how do you feel about distance learning using an lms (or cms) such as blackboard

by Benton Mertz 10 min read

Is blackboard a good learning management system?

May 14, 2020 · Use the Right Tool for the Right Task: CMS vs. LMS for Online Learning. This post was authored by Chris O’Neal and Jeff Windsor, K-12 Solutions Engineers. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, K-12 schools have been thrust into blended and online learning with little warning. Educators across the country are doing their absolute best to ...

What is an an LMS?

Jun 26, 2020 · The use of content management systems cuts across all sectors and business types, so a learning CMS would be a content management system that has been built or populated in such a way that it allows for the creation, management or delivery of online learning content. LMS vs CMS: a case study

Why do LMS users have higher satisfaction scores than CMS users?

Sep 17, 2020 · Similar to a CMS in many ways, an LMS enables the delivery of content on the web. The critical difference is that the features are specific to eLearning. An LMS provides structure and organisation to your course content, which transforms it into a useful resource. You can expect to find dynamic quizzes, user analytics and role-specific features.

Is a learning management system right for You?

Aug 30, 2018 · How do you feel about distance learning using an LMS (or CMS) such as Blackboard? What are the three biggest advantages and the three biggest disadvantages to learning via distance learning methods? Identify one organization that actually uses Distance Learning in its training/development program using the Wall Street Journal source.


Do you think Blackboard learning management system LMS is effective in carrying out your lesson?

In conclusion, it appears that Blackboard is a useful LMS that promotes pedagogical gain and constructivist perspectives. Blackboard provides collaborative and user-friendly environment for teaching-learning in terms of communication, assessment, and over all information management system.

What are key benefits of using an LMS like Blackboard?

The key benefits of using an LMS are hinged on the various areas of flexibility it offers teachers, students, and guardians. Communication outside the classroom can be facilitated through discussion forums, real-time messaging, video-conferencing, email, and announcement posts.

Is Blackboard a CMS or LMS?

Known as a "learning management system" (LMS) or "course/content management system" (CMS), Blackboard is UR's standard LMS. All courses with an instructor-of-record will automatically have a Blackboard course generated.

How is Blackboard distance learning used?

Blackboard Learn is a highly customizable online learning application that allows users to take or host online courses. Students and teachers can interact using assignments, video conferencing, discussion groups, tests, and more in Blackboard Learn and its upgraded version, Ultra.Dec 11, 2020

What are the advantages of a LMS in online learning?

Advantages include supported face-to-face learning, and online and blended learning solutions which facilitate and improve upon traditional educational methods. LMS can also save organisations time and money by allowing the easy administration of large amounts of information in a user friendly, web based environment.

Why LMS is important in education?

The LMS helps schools maintain the integrity of their educational programs by enabling educators to effectively and efficiently develop courses, deliver instruction, facilitate communication, foster collaboration between students, assess student success, and provide other learning resources for support.

Is blackboard a LMS?

Blackboard Learn (Blackboard) is the primary Learning Management System (LMS) used for online, blended, and web-assisted courses at the University of Toledo.May 10, 2018

What type of LMS is blackboard?

Blackboard is a cross-platform LMS, working on a variety of operating systems, mobile devices, and browsers. Blackboard Learn is licensed directly from Blackboard.Oct 30, 2017

Is Blackboard Learn the same as blackboard?

Blackboard Learn (previously the Blackboard Learning Management System) is a web-based virtual learning environment and learning management system developed by Blackboard Inc.

What is the importance of Blackboard?

Using Blackboard can be helpful to you and your students. Blackboard is a course management system that allows you to provide content to students in a central location, communicate with students quickly, and provide grades in an electronic format to students.

Is this digital Blackboard a useful learning tool Why?

This is Blackboard's strongest feature due to the fact it can be accessed at anytime, anywhere. Another key feature is that there is an announcements page for every module. ... Therefore, if a student needs extra help or is invested into the module then Blackboard provides the grounds to further their studies.

How do teachers use Blackboard?

50 second suggested clip3:1629:44Getting Started with Teaching a Virtual Class - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThis is you can see is a blackboard original experience you go under course management on the leftMoreThis is you can see is a blackboard original experience you go under course management on the left hand menu and then go down to course tools and then you'll select blackboard collaborate ultra.

What is LMS training?

As such, an LMS is perfect for: 1 Managing courses in educational institutions. 2 Ensuring staff complete and stay up to date with health and safety training or other mandatory training. 3 Guiding learners through multiple learning pathways.

What is the difference between a CMS and an LMS?

An LMS is a platform that has been specifically designed to host, manage and deliver e-learning, while a CMS is a generic platform for all forms of online content.

Is a CMS good for a website?

A CMS is ideal for a website, blog, portfolio and other forms of content. But if your platform exists mainly to provide e-learning and online training, the specialist functionality of an LMS is likely to be more beneficial in the longer term, particularly if you expect the number of courses or learners to grow over time.

What are some examples of learning management systems?

Moodle and Totara are examples of popular learning management systems. Most learning management systems allow teachers, trainers or administrators (depending on the preferences of the organisation in question) to upload online training content, structure courses and assign these to learners.

What is CMS in WordPress?

What is a CMS? A content management system is a framework into which content can be stored in order to be displayed on a website. A CMS manages various types of content, including text, images, files, audio and video. WordPress and Drupal are examples of popular content management systems.

