how many schools use blackboard

by Raleigh Larkin 3 min read

As of July 2014, Blackboard serves approximately 17,000 schools and organizations. It holds the highest share of the education market with 75 percent of colleges and universities and more than half of K-12 districts in the US using its products and services.

What percentage of colleges use blackboard?

Mar 02, 2022 · Fairfax County Public Schools (K-12) in Virginia, with its roughly …. Teachers and students will continue to use Blackboard Learn 24-7 to …. And ironically, by moving to Schoology FCPS will be moving to the cloud without any …. 9. Blackboard Learn …

Will Blackboard Learn be used 24/7?

May 14, 2021 · Fairfax County Public Schools (K-12) in Virginia, with its roughly …. Teachers and students will continue to use Blackboard Learn 24-7 to …. And ironically, by moving to Schoology FCPS will be moving to the cloud without any …. 9. Blackboard Learn …

What is the size of the blackboard market?

May 11, 2021 · Blackboard supports many of the largest K-12 schools and districts across the country, … Michigan City Area Schools in Indiana expanded their use of the Blackboard Personalized … 5. 90 Percent of Courses Have Transitioned from Blackboard to … …

What is the role of Blackboard Student Services?

Oct 22, 2020 · Seventy-five percent of US colleges and universities and more than half of K–12 districts in the United States use its products and services, and 80 percent of the world’s top academic institutions reportedly use Blackboard tools, according to Times Higher Education Reputation Ranking.


Do a lot of colleges use Blackboard?

Blackboard Inc. Seventy-five percent of US colleges and universities and more than half of K–12 districts in the United States use its products and services, and 80 percent of the world's top academic institutions reportedly use Blackboard tools, according to Times Higher Education Reputation Ranking.Oct 22, 2020

Why do so many schools use Blackboard?

Using Blackboard can be helpful to you and your students. Blackboard is a course management system that allows you to provide content to students in a central location, communicate with students quickly, and provide grades in an electronic format to students.

What schools use Blackboard Learn?

Partners include The George Washington University, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Ivy Tech Community College, Kent State University and Wichita State University.Jan 27, 2017

How many people use Blackboard Learn?

Blackboard is a leading provider of learning management software, communication tools and student success solutions to 150 million users in more than 80 countries. Its clients include higher education institutions, K-12 schools, governments and businesses.Sep 13, 2021

What are the disadvantages of chalkboard?

The main disadvantage to chalkboards is chalk dust. It gets all over everything. You even breath it in. But if you use markers on a whiteboard, you'll breath in some chemicals which may be even worse.

What are the uses of Blackboard?

Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS), which is used not only as a repository of information, i.e. course materials and course information but also used as a tool for communication through emails, announcements, discussion boards and podcasts etc.

Is Blackboard shutting down?

BLACKBOARD SHUTTING DOWN JUNE 30, 2020: What Students & Faculty Need to Know. Access to Blackboard will end on June 30, 2020, as Thomas Jefferson University transitions learning management systems (LMS) from Blackboard to Canvas.Apr 9, 2020

Is Blackboard still used?

Despite whiteboards being a popular choice, chalkboards are still often used in classrooms. Many educators choose to still use chalkboards in schools, as they come with a variety of benefits and have a long history in education.

Who is the CEO of Blackboard?

William L. Ballhaus (Jan 4, 2016–)Blackboard / CEOWilliam L. Ballhaus is an American businessman, entrepreneur, and third-generation aerospace engineer. Since 2016, he has served as the Chairman, President and CEO of Blackboard Inc. He served as the Chief Executive Officer and President of DynCorp, a global government services provider, from 2008 to 2010. Wikipedia

Is Blackboard owned by Amazon?

Blackboard Inc. is an American educational technology company with corporate headquarters in Reston, VA. It is known for Blackboard Learn, a learning management system....Blackboard Inc.TypePrivately heldParentProvidence Equity PartnersWebsitewww.blackboard.com11 more rows

How much does it cost to use Blackboard?

Blackboard Learn Pricing Overview Blackboard Learn pricing starts at $9500.00 per year. They do not have a free version. Blackboard Learn offers a free trial. See additional pricing details below.Jan 25, 2022

Is Blackboard LMS free?

Blackboard has launched a free hosted course management service, one aimed at wooing individual instructors who lack access to automated course management or who are disaffected by the systems in use at their schools.Feb 10, 2011

What is Blackboard's mission?

Our mission is to partner with the global education community to enable learner and institutional success, leveraging innovative technologies and services. With an unmatched understanding of the world of the learner, the most comprehensive student-success solutions, and the greatest capacity for innovation, Blackboard is education's partner in change.

