how to connect iclicker to class

by Mireya Kshlerin 8 min read

How to Connect Your Base and Download iClicker Classic

  • Connect the iClicker base receiver to your computer through a USB port. An iClicker base is required if you want to allow students to participate in class using iClicker remotes.
  • Download iClicker software. If you have iClicker on a flash drive please skip to the next step. ...
  • Running iClicker from a flash drive. ...

Full Answer

How do I Register my iClicker remote for a class?

To upload clicker points to your Canvas course Grades. In your iClicker Gradebook, first click the Sync Roster button (this will update your students as well as update their clicker registrations) Then click the Sync Scores button. Choose Select All or …

How do I create a new iClicker course?

Register a Remote. Your remote ID is printed on your iClicker remote as an 8-character code (see image). Your instructor will provide the answers to the following questions in order to register your remote for their class. Be sure to contact your instructor before you register.

How do I connect my students to their clicker points?

Open iClicker and select Open Gradebook for the class you wish to sync. Select Sync Roster in the upper menu. Enter your WUSTL key information when prompted. Authorize iClicker to access your Canvas. Select the Canvas course you wish to sync the iClicker roster to. Click to see full answer Thereof, how do I sync my iClicker to Blackboard?

Do I need an iClicker base for my site?

iClicker Classic. 1. Connect the iClicker Classic base receiver to your computer through a USB port. The LCD screen on the receiver lights up indicating that the receiver has power. Your computer may notify you that it recognizes new hardware and inform you when it is ready to use this hardware. This step may take a few seconds to complete.


How do I connect my iClicker to my class?

Sign in to the iClicker student mobile or web app. Select the plus sign from the Courses list. Select your institution. Then, search for, select, and add your instructor's course.Dec 17, 2021

How do you use the iClicker remote in class?

To begin using your iClicker2 remote, press the Orange button (Power) to turn on the iclicker2 remote. To answer multiple choice (A – E) questions using the iClicker2 remote: 1. After the timer begins, once you are ready to enter your answer for the question, press one of the A-E buttons to select your answer.

How do I connect my iClicker to Blackboard?

which you want to synchronize the grades to Blackboard • Go to and sign into your online iClicker instructor account. Make sure to select the Gradebook tab, then click Sync Grades. indicates that the student has used the iClicker link within your Blackboard course.

Where is my clicker ID?

Note: The ID is on the back of your clicker. It is a 6-digit combination of numbers and/or letters.

Do schools still use Iclickers?

A: No. We have no plans to discontinue the iClicker remotes. Students can choose to participate with iClicker remotes, mobile devices or laptops.