way for students to contact them if necessary).

Step 7: Course Content

By clicking on the Course Content button on the left list you are brought to the Course Content page. This is a good place to post anything that does not fit as an Announcement or an Assignment. Many professors post their class notes, web links and other useful files on this page.


If any of the six main tiles are not appearing in your portal, you may be able to enable them manually. Just click on “personalize” in the top right corner of the portal and check any of the boxes that aren’t already enabled in the window that appears. If for any reason these tiles still aren’t appearing, please reach out to your advisor.


Coming soon! This feature will be available in the My Academics section of the portal and will allow students to see their progress against their degree program requirements, remaining requirements and transfer credits as applied to their degree. In the meantime, you can reach out to your Academic Advisor (ASC) for details about this information.

Financial Aid

You can check your balance by clicking on the “View Your Financial Profile” tile. This page contains a lot of helpful information related to your finances here at Post. You can review the ledger for expected disbursements, such as Pell Grant, federal student loans, TA, VA benefits.
