how to build course content in blackboard

by Mr. Manuel Volkman IV 10 min read

Blackboard – Adding Content Go into a Content area in your course, such as “Course Materials” or “Syllabus.” · Click on “Build Content.”

Part of a video titled Add Content to the Course Content Page in Blackboard Learn ...
First let's look at the create item menu. You can create tests assignments or discussions. CreateMoreFirst let's look at the create item menu. You can create tests assignments or discussions. Create learning modules and folders to organize your content and create documents and links.

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How do I create a course in Blackboard Learn?

Nov 13, 2021 · Go into a Content area in your course, such as “Course Materials” or “Syllabus.” · Click on “Build Content.” · Click on “Item.” · Enter a name for the “ … 11. Build a Course – Carnegie Mellon Blackboard. The “Edit Mode” button is in the upper right of a course content page.

Can students view course content in the Blackboard Student app?

In the Course Content area, which you can access from your course menu... Create course content folders using Build Content/Content Folder. Create course content pages using Build Content/Blank Page. Content pages created by the internal editor use the icon shown above. Hint: If you build a folder first, then go into the folder and choose Build Content/Blank Page, the page …

How do I create a new course?

33 rows · Create a course. On the Administrator Panel, in the Courses section, select Courses. Point to Create Course and select New. You can merge existing sections, allowing instructors to manage multiple sections of the same course through a single master course. To learn more, see How to Merge and Separate Child Courses.

What are hidden items in Blackboard instructor?

Student view of learning modules in Blackboard app. Navigate to a course item and select it. You'll access Settings one of these ways: Tap the gear icon at the top of the screen. Tap the three dots at the top of the screen and select Settings .


How do I organize content in Blackboard?

Blackboard offers a variety of ways to organize content in your course site....Open a Content Area(Assignments, Course Documents, etc.)Confirm that Edit Mode is ON.Put your cursor on Build Content.Select Content Folder.Enter a name for the Folder.Add a description and limit availability if desired.Click Submit.

How do I add content to a blackboard module?

QUICK STEPS: adding items to a Learning ModuleIn Edit Mode, on the Course Menu, click the Content Area containing the Learning Module.On the Content Area page, click the Learning Module's title.On the Learning Module's Action Bar, point to Build Content and click Item.On the Create Item page, enter a Name.More items...

How do I make my course look better on blackboard?

0:317:41Customizing your Blackboard Course - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou can see it especially over here above the top of your screen to change that background style.MoreYou can see it especially over here above the top of your screen to change that background style. You simply hover over what looks like paint samples in the upper right-hand corner.

What is course content blackboard?

Within the app, you can view the folders, documents, assessments, and other items you added in the web browser view of the course.

How do I add course content as module items?

If your course requires you to set usage rights for a file, you must set the usage right before you can publish the file in a module.Open Modules. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.Indent Item. Choose the Indentation drop-down menu to indent the item inside of the module.Add Item. ... View Module Item.

How do you create training content?

Robert Gagne's 9 Events Of InstructionGain learners' attention right at the beginning of the training. ... Present the learning objectives. ... Make learners use their current knowledge. ... Present the content. ... Guide the learners. ... Make learners use what they've just learned. ... Provide feedback. ... Test learners' knowledge.More items...•Aug 27, 2019

Can Blackboard be customized?

Did you know that you can change your Blackboard homepage to have a custom color palette? ... Users can choose a custom color palette by selecting the "Personalize page" option on the home screen and choosing a color palette, though this will not change the color palette for courses- that's set by professors.Jan 30, 2020

Can you change the color of your courses on Blackboard?

To help organize your classes in the Menu view, you can change the color of your course titles in the Blackboard Mobile Learn app. ... Tap on the dropper icon by the course whose color you wish to change. Color choices will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap a color to select it.Jan 14, 2019

How do I change my course picture in Blackboard?

Change the image in the Grid View for your course by selecting the menu option. Note: When using the Ultra Base Navigation it is recommended that you use the Chrome or Firefox Browser for optimal views. Click on the pencil icon to edit your image. Add the image and save.

