how to delete a module page on blackboard

by Jairo King 5 min read

To remove a module from Blackboard Entry page:

  • Click Add Module.
  • Click the Remove button. Note: Some modules are required and cannot be deleted.

To remove a module from Blackboard Entry page:
Click Add Module. Click the Remove button.

Full Answer

How do I access the course content collection in Blackboard?

To remove a module from Blackboard Entry page: Click Add Module. Click the Remove button. Note: Some modules are required and cannot be deleted.

How do I delete a course file?

From the Blackboard Classroom, click My Home Page.; You will need to click Add Module in the upper left to be able to add and remove each module.. Search or Browse by Category to find a Module. Click the “ (More) ” link to view more information about what the modules do. A module may have more than one page; click the page arrows or "Show All" button to view additional …

What happens when I delete a learning module with content?

Sep 08, 2021 · To delete a wiki page, navigate to the wiki in your course and click on the Wiki name. · Click the chevron arrow next to the wiki page that you … 3. Deleting a Wiki or Wiki Page. You might prefer instead to make the Wiki unavailable to students. If you need to delete one: Log into Blackboard, and …

What is blackboard ally and how do I use it?

Sep 06, 2021 · Delete a module, The check box for the module in the list, and then Delete. 3. How do I remove classes from my course list in Blackboard? … it in your course list, you can remove it from the My Courses section on the Welcome to Learn page or the Courses tab in Blackboard. 4. Removing Courses from Blackboard


How do I hide a module in Blackboard?

This article will walk you through how to perform this function.After logging into Blackboard, put you rmouse over the Course List module and click on the Gear icon.Locate the course(s) you would like to hide and click the box to uncheck the boxes that are checked off.Click Submit at the bottom of the page when done.More items...•May 22, 2017

What is a module page in Blackboard?

Course module pages contain details about new content and due dates for the course you're in. Information is presented in boxes called modules, such as My Announcements, My Tasks, To Do, and What's New. The system generates the information in each module. You can't add your own content to module pages.

How do I edit a module in Blackboard?

Manage ModulesOn the Administrator Panel, in the Communities section, select Tabs and Modules.Select Modules. This table describes the available tasks. Managing modules. To. Select. Add a module. Create Module. Delete a module. The check box for the module in the list, and then Delete. Edit a module. ... Select Submit.

How do I edit a module?

Editing Module ContentMouse over the Edit button in the module action menu. This displays the editing options that are available to the current user.Select the Edit option displayed for the module. The name beside the button will change depending on the module. For Example, Edit Content is displayed for the HTML.

What is the module page used for?

The modules page is meant to contain course items in a chronological structure by design (not automatic). It can be accessed in any part of the course page by clicking on the Modules link shown in the left-hand navigation menu. Below is information as well as considerations and tips for using the modules page.

What is the difference between a module page and a content folder in Blackboard?

Unlike the content folder, a learning module will give you and your students a table of contents that automatically lists the content you put within the module. You can enforce sequential viewing of the items in the learning module, so students will need to access the items in the order than you determine.Jul 29, 2021

How do I delete something from Blackboard?

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

How do I customize my Blackboard page?

Select Teaching Style from the Customization section of the Control Panel to customize the course style in the following ways:Change the course entry point. ... Select a Menu Style. ... Select a default content view – Icon Only, Text Only, or Icon and Text.Add a banner to the top of the course Home Page. ... Click Submit.

How do I delete all content from a course in Blackboard?

In the Control Panel, click Packages and Utilities to expand this menu and click Bulk Delete. In the Select Content Materials to Delete section, select the check boxes for all of the materials within the course that you want to delete.

How do I delete a module in canvas?

Locate the item in the module to remove. Click the settings icon and choose Remove.

How do I edit an existing module in canvas?

To edit your Module titleClick on Modules in the Course Navigation menu on the left side of your Canvas course.Locate the name of the module and click on the Options icon then select Edit.Edit the module settings you want to change.More items...•Feb 8, 2018

How do you create a module?

Here are our recommended steps to follow when building effective training modules:Step 1: Establish your training objectives. ... Step 2: Define your audience. ... Step 3: Decide on the right content format. ... Step 4: Create your training module template. ... Step 5: Test and test again. ... Step 6: Upload and launch your training module.Aug 2, 2021

What's new module?

The What's New module reports on additions and changes to course content. The module displays the number of new items for each content type and provides links to them in your courses. The module shows items within the last seven days.

What are some examples of modules?

Examples of modules include My Announcements, What's New, and Calculator. You may be allowed to minimize or remove modules, but your institution can require some modules to appear. You may also be allowed to edit the settings for some modules. Modules can appear on the My Institution tab or on course module pages instructors add to courses, ...

How to open a module in a separate window?

To open a module in a separate window, select the Open in a new window icon located at the top of each module. If the icon doesn't appear, the option isn't available for that module.
