how to access previous courses in blackboard

by George Cronin MD 5 min read

Log into Blackboard and go to My Courses. If the course code still appears in your list, then you can download your past assessment or assignment from the My Interim Results tab. If it is not in your list, contact the Course Coordinator to check if they have a copy filed.

Explore the courses page. From the list where your name appears, you can view a list of your courses. You can return to previous courses to review content, reuse material, and prepare your future courses. Your institution controls the page that appears after you log in.

Full Answer

How do I backup and restore a Blackboard Learn course?

Nov 07, 2020 · Once student access to a previous semester’s Blackboard course has been disabled, the only person who can access that course or make its contents available … 3. Find Your Courses | Blackboard Help

What is the automatic archive feature in Blackboard Learn?

Feb 19, 2022 · Access Old Courses · Email you a copy of the content you wish to access, or · Manually make his or her old Blackboard course available to … 6. How to find assignments from past courses on Blackboard.

How does Blackboard Learn create a new user account?

Nov 10, 2020 · Once student access to a previous semester’s Blackboard course has been disabled, the … department chair or curricular dean (see 3. Find Your Courses | Blackboard Help

How do I view a list of my courses?

Dec 21, 2021 · If the Blackboard course is not available to students, the course name is not a link … available before students will be able to enter the site and access content. …. Sort your My Courses list by semester and optionally hide past semester courses:. 8.


2. Access Old Courses – Blackboard Help for Students

3. How can I retrieve my old assessments in Blackboard?

6. How To Find Old Assignments Turned In On Blackboard

8. Frequently Asked Questions – Blackboard Student Support

Can I access courses from previous semesters? Content Issues. Why are the dates in my course from a …

9. Blackboard at ODU – Old Dominion University

CLT offers a number of Blackboard workshops throughout the semester. … You can access assignments that have been submitted by students and need grading …

10. Blackboard FAQ – University IT

Frequently asked questions about Blackboard at University of Rochester. … How do I re-use or copy content from a previous semester course?

What is archive package?

Archive packages include course content, user data, and user interactions. Archive packages are designed to provide a permanent record of a course . To save course materials to teach another set of students at a later time, export the course instead of archiving it. When a course is restored, the settings and options specified in ...

What is the default size limit for uploading files?

The default size limit for content uploaded through the user interface is 2.5 GB. When attempting to upload files larger than 2.5 GB using the interface, users will receive an error. This limit does not apply to web folder or shared location (WebDAV) uploads.
