how long does it take for blackboard collaborate recordings to load

by Mr. Rickie Dicki 10 min read

A recording may take up to 24 hours to process if demand is high or your recording is very long. 1. Confirm that you recorded the session. 2. Ensure that all users have exited the Blackboard Collaborate room.

It will take between 10 minutes to an hour after recording to see your recording pop up here, so plan accordingly.

Full Answer

How do I record a collaborate session?

May 24, 2021 · This document will review how to record using the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool. …. Once the recording loads, click on the play icon to play the entire session … recording session is completed; it may take up to two hours for the recording to. 9. Collaborate Ultra – Live Virtual Classroom | Instructional Core.

How do I use the collaborate scheduler in Blackboard?

Oct 23, 2021 · Recordings that include closed captioning can take 3-5 days to appear in the recording list. Such recordings will appear in the recording list without notification. Collaborate Ultra recordings are located in the Collaborate Ultra area of your Blackboard course site. 5.

What do I do if my blackboard course was not recorded?

Sep 02, 2020 · A recording may take up to 24 hours to process if demand is high or your recording is very long. If you are missing a Blackboard Collaborate recording: 1. Confirm that you recorded the session. 2. Ensure that all users have exited the Blackboard Collaborate room.

How long does it take for a recording to include files?

With a keyboard press Shift + Left arrow or Shift + Right arrow to repeat or skip the recording by 10 seconds. Volume: With your keyboard, press the Up and Down arrow keys to increase and decrease the volume by 5%. Playback speed: Choose between a range of speeds for the recording playback: 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25, 1.5, 2x.

How do I speed up Blackboard Collaborate recordings?

When you are watching a lecture recording in Blackboard click the bookmark you've just created. A prompt will ask you to enter the playback speed, 1.5 is entered as the default, but you can enter any decimal number. Press enter or click OK and the playback speed will be immediately applied.Sep 30, 2020

How do I retrieve a recording from Blackboard Collaborate?

To view or download recordings, navigate to myLesley, go to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and select the tool menu.Select Recordings for a list of all recordings.Locate your recording and click on the menu button to the right.This will open a menu.Select Watch Now to watch your recording.Jun 18, 2019

How do I view recorded sessions on Blackboard Collaborate?

Go to Collaborate, open the Menu, and select Recordings or View all recordings.

Why won't Blackboard Collaborate show my video?

Check that your browser is fully up-to-date. Check the browser's microphone and webcam settings to make sure the correct input is selected and that Collaborate Ultra has not been blocked. Clear your browser's cache. Make sure your browser allows third-party cookies.Jan 29, 2021

How long do blackboard recordings last?

Record sessions Recordings are limited to 8 hours. You can have multiple recordings during one session. If you decide to continue recording a session after you have stopped, a new recording is saved and added to the list of recordings for that session.

Where is my collaborate recording?

Recordings can be found on the course Collaborate page. Therefore, navigate to this page by clicking the link to the Collaborate page that you created.Jan 8, 2019

How do I download a recorded video from Blackboard Collaborate?

Go to Recordings and click on the Recording Options (ellipses sign) adjacent to the recording you wish to download. 6. Click Download. After the download (MP4) has completed, look in your Downloads folder on your computer for the downloaded session.

Why is my Blackboard Collaborate not loading?

Try clearing your browser cache, and reloading the session. Restart your computer. Try using Firefox instead of Chrome. Try dialling into the session using your phone.

How do I enable video on Blackboard Collaborate?

To access your My Settings area, open the Collaborate Panel on the lower right side of the screen. Click the My Settings button at the bottom of the page. This will open your My Settings. Click Select Set Up your Camera and Microphone to set up your audio and video.Apr 9, 2019

Does Blackboard Collaborate use video?

What is Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and where do I start? Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact with students.


Recorded sessions are compressed and saved as MP4s, but need to be converted into a playable format before viewing. The first time a recording is accessed the conversion begins. It may take a few minutes but once is has been done the recording can be viewed by everybody.

T ell Me

The first step is to record your Collaborate session. Only moderators can turn recording on in sessions.

Recording Tips

Students can find session recordings from in their course using the same steps. You can also share your recordings with anyone not in a course with a recording link.

How do I find the recordings?

You can view recordings in courses you are enrolled in. You may be able to download recordings. Moderators must allow session recording downloads for each session.

Recording player

The recording player has the same look and feel as your Collaborate session. There is a Recording menu similar to the Session menu in your live sessions and recording playback controls.

Chat messages in recordings

Open the Chat panel at the bottom right of your screen to see the complete chat history of the recorded session.

Download recordings and transcripts

If the moderator has allowed session recording downloads, you can download recordings and transcripts from the recording player Recording menu.