how to cite something found on blackboard

by Bella Gorczany 4 min read

Citing from Blackboard If you retrieved lecture documents (not a journal article or an item available freely online) through a password protected portal such as Blackboard, you should not include the long URL from the Blackboard entry, instead use the homepage of Blackboard (i.e. Blackboard website:

Author: Last Name, First Name. "Title of Lecture/Article/Reading." Name of Course, Version, Day Month Year of Lecture. Blackboard or name of other course management tool.

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What is the best free citation machine?

Nov 22, 2021 · This guide will help you cite sources in APA Citation Style 6th Edition. … Format Your Paper · Format Your References List · Create an Annotated … Retrieved from Red Deer College Course name Blackboard site. … Fong’s 1987 study (as cited in Bertram, 1996) found that older students’ memory can be as … 7.

How to put a citation correctly?

Oct 08, 2021 · A: To cite something from a course website or Learning Management System (ie. Blackboard, Canvas), that is only accessible by a specific group of people, … 3.

Which citation style should I use?

Oct 13, 2021 · Since your professor uploaded the material, list the professor’s name in the “Other contributors” slot. Then list the publisher of the website (if different from the website’s title), the upload date (if known), and the URL: Levine, Caroline. “Hierarchy.”. Blackboard, uploaded by Mary Smith, 10 Oct. 2.

How to properly cite in MLA format?

Feb 02, 2022 · APA style according to the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual from the American Psychological Association.


How do you cite online course materials?

Online courses, including Moocs, can be cited by providing the instructors, year of course creation (if known), title of the course, site that hosts the course, and URL.

How do you cite a class resource?

Author, A. A. (publication date). Title of handout [Class handout]. Place of Publication: Publisher.Jan 21, 2022

How do I reference a lecture in Blackboard?

NAME (Year of presentation) Lecture title, from MODULE CODE Title of module. Teaching organisation, location and date of presentation. Available from: Blackboard [Accessed date].Jun 22, 2021

How do you cite something you said in a class?

Cite it only within the text. Cite quotes and paraphrases the same way: treat both as personal interviews. After the information, use parentheses to hold the professor's first initial, a period, last name, a comma, "personal communication" (without quotation marks), a comma, the month and day, a comma and the year.

Where do you cite sources?

References are usually listed at the end of the paper on a page called References, Works Cited, or Bibliography. Full references always include the author, title, and publication date of the source. They also include other information that helps identify the source.

How do you cite sources?

In your citation, the elements should be listed in the following order:Author.Title of source.Title of container,Other contributors,Version,Number,Publisher,Publication date,More items...

How do you cite a lecture?

When citing an oral presentation, like a class lecture, give:the speaker's name.the title of the presentation in quotation marks, if known.the name of the sponsoring organization.the date.the venue.the location. The city may be omitted if part of the venue name (e.g. Vancouver Convention Centre) (p. 50).

How do you reference a lecture?

Basic format to reference lecture notesAuthor or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.Year.Title (in italics).Description of format.Unit name and Unit code.University.Date lecture was delivered.Feb 3, 2022

How do you in-text cite a lecture?

To cite a video recording of a lecture, follow the format for citing videos, listing the speaker in the author position....How to Cite a Lecture in MLA (8th Edition) | Format and Examples.FormatSpeaker last name, First name. “Lecture Title.” Course or Event Name, Day Month Year, Venue, City.In-text citation(Dent)1 more row•Sep 13, 2019

How do you cite a module?

If you are providing an in-text reference to an online module text, you will need to provide the year of module start, instead of the year of publication. For example: Author (year of module start), or (Author, year of module start). comma) • The module code, block number and title (in italics).

How do I cite an online lecture in APA?

When citing an online lecture, use the following basic format: Author Last Name, First Initial(s). (Year). Title of lecture: Subtitles if applicable [file format].

How do I cite my professor's lecture in APA?

Citing a lecture in APA Style Instead, you should usually just cite the lecture as a personal communication in parentheses in the text. State the lecturer's name (initials and last name), the words “personal communication,” and the date of the lecture. For a talk at a conference, you do provide a full reference.Mar 19, 2021