how to cite articles on blackboard

by Karianne Nolan 9 min read

APA 7th Referencing Style Guide Resources from Blackboard You may want to cite works from your class website or learning management system (i.e. Blackboard). If they are recoverable by your audience, e.g. the instructor and fellow students, provide the name of the site and its URL (the login page URL).

Digital File posted on Blackboard or Other Learning System
Author: Last Name, First Name. "Title of Lecture/Article/Reading." Name of Course, Version, Day Month Year of Lecture. Blackboard or name of other course management tool.

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How do I reference items posted to BlackBoard Learn?

Nov 01, 2020 · Apr 16, 2011 – MLA Citation Style: Blackboard MaterialsLecture Notes Bartholomew, Jane. “Talking God.” Comm101, Blackboard. 16 Mar. 2011.

How do I cite a blackboard article or book chapter?

Dec 22, 2020 · How do you cite blackboard? Reference format Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Format of the document]. Platform e.g. Blackboard. How do you cite a course material in MLA? Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Course Pack, edited by Instructor’s First Name Last Name, Douglas College, Publication Date, pp.

How do I cite a website or learning management system?

Mar 31, 2022 · When creating references for items posted to Blackboard Learn, if there is a clear author and date stated on the PowerPoint/lecture notes/document, use them in your in-text citations and references. Additionally: Do not assume that the current year is the date of publication. Do not assume that your instructor is the author.

How do I cite course content in a paper?

Feb 18, 2022 · - Nursing: NSG 916 & NSG 912 - Research Guides at University of Tennessee Health Science Center Answer It depends on what type of document the attachment is. If it is a journal article made available by the course instructor, cite it as a journal article. There is no need to mention that it is retrieved from Blackboard.

How do you cite a blackboard assignment?

Reference format Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Format of the document]. Platform e.g. Blackboard.Nov 24, 2021

How do you cite a blackboard in APA?

(SOURCE) MAIN URL of University Learning Management System Author, A. (2020, June 19). Title of Canvas post, discussion board, or learning management system resource [Discussion board post, Canvas post, Class powerpoint, Class PDF, etc.].Mar 25, 2022

How do I cite an article in a class?

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Course pack for Name of Course, compiled by First Name Last Name of Instructor, Semester, Columbia College.Mar 7, 2022

How do I cite an online article?

Author's Last name, First name. “Title of the Article or Individual Page.” Title of the Website, Name of the Publisher, date of publication in day month year format, URL.

How do you reference the 7th APA?

In-text referencing APA 7th is an 'author/date' system, so your in-text references for all formats (book, journal article, web document) consists of the author(s) surname and year of publication. The basics of an in-text reference in APA: Include author or authors and year of publication. Use round brackets.Mar 31, 2022

How do you cite a response from an article?

Quote or paraphrase the material you plan to cite. Begin the quote with a single quotation mark, type the text, then close with a second quotation. Insert an opening parenthesis. Within the parentheses, type the author's last name followed by the page number if following MLA.

How do you cite an article?

The basic format is as follows: Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical, Day Month Year, pages.

How do I cite an article from a professor?

List the author of the chapter and the chapter title. List the title of the website as the title of the container, not the title of the book, since you found the chapter on the website rather than in the book. Since your professor uploaded the material, list the professor's name in the “Other contributors” slot.Oct 26, 2017

How do you cite a PDF from a teacher?

In a MLA citation, to cite a downloaded PDF, change the medium description to “PDF download.” To cite a PDF file available to view online, change the location description to the URL leading to the PDF. In an APA citation, cite a PDF the same way you would cite a webpage, including the URL leading to the PDF.

How do you cite an Article in-text APA?

When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.

How do I cite an Article from a website in APA?

When citing a web page or online article in APA Style, the in-text citation consists of the author's last name and year of publication. For example: (Worland & Williams, 2015). Note that the author can also be an organization. For example: (American Psychological Association, 2019).Nov 5, 2020

How do you cite an online Article in APA format?

Citing Online Articles in APA FormatAuthor name(s)Date of publication.Title of article.Title of source (e.g. journal, etc.) plus volume number and issue number.Inclusive page numbers of article.DOI (if included)

What is the medium of publication?

Medium of publication/file type is in regular font, except for software programs: PDF file, but Microsoft Word file. Date of access is optional, but it is best to give it if not using permalink or doi.

Do you have to include the author's name in an essay?

The Modern Language Association offers a practices template for works cited entries. . . If you choose not to include the author’s name in your essay text, you don’t have to give paragraph numbers or page numbers from the print preview function in the parenthetical citation: (Modern Language Association)

Why Add Permalinks to Licensed Electronic Resources in Blackboard?

According to Fair Use guidelines, a portion of a copyrighted work is permissible to post to a web page for classroom use - including Blackboard. These guidelines include the copying and pasting of a part or whole of a copyrighted work as well as uploading scanned copies.

How to Add Permalinks to Articles in BlackBoard

When putting links to articles from Iona’s subscription databases into a BlackBoard course it is important that you use the permalink (also called a stable link, durable link, persistent link, permanent link or document link) in order to ensure the link is valid and remains active.

Copyright for Articles Shared Via BlackBoard

Posting an item to Blackboard does not exempt an instructor from copyright regulations, however, it does allow educators to "stretch" the provisions of fair use.

APA Style

According the 7th edition of the Publication Manual, the way you cite course content depends on the audience of your paper. If the audience can access the sources in Brightspace or other online learning system, you will cite according to the type of resource (book, journal, PowerPoint slides, etc.).

MLA Style

MLA provides some guidelines on how to handle this in this post at the MLA Style Center: How do I cite a book chapter or handout that my professor uploaded to a Web site? This link opens in a new window

Chicago Style

Course materials should generally not be used as a source for assignments. Try and find another source which makes a similar point to your course materials instead of using it as a source.

Further Help

This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate way to cite sources in your class assignments and projects.