how to do online prelab in blackboard

by Rahsaan Flatley 5 min read

How do I use the Prelab?

Set the hostname of the machine to be host..ops. Check blackboard for your assigned domain name. Set the timezone to Americas/Toronto; Select Server with GUI as the installation type. The partition setup will be similar to what you had in previous OPS courses. Delete any old partitions on the drive.

What should I ask my students to think about in pre-lab?

Self-Guide: For using as an online reference while writing the PreLab in a non-interactive mode. A printable version is available at the PreLab homepage. PreLab Handout: For printing and filling out the PreLab questions by hand or by copying and pasting into a word processing program. Best for students who prefer to work with a non-interactive ...

What is labwrite Prelab?

pre-lab. The images shown are the pages for the prelab template. You will have this document available to you through Blackboard. The pre-lab will be turned in at the beginning of the lab. Each pre-lab uses the same template and needs to be completed before performing the experiment. Check to see if your TA will accept typed pre-labs.

Can I create my own pre-lab assignments for my students?

blackboard) 5. Read the following on blackboard. 1) General notes (2) Remote_Lab_Instructions. For each lab XX do the following (1) Read the Lab manual for lab XX. (2) Watch the video for Lab XX. (3) Then at the remote GROUP file share area for Lab XX Brief notes with data 6. The Lab XX Brief notes with data file has several sets of sample data. Students should use the first two


What is a prelab?

The PreLab offers a valuable learning experience for your students. The basic strategy for the PreLab assignment is to ask students to answer the PreLab questions and to turn their answers in to you before the lab by email or by another method. However, there are a variety of other teaching strategies you can employ:

What is LabWrite Prelab?

LabWrite PreLab leads students through a set of questions they should answer in preparation for lab units requiring lab reports. The point is to shape the lab experience as scientific inquiry before they even set foot in the lab. PreLab does this by asking students to identify what they are supposed to be learning when doing the lab, what the goals of the lab are, and what hypothesis they would project for the outcomes of the lab procedure. In addition to preparing students for the lab, the answers to these questions provide what amounts to a draft of the Introduction for their reports.

What is lab in science?

Lab, unlike lecture, represents professional science in practice; if students recognize this, they will gain a better understanding of what science truly is and may be more motivated in their lab work. Preparing students for lab involves the following: Helping students understand the models, theories, and principles addressed in ...

What is a pre-lab assignment?

Pre-lab assignments are tasks or homework that students complete before arriving in class for the lab period. Pre-lab assignments motivate students to prepare for the lab and help them connect conceptual understanding with an experiment. There are several advantages for students in using a pre-lab assignment: ...

1. What scientific concept (s) is this lab about?

Identify the scientific concept (s) (principle, theory, law) of the lab and write what you know about the concept (s) from the lab manual, textbook, class notes, handouts, etc.

2. What are the objectives for this lab?

Objectives are the activities you are being asked to do in order to complete the lab experiment. Often the objectives are listed in the lab manual. You can list the objectives or write them in a paragraph. If they are not listed in the lab manual, read the lab procedure and figure out from the procedure what the objectives of the lab are.

3. What is the overall purpose of the lab?

Briefly describe how what you are being asked to do in the lab (the objectives) will help you learn about the lab's scientific concept (s). In other words, show the link between your response to question #2 (what you will do in the lab) to your response to question #1 (what you are supposed to be learning about by doing the lab).

4. What is your hypothesis for the lab experiment?

First, identify the variables in the experiment. Then state your hypothesis --the relationship or interaction among the variables, the outcome of the experiment you anticipate. Your hypothesis may be stated in 1-2 sentences or sketched out as a graph.

5. What reasoning did you use to arrive at your hypothesis?

Explain your hypothesis using the scientific concept of this lab to show the reasoning behind your prediction.
