how to do an unfolding case study on blackboard

by Dr. Maxwell Gleichner I 10 min read

Why should I use unfolding case studies?

Oct 16, 2021 · How To Do An Unfolding Case Study On Blackboard 1. Course Structure: Case Study – Blackboard Help https://help.blackboard. 2. Using Unfolding Case Studies to Develop Clinical … – QSEN Using Unfolding Case Studies to Develop Clinical... 3. Develop Critical Thinking Skills through Online Simulations ...

Are online unfold case studies and virtual clinicals open-ended?

Case Studies Cases Studies is your central instructor-designed content area. Use it to prepare your students for the in-depth study of the cases ahead. Create folders divided by case or topic and include all related materials, such as instructions, readings, lectures, and assignments. Provide students with clear guidelines for what their

How do you use forethought in a case study?

Jul 03, 2019 · Unfolding case studies as a teaching strategy are ideal for novice learners in a pre-licensure nursing program. The author has used unfolding case studies to illustrate principles of patient-centered care and safety in a Health and Illness course in a concept-based curriculum. First semester students develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes ...

What is Carol’s case study approach?

Jan 14, 2021 · Once students have completed and submitted the unfolding case study simulation, the case study should be reviewed together with all students to enhance student learning and understanding. Ensure that students are on the same page and can answer questions, or provide clarification if needed.


What is an unfolding case study?

In unfolding case studies, students are asked to use clinical forethought to predict what could happen next. By asking questions after each incremental stage, the instructor provides prompts students to consider how nursing actions contribute to the patient's trajectory.Jul 3, 2019

How do case studies help nursing students?

The use of case studies as a means by which to present a lesson ultimately allows students to make their own decisions regarding plans of care for patients. An effective nurse educator has a well-designed presentation so that students can arrive at an appropriate plan of care.Jul 4, 2013

What is a case study for students?

Case studies are stories that are used as a teaching tool to show the application of a theory or concept to real situations. Dependent on the goal they are meant to fulfill, cases can be fact-driven and deductive where there is a correct answer, or they can be context driven where multiple solutions are possible.

How do you write a case study methodology?

Step 1: Select a case. Once you have developed your problem statement and research questions, you should be ready to choose the specific case that you want to focus on. ... Step 2: Build a theoretical framework. ... Step 3: Collect your data. ... Step 4: Describe and analyze the case.May 8, 2019

How do you write a case study assignment?


How do you write a student case study?

From these steps you will create the content of your case study.Describe the situation/problem. The reader needs to have a clear understanding of the situation for which a solution is sought. ... Give background. ... Describe the solution. ... Evaluate the response to the solution. ... Tell the whole story.May 20, 2020

How do you lead a case study discussion?

Want to Facilitate a Case-Study in Your Class?Based on group size, break into subgroups as needed.Lead the discussion with guided questions and discussion.Record key pieces of information on the board.Keep track of time.

What is a case study focused on?

While every case study that is focused on patient-centered care includes patient preferences, values, and beliefs; individual case studies can be tailored to focus on psychosocial, financial, emotional and/or developmental aspects that might also influence the patient’s health.

Where are college answers written?

Answers are written in the Learning Management System used by your college, on paper, or on a notecard and turned in after each stage. The instructor may choose to add course content during the time between each stage. Students cannot change their answers to previous stages.

What is the purpose of informed prediction?

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for students to describe patient-centered care, to identify safety interventions, to explain clinical forethought and to value seeing health care through the patient’s eyes.

What is clinical judgment?

Clinical judgment requires forethought, which is the process of looking ahead to the needs of the patient to prevent problems before they occur. It is described by Patricia Benner (2008) as a “habit of thought and action” that involves “future think.”.

What is clinical forethought?

The predictions and actions involved in clinical forethought are obvious to the experienced nurse and unfamiliar to novice students as they lack professional experience . Clinical forethought can be introduced using unfolding case studies that encourage students to make a patient’s values, preferences and beliefs an important factor in their care .

What did the nurse tell Jean to call?

The clinic nurse told Jean to call if she needed anything. Jean was a strong independent woman, as she had to be after becoming a widow at such a young age. But now, she was facing an unexpected diagnosis of cancer. Stage I Questions: 1. Underline the words in the case study that stands out for you as important.

What did the CT scan reveal about the mother of the child?

A CT scan revealed cancer had metastasized (spread) to her brain. The doctor and nurse discussed the situation with her four sons. The four sons were unable to stay with their mother.

Why are unfolding case studies not just a case study?

They are not just a case study, because they realistically simulate clinical thinking are really a low-fidelity simulation. Applying best practices of simulation, structure the virtual clinical using an unfolding case study by including the following components: Identify, then post the unfolding case study.

How to do a case study in a medical school?

Get started using the following steps: 1 Provide the first sentence of a case study simulation scenario by giving the patient’s name, age, ethnicity, and relevant past medical history. Let students develop the remainder of this scenario based on their knowledge of the topic you are teaching. 2 To successfully implement this strategy, I provide a template of both a concise Skinny Reasoning case study format or a more complex template for advanced students in the all-inclusive membership. If you are already a member, go to the classroom tools button on the homepage, click on the classroom tools button, and download this document and put it to use! 3 Once students have developed this opening scenario on a typical presentation of sepsis, have them continue to work through an unfolding case study by creating expected normal and abnormal vital signs, nursing assessment findings, diagnostic lab results, and nursing priorities, and the plan of care. 4 Alternating your virtual clinical with a reverse case study that students create with an already completed scenario in a KeithRN unfolding case study provides a way to easily mix it up and keep students engaged in the learning process. 5 Use the same principles of prebriefing of essential content before, then debriefing afterward, with individual student reflection, when students create a case study. 6 Instead of a guided faculty discussion, each student’s clinical group presents their unfolding patient care scenario on the assigned topic. Allow other students to provide feedback. Guide if students get off track or have questions.

Why is debriefing important in high fidelity simulation?

Debriefing afterward is essential just as it is in high-fidelity simulation because it provides a chance for group reflection, which facilitates the development of clinical judgment.

What is a student version of a KeithRN case study?

The student version of any KeithRN case study is a writable PDF document that can be posted in your LMS prior to clinical. This gives you flexibility as an educator.

When is downtime present for any reason, use the concise SKINNY Reasoning level?

When downtime is present for any reason, use the concise SKINNY Reasoning level to have a student work through and complete as part of the clinical assignment when a supplemental resource is needed.

How many hours are needed for virtual clinical?

How many hours are needed for your virtual clinical to satisfy the Board of Nursing requirements in your state? Since some states allow a 2 to 1 ratio of simulation to clinical experience and will need a 3 to 4-hour activity to provide a virtual clinical replacement activity.

What is the purpose of unfolding case studies?

The purpose of an unfolding case study is to provide opportunities to observe and assess students’ ability to change their mental model of a problem situation when they are presented with additional information that might expand the scope of the problem, confirm some hypothetical problem parameters but not others, or even conflict with their original conceptualization of the problem.

Do you complete an illness complaint report before a call is ended?

Before the call is ended, you complete an Illness Complaint Report as required for all incoming calls. You consider whether or not to investigate further as you review the following information:
