how to edit discussion forums in blackboard

by Thelma Paucek 9 min read Edit a forum. On the Discussion Board page, open a forum's menu and select Edit. On the Edit Forum page, change the forum's name, description, availability, or settings.

Edit a forum
  1. On the Discussion Board page, open a forum's menu and select Edit.
  2. On the Edit Forum page, change the forum's name, description, availability, or settings.
  3. Select Submit.

Full Answer

How do I print discussion board content from Blackboard?

Dec 11, 2021 · How To Edit Your Discussion Board Post In Blackboard. 1. Manage Discussions | Blackboard Help. Edit or delete replies · ... 2. Manage Discussions | Blackboard Help. 3. Blackboard Help for Students …

How to set up a discussion board in Blackboard?

Jun 07, 2021 · Hover over the forum you wish to edit the settings for and click the chevron next to the forum name and select Edit from the menu. Setting up Forum Information and Availability You will now see a screen labeled Edit Forum.

How do I create a discussion board?

Oct 11, 2021 · You can either edit this forum (click on the gray circle and choose “Edit”) or you can delete it and start fresh. See image. Enter a title for the forum (the topic to be discussed) and, if desired, enter discussion instructions in the description field. Click submit.For more information about forum settings, see this page.

How do I post on the discussion board in Blackboard?

May 29, 2021 · 1. Manage Discussions | Blackboard Help. Edit a forum. On the Discussion Board page, open a forum's menu and select Edit. On the Edit Forum page, change the forum's name, description, availability, or settings. Select Submit. 2. Manage Discussions | …


Is there a way to edit a discussion post on Blackboard?

ULTRA: Edit and delete your discussion topics Jump to the "Original" help on editing or deleting a post. On the main Discussions page, open a discussion you created to access the menu. Select Edit to make changes. You can't edit the discussion title after you've created it.

How do I edit a forum?

Editing ForumsClick the forum's Action Link to access the contextual menu.Select Edit.On the Edit Forum page, edit the forum Name and give the forum a description.Edit the Forum Availability.Edit the Forum Settings.Click Submit.

Why can't I edit my post on Blackboard?

You can edit or delete your own posts only if your instructor has made those options available to you. You cannot edit or delete others' posts. If you post a message in error and the option to delete it is not available to you, contact your instructor.

How do I reorder discussions in Blackboard?

Navigate to the Blackboard discussion forum(s). Hover your mouse cursor over the left side the forum you wish to move. A cross-hair cursor will appear. Left click, hold, and drag the forum up or down to be in the appropriate position.Jul 24, 2013

How do I edit a forum post?

How do I edit my own forum post?Locate the forum post.Scroll to find the message you posted and wish to edit.Click on the “More” link:Select Edit:When you're done editing, click post to apply your changes.

How do I edit my discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.Open a forum and select a thread.On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit.The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.Select Submit.

How do I turn on Edit mode in Blackboard?

How do I use this?Open Blackboard and choose the course you want to work with.Click the Edit Mode button, on the top right of the screen, to toggle Edit Mode On or Off.Oct 22, 2018

Can you delete a discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions. ... The deletion message also appears if students delete discussion topics they created.

Editing Forums

As the discussion progresses, editing forum settings may help resolve discussion issues. For example, if students are posting to the wrong topic, fine-tune the forum name or description to clarify the forum’s purpose. If all forums were created at the beginning of the term and made unavailable, any forum can be edited to make it available.

Copying Forums

Discussion forums can be copied and added to the current Discussion Board or to a Group Discussion Board in the same course.

Changing the Order of Forums

Reorder the forums by pressing the move icon, the double-tipped arrow or handle next to an item, and use the drag-and-drop function to move the forum into place.

Deleting Forums

You can delete forums and threads no longer used. When a forum or thread is removed, all content and grades are permanently deleted. For example, delete an ungraded forum used to discuss questions about a completed assignment.

What is a forum in a discussion board?

A forum is an area of the discussion board where participants discuss a topic or a group of related topics. Within each forum, users can create multiple threads. When your instructor creates a forum, they may or may not let you start threads.

What is a list view?

List View presents the threads in a table format. Different functions may appear. For example, if email subscription is enabled for the forum, a Subscribe function appears. Threads that contain any unread posts appear in bold type.

Watch a video about creating forums

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

View a forum

When you open a forum, a list of threads appears. When possible, use the breadcrumbs to navigate to a previous page. If you use the back function on your browser, you may see page load errors.

Allow email alerts for new discussion posts

If you enable subscriptions, students can choose to receive email alerts for new posts or replies. You can allow students to subscribe to an entire forum or to specific threads within a forum.
