how to find assignments on wku blackboard

by Prof. Mae Breitenberg 8 min read

Click "Assignments" in the lefthand Blackboard menu to view them. Within every assignment folder is a list of all the topics and tasks for this portion of the learning module, including due date and possible points for each task. In case of a discrepancy, the information on Blackboard will be taken as the authoritative due date or point value.

Full Answer

What do I need to login to blackboard and mywku?

Oct 19, 2021 · If you are looking for how to find assignments on wku blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Blackboard | Western Kentucky University. Bb is where you will submit assignments, take quizzes and stay up-to-date with important announcements. It’s important …

How do I access blackboard?

Sep 15, 2020 · It's important to check Blackboard frequently (at least 3 times each week), as new assignments may be announced. Blackboard can be accessed at or through the myWKU Portal, which is what we recommend. Both Blackboard and myWKU require your NetID and password to login.

What can I expect to find in my blackboard course?

May 14, 2014 · Issue/Question. I cannot find an assignment my instructor put on Blackboard. Environment. Blackboard; Cause. It is at the instructor's discretion as to when and if assignments are accessible, as well as to where the assignment might reside.

How do I register for a blackboard workshop?

Instructions on double-spacing text in Blackboard assignments and discussion boards. Edge Submits 0 Byte Assignment File Information on what to do when Microsoft Edge submits a 0 byte file when the file is open at the time of submission in Blackboard.



It is at the instructor's discretion as to when and if assignments are accessible, as well as to where the assignment might reside.


Check with the instructor as to where it should be located and if it is available or if it has adaptive release or time-based restrictions on it.


If you are looking for an assignment in your course, ensure that Edit Mode is enabled.

Access Denied Error

Information regarding the following error on Blackboard: Access Denied: Resource does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to access this resource.

Adding a Supervisor as Instructor

Instructions for supervisors on being added as an instructors to Blackboard courses.

Adding Blackboard Calendar to iOS Calendar

Instructions for adding external calendar link from Blackboard to an iPhone or an iPad.

Allow Students a Choice of Assignments

Instructions on exempting students from assignments to allow them a choice without affecting overall grade totals.

Available Training for Students

Information regarding Blackboard training for new Blackboard students.

Blackboard Showing Up As Mobile-Friendly View

Information regarding Blackboard displaying as a mobile-friendly view when using Blackboard on a non-mobile browser.

Blank Screen after Previewing Document

Information about what to do when previewing a document in Blackboard in Safari.

What is English 200?

Welcome to English 200, another intensiv e course in college-level writing, reading, and critical thinking. My hope is that you will find the course academically challenging, intellectually interesting, and personally satisfying. In this course you will continue the inquiry, critical thinking, and writing that will assure your success at WKU. Moreover, I hope that you will establish some good friendships in this class as you share ideas, work with each other in groups, and come to value the intellectual life as a conversation of differing views about interesting and significant problems. You will learn how to understand and (perhaps) even enjoy literature. You will discover how to critically evaluate literature, a process that can help you enjoy the text more fully. The key to success is participation. Shape the class to suit your needs by contributing something of yourself each day. You are welcome to suggest topics and materials for assignments and discussions.

What is recycled writing?

Recycled writing means reusing an essay written in a previously or simultaneously taken course (this includes high school essays). All assignments turned in for this course must be original to our ENG 200 course. If I find out you have submitted a recycled assignment, you will receive a zero for the assignment’s grade and will need to draft an original essay to fulfill the minimum requirements of the course (see minimum course requirements section)

Is plagiarism tolerated in college?

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If a student in this class is suspected of cheating, plagiarism or any act of academic dishonesty, they are subject to the following disciplinary actions, under the discretion of the instructor: grade penalty will be applied up to course failure.