What is the best method to organize course files?

How to Organize & Manage Your E-Learning Course FilesCreate Separate Master Folders. I like to start with a project folder that has all of my notes, resources, and production files. ... Keep All of the Files Together. This next approach is one that probably works best for most people. ... Create a Generic Folder Structure.Aug 31, 2010

Where is the course menu on Blackboard?

The course menu on the upper left side of the screen is the main course navigation tool. To customize the course menu, click on the + button and a menu appears. Tool Link lets you create a shortcut to any frequently used Blackboard tool, such as the Discussion Board, the Calendar, etc.

What does the blackboard icon mean?

A file's icon in Blackboard gives you useful information about the file's type. A generic looking icon such as the one above indicates that the file was imported from outside the Bb Learn system.

Is there a best practice for online courses?

There is no single best practice for all courses. As more and more work is done online, however, courses should shift away from the use of downloadable files (such as Word and PowerPoint documents) and towards the use of content that is directly readable online, in the browser. Even PDFs, which require a plug-in or helper application in order to be viewed, may create an access barrier for some students and should, therefore, be converted to web pages where practical. Content that has been converted to web pages is easiest to keep up-to-date, and least likely to cause access barriers.

Can I copyright an image?

Right-click on almost any web page graphic and your web browser can save a copy of the image to your computer.#N#Be mindful about copyrighted images. Under the concept of "fair use," you can use copyrighted images for educational purposes, but it's polite to include a photo credit and a link to the source of your images.

What is a course folder?

The course folder may be used as a sandbox for each course's instructors, teaching assistants, and course builders to create and share documentation amongst themselves. Additional permissions do not have to be applied because these roles already have default Full permission for their courses.

Can you manually add a folder to a course?

Folders cannot be manually added to the courses or organizations top level folders, but subfolders may be added using Add Folder once inside the specific course or organization folder.

What is learning module?

A learning module is a container for organized collections of content. You can view learning modules and edit some settings in the app, but you create them in the web browser view of your course. You can require students to complete the content in a sequence or allow students to explore the content in any order.

What happens when you open an attached file in the app?

When you open an attached file in the app, you can view, export, or print it. When you export, you can select one of the installed applications on your mobile device. For example, you can email the file or save to your cloud storage.

Can you delete Ultra Learning Modules?

For Ultra learning modules in Blackboard Instructor, you can edit the title, visibility, and description. You can also delete Ultra learning modules. To make further changes, access your course on a web browser. Item settings for learning modules aren't available for Original courses.


II. The Course Menu

  1. Caution: Never delete the Course Content link from the course menu; this deletes not just the link but the content itself, and this action cannot be undone! You’ll only get one warning!
  2. The course menu on the upper left side of the screen is the main course navigation tool. To customize the course menu, click on the +button and a menu appears.
  3. If you’re building a new course from an empty course shell, you should first create a Course C…
  1. Caution: Never delete the Course Content link from the course menu; this deletes not just the link but the content itself, and this action cannot be undone! You’ll only get one warning!
  2. The course menu on the upper left side of the screen is the main course navigation tool. To customize the course menu, click on the +button and a menu appears.
  3. If you’re building a new course from an empty course shell, you should first create a Course Content Area, which will be the container for all course materials, by clicking the + button and choosin...
  4. Tool Link lets you create a shortcut to any frequently used Blackboard tool, such as the Discussion Board, Messages, etc.

IV. Using The Text Editor

  1. Paste from Word: You can copy/paste text directly from Microsoft Word into Bb Learn. Such content can be easily edited later in Blackboard. This works much better than using Word to convert the doc...
  2. Saving Changes: Nothing is saved until you click the Submit button at either the top or bottom of a page so get in the habit of submitting changes frequently to avoid losing work.
  1. Paste from Word: You can copy/paste text directly from Microsoft Word into Bb Learn. Such content can be easily edited later in Blackboard. This works much better than using Word to convert the doc...
  2. Saving Changes: Nothing is saved until you click the Submit button at either the top or bottom of a page so get in the habit of submitting changes frequently to avoid losing work.
  3. You can hide a page from students using the Optionsbelow the text editor window.
  4. Notice something that’s missing? There’s no simple way in Blackboard to link from one content page directly to another page somewhere else in the course. We’ve submitted that as a feature request,...

