how do you find something that you saved on blackboard

by Jefferey Beer 4 min read

You will see a screen that shows your saved submission/new attempt. Click the Continue button on the right side of the screen. On the next screen, you should see any original attachments you had saved.

To access your drafts, return to the forum page and set it to List View. Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

Full Answer

How do I view my saved assignments?

Feb 01, 2022 · Where did my “saved draft” for my discussion board post go …. Answer. When posting to a discussion board in Blackboard, you will see that you have a “save draft” button located next to your “submit” button. Save draft button in …. 3. Blackboard (Students) – Assignments: Submit a Saved Draft. Blackboard (Students) – Assignments: Submit a Saved …

How do I add caption to a blackboard recording?

Nov 09, 2020 · If you are looking for how to find saved draft on blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Threads | Blackboard Help. 2. Where did my “saved draft” for my discussion board post go … Answer.

How do I use the collaborate scheduler in Blackboard?

May 11, 2021 · If you are looking for how do you find a saved draft on blackboard, simply check out our links below : 1. Threads | Blackboard Help. ... When posting to a discussion board in Blackboard, you will see that you have a "save draft" button located next to your "submit" button. Save draft button in …

How do I view my saved submissions?

You can filter the list of recordings that appear by all recent recordings made in the last 30 days and recordings in a date range. Use the filter to help you find the recording you are looking for. If you know the name of the recording you are looking for, select Search Recordings and type the recording name.


Can you download recordings from a course?

Session owners, course instructors, and administrators can always download recordings. The Allow recording downloads check box lets others download the recording. Select this option to let your attendees and students download recordings. You can turn this setting on after the session has ended.

Can you download chat transcripts?

You can download chat transcripts from the Recording menu. Chat Recordings and transcripts are only available in the HTML5 recording player. Moderators can also make chat messages in the recording anonymous from the session settings. This needs to be done before starting the live session and recording it.

Can you have multiple recordings in one session?

You can have multiple recordings during one session. If you decide to continue recording a session after you have stopped, a new recording is saved and added to the list of recordings for that session.