What awards did Blackboard win in 2016?

Blackboard's robust portfolio of student success solutions was recognized with multiple prestigious awards in 2016 including a WebRTC Product of the Year Award, four Campus Technology Readers' Choice Awards, two T.H.E Journal Reader's Choice Awards, a District Administration Top Product Award and named a finalist in the Software Information Industry Association (SIAA) CODiE Awards.

Who is the Chief Product Officer of Blackboard?

I interviewed Tim Tomlinson, Blackboard’s Chief Product Officer, on Tuesday. As of that time, Blackboard had not heard definitive plans from FCPS and had learned about the board’s decision through the website and media.

Is Blackboard Learning LMS a SaaS?

Blackboard is in the process of moving their Learn LMS towards Software as a Service (SaaS, aka Cloud) hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS). As of our last reporting in November, Blackboard had migrated approximately one third of Learn LMS clients to SaaS hosting models. Thus far Blackboard still supports older self-hosting models (in client data ...

Which is the most popular learning management system?

By Cait Etherington. October 24, 2018. Earlier this year, it was widely reported that Canvas had finally edged out Blackboard Inc. as the most popular learning management system (LMS) on the market, at least in the United States and Canada.

How long does it take to migrate from one LMS to another?

Although many colleges and universities choose to migrate from one LMS to another, the process is by no means easy. On average, the process takes at least two years. This reflects the fact most institutions carry out an extensive consultation with all stakeholders, as well as a pilot study. In addition, the migration to ...

How much of the market does Canvas own?

While Moodle still leads globally, as of September 2018, e-Literate ‘s research found that Canvas now owns 35% of the market while Blackboard Inc., which once appeared unsurpassable, owns only 33%. But why are so many colleges and universities adopting Canvas and in some cases, switching from Blackboard Inc. to Canvas?

Why did Case Western Reserve move to Canvas?

First, the system offered a more streamlined and modern look than Blackboard’s LMS. Second, it offered drag-and-drop tools for faculty.

When did Stanford University shut down Canvas?

For example, despite switching over to Canvas in early 2017, Stanford University won’t officially shut down its CourseWork system until December 21, 2018. The cost of managing two LMSs simultaneously can be high, but despite the time and cost entailed, institutions continue to migrate to Canvas.

When will Mississippi State University switch to Canvas?

Like Cornell, Mississippi State University plans to migrate from Blackboard to Canvas in Spring 2019. After a pilot, the university made a collective decision to switch to over. Like many other colleges and universities that have selected Canvas as an LMS, the system’s user-friendly layout, communication capacities, ...

When will Cornell University move to Canvas?

Cornell University. One of Canvas’s notable North American deals in 2018 was Cornell University, which will migrate to Canvas in Spring 2019. An article posted on the Cornell University website at the time of the announcement emphasized that students, staff, and faculty had all expressed strong support for the move.




CourseInfo was founded in late 1996 as a software provider founded by Cornell University students Stephen Gilfus and Daniel Cane. Gilfus wrote the business plan for CourseInfo and its Interactive Learning Network product while an undergraduate at Cornell. CourseInfo (a dorm room start up) with Gilfus as the business lead and Cane as the lead developer had developed an innovative new platform for internet and networked learning called a "Course Management System" by Gilfus. Gi…

Mergers and acquisitions

Blackboard has used the acquisition of other companies as a strategy to both limit competitors and enter new markets. Between 2006 and 2012, the company spent more than $500 million on acquisitions.
Competing learning management platforms that were acquired by Blackboard in order to absorb their users and reduce competition include: George Washington University'scourse management …


Though previously a public company, following its 2011 buyout by Providence Equity Partners Blackboard now operates as a private company. The company's headquarters are in Washington, D.C. and it has offices in Asia, Australia, Europe and in several locations in North America.

Products and services

The initial product to be offered by the company was its course management software, first available in 1998. The latest version, Blackboard Learn 9.1, was released in April 2010. This is a learning management system that provides a learning system for course delivery and management for institutions; a community and portal system for communication; a content management syst…

Legal matters

The United States Patent and Trademark Officegranted the company U.S. Patent 6,988,138 for "Internet-based education support system and methods" in January 2006. The patent established Blackboard's claims to the concept of connecting together web-based tools to create an interconnected university-wide course management system. The firm announced the patent on July 26, 2006, and on the same day it filed a patent infringement lawsuit against rival education …

See also

• Courseinfo
• Virtual learning environment