What is learning CMS?

The use of content management systems cuts across all sectors and business types, so a learning CMS would be a content management system that has been built or populated in such a way that it allows for the creation, ...

What is Sinclair Pharma?

Sinclair Pharma provides its products to aesthetic physicians around the world. Eager to build a training programme that would ensure patients in all countries received consistent treatment, safety levels and outcomes, the company was finding it increasingly difficult to deliver face-to-face training, particularly given its widespread distribution network.

What are the features of LMS?

The following LMS features were “very important” to 50% or more of the respondents with instructional roles: 1 Posting Content or Uploading Files 2 The Grade Center 3 Email, Messaging, or Announcements

Who delineated the six patterns of use?

William Dutton, Pauline Hope Cheong, and Namkee Park (2004) delineate a typology of “Six patterns of use” for learning management systems based on a university-wide study. They range from the least to the most integrated use of the LMS with the classroom (p. 75-76):

Why is automation important in LMS?

Automation is a key component of an LMS, because it allows instructors to offer students frequent and pointed feedback on their progress through the course. As Rubin et al. (2010) report, “Some LMSs can automate notifications of due dates on a readily visible calendar, and some can automate direct email communication if students are not participating as required…An LMS that enables easy automation of such communication may increase its reliability and frequency, thus also increasing teaching presence and student engagement” (p. 83). Thus, an instructor who employs the automated feedback mechanisms in the LMS, for example, giving direct feedback on quiz answers and setting up automatic emails for student progress, will ensure that students know where they stand in the course, even in large, survey level courses with many students.

What is a learning management system?

Learning and course management systems are online learning platforms used either to provide a digital supplement for a traditional classroom that meets regularly in person or to host an online course that does not hold regular in-person meetings.

Why is it important to use time well?

Learning to use one’s time well is critical for students and professionals alike. Allocating realistic amounts of time means effective learning for students and effective teaching for faculty. Technology also can increase time on task by making studying more efficient.”.

What is LMS in education?

An LMS is the infrastructure that delivers and manages instructional content, identifies and assesses individual and organizational learning or training goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals, and collects and presents data for supervising the learning process of an organization as a whole (p. 28).

What is LMS in classroom?

The LMS can be more than simply a repository for classroom materials. While having a common place for the course syllabus, readings, and assignment instructions is a useful part of the LMS, it can also become a place for continued interaction outside of the class.


The technology has been advancing rapidly recently and it has become necessary to use technology in the education sector. Because of this it has become necessary to re-organize the education sector. The needs of both students and teachers are also changing.


Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 ( 2015 ) 872 – 877 Available online at 1877-0428 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

How to support students in school?

In order to provide your students with more support, do the following: 1 Include school and district resources for families and students. 2 Include supports benefiting all students, especially learners on IEPs and English language learners. 3 Prominently display goals and objectives. 4 Provide alternatives to support individual differences. 5 Assume the best of your learners.

How to use color in a text?

Use color for emphasis, but avoid having more than two text colors. Use contrasting colors; avoid light on light or dark on dark text. Use clean, simple page layouts consistently; avoid mixing up your structure day-to-day. Use images that reinforce key concepts; avoid images that aren’t meaningful.

What is discussion forum in LMS?

In a 100% online course (where the instructor may never meet the students in person – and they may never meet each other), a discussion forum gives students a chance to interact simultaneously with both one another and the course material (and also provides a way for instructors to consider a “class participation” component when grading). What is more, an LMS that allows students to create user profiles with photos helps to put a face to the names on the roster. In addition, video conferencing (and the ability for both students and professors to upload videos) allows the course to expand beyond reading and writing black-and-white text. Interactive Whiteboard technology can often be added to a live video conference so that all communication tools are available, all at once.

What is LMS in online classes?

Regardless of whether a course only meets online – or is a “hybrid,” only integrating some virtual features into the ways in which students interact with one another and their professors – an LMS allows instructors and students alike to use their imaginations, bringing a multimedia approach to learning. While instructors can still assign and collect – through online means such as an LMS – old-fashioned term papers and the like, LMS blogging capability also allows professors to add a contemporary and creative twist to writing assignments and make student work available for the whole class to read and comment on.

What is LMS in college?

On the practical side, an LMS will usually allow professors to invite (and, often, enroll) students – and post not only a course calendar but also important announcements. What's more, the instructor may control when students access any or all information on the website. Many also come with a system for sending individualized messages to students, as needed – as well as giving students grade information and other feedback. An LMS will often also come with an attendance-tracking system. Student groups may be set up for collaborative projects, in which case the messaging also allows students to easily contact one another.

Why is LMS important?

This is one of the main reasons why a LMS is essential for global audiences in different time zones. 3. Easily tracks learner progress and performance. The best Learning Management System gives you the ability to keep track of learner progress and ensure that they are meeting their performance milestones.

What is learning management system?

A Learning Management System gives you the power to completely do away with instructor travel costs, online training site rentals, and printed eLearning materials. Your online learners can carry out all of their training online, which means that you can save a sizable sum on your Learning and Development budget.

What is LMS comparison?

LMS Comparison. 1. Organizes eLearning content in one location. Instead of having your eLearning content spread out over different hard drives and devices, you can store all of your eLearning materials in one location. This reduces the risk of losing important data and makes it easier to create your eLearning course.