VI. Rearranging What Students See

  1. Drag and drop to re-order files and folders in the Course Content area and to rearrange the links in the Course Menu.
  2. When Edit Mode is ON, all files and folders in the Course Content area have an Action Linkbutton to the right of their name. Click on that button to access a menu with the option to Move, Edit, or...
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VIII. The Content Collection

  1. In the Course Management Control Panel under Content Collection, the first item listed is your course’s public file storagearea.
  2. The second item listed, with your NAU ID, is your private file storagearea.
  3. The Content Collection is the place where all files that you brought in from outsideBlackboard are stored. (Content pages created with Blackboard’s internal editor are not visible here.)
  1. In the Course Management Control Panel under Content Collection, the first item listed is your course’s public file storagearea.
  2. The second item listed, with your NAU ID, is your private file storagearea.
  3. The Content Collection is the place where all files that you brought in from outsideBlackboard are stored. (Content pages created with Blackboard’s internal editor are not visible here.)
  4. Take some time and organize your Content Collection. Organize this area into folders by course module or by file typeto keep it from becoming a mess because, if you don’t organize it, Blackboard wi...

IX. Best Practices in Content Creation

  • There is no single best practice for all courses. As more and more work is done online, however, courses should shift away from the use of downloadable files (such as Word and PowerPoint documents) and towards the use of content that is directly readable online, in the browser. Even PDFs, which require a plug-in or helper application in order to be viewed, may create an access b…
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X. Accessible Design

  • All course content should be designed for universal access. Media (audio and video) should have a text transcript. All important course graphics should have image descriptions. If you have questions about how to make your course more accessible, contact e-Learning and/or Disability Resourcesfor assistance.
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Organize Course Content

  • Administrators can make the Courses folder in the Content Collection available to instructors, content designers, and students.
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Use The /Courses Or /Organizations Folders

  • The /courses and /organizationsfolders can be used in several ways: 1. As a sandbox for instructors, teaching assistants, and course builders to create and share documentation amongst themselves, which may be linked to from inside the course for sharing with the course members. 2. As a space for students to directly access or collaborate on some of the course content. 3. T…
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Use The /Courses Or /Organizations Folders as A Sandbox

  • The course folder may be used as a sandbox for each course's instructors, teaching assistants, and course builders to create and share documentation amongst themselves. Additional permissions do not have to be applied because these roles already have default Full permission for their courses. After content is created in the course folder, it may be linked to from inside th…
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Allow Students Selective Access to Course Or Organization Folders

  • Instructors may want students to have access to the course folder to collaborate on group projects or write to collective documentation. For this to happen, permission should be extended to students in the course on the top-level course folder-named using the course ID. Sub-folders can be made selectively unavailable by removing student permission to these private folders.
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Provide Storage, Workspace, and Access For Content Collections

  • Realistically, many institutions have groups of users who are not members of the same courses or organizations who should have access to the same content. To enable this, administrators can create a course ID or organization ID for a non-existent course, for example 'BotanyLevel1', and then enroll all users who will interact with content for that topic as instructors, course builders o…
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Create Folders in The Course Content Area

  • The course and organization folders use existing IDs (course IDs and organization IDs) to create subfolders. For example, if a course has a course ID of Biology100, the course folder in the Content Collection is automatically named Biology100. Folders cannot be manually added to the courses or organizations top level folders, but subfolders may be added using Add Folderonce i…
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Access The Course Content Area

  • Administrators should consider who has access to courses folders. By default, the system is set up to give full permission to the instructor, teaching assistants, and course builders. This also means that the folder is generated the first time one of these users opens on the Content Collection tab. To edit these default role designations, go to Content Area Management on the A…
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