how do wikis work on blackboard

by Orion Fadel 10 min read

In Blackboard a Wiki is a container for pages that anyone in the class can edit. You can have one Wiki that focuses on one theme where there may be several pages. You can have another Wiki that may have only one page for a completely different purpose. You can have multiple Wikis and within each Wiki you can have single or multiple pages.

Part of a video titled Work with Simple Wikis in Blackboard Web Community Manager
The social settings tab you can allow visitors to comment on the wiki postings. Under commenting youMoreThe social settings tab you can allow visitors to comment on the wiki postings. Under commenting you have the option to require approval. And set the display order of the comments.

Full Answer

How do I create a wiki in Blackboard?

Oct 27, 2021 · 4. Blackboard Wikis Quick Guide. Creating a Wiki. 1. From the Control Panel, click Course Tools. 2. Click Wikis. 3. Click Create Wiki. 4. On the Create Wiki page, provide the wiki Name and. 5. Wikis – Blackboard Student Support – University of Arkansas at … Wikis

How do I create a wiki page in a course?

1. Open your course in Blackboard 2. Ensure Edit Mode is ON 3. Under the Control Panel, click Course Tools 4. Click Wikis 5. On the Wikis listing page, click Create Wiki on the Action Bar 6. On the Create Wiki page, type a Name. This is a mandatory field …

What are the benefits of using a wiki course?

Teaching with Blackboard; Wikis; Wikis. Wikis provide spaces for collaborative writing. A wiki can be set up for the entire class to contribute to, or for specific groups. All members of a group, or all members of the class, will be able to create wiki pages and edit any wiki page, not just those they created. Wikis are:

What is a wiki page?

Creating a Wiki 1. From the Control Panel, click Course Tools 2. lick Wikis 3. lick Create Wiki 4. On the Create Wiki page, provide the wiki Name and Instructions 5. Set Wiki Availability to ‘Yes’ 6. If the wiki is going to be restricted to a certain time period, select Wiki Date and Time Restrictions; otherwise, leave the fields empty 7.


How do you write on wiki on Blackboard?

Comment on a wiki pageAccess a wiki topic and select the page to view in the sidebar. The wiki page opens in the content frame.Select Comment below a contribution and type a comment. ... Select Add.To view all comments, select the numbered Comments link.

How do you use wikis?

How to use Wikis in teaching and learningSet clear rules and expectations.Let students know what you expect and how students' work will be evaluated (perhaps design a rubric)Include detailed instructions.Give authentic assignments.Clearly define students' roles and activities.Closely monitor students' activities.More items...•Feb 6, 2020

What is a Wiki assignment?

Wiki-based assignments and projects can involve the compilation and presentation of information tailored to just about any hypothetical audience. ... A wiki is easy to set up within any course in Blackboard. It provides a specific online area for written collaboration between a group or entire class of students.

How do you write a wiki?

Steps to creating a Wikipedia pageDo your research first. Before creating any content on Wikipedia, learn about the Wikipedia community and how it works. ... Create an account. ... Start small. ... Gather your sources. ... Write the copy. ... Submit the page for review.Nov 15, 2011

What is a wiki and give an example?

A wiki Web site operates on a principle of collaborative trust. The simplest wiki programs allow users to create and edit content. More advanced wikis have a management component that allow a designated person to accept or reject changes. The best known example of a wiki Web site is Wikipedia.

What is wiki and how is it designed?

Wiki design includes creating pages, assigning permissions as to who may write on a page, or creating a table or grid for student contributions on the pages. It also helps to provide clearly written directions on a page on the wiki.Sep 22, 2010

How do I start a wiki page?

How do I create a new wiki page?Go to Wiki. Select the Wiki tool from the Tool Menu of your site.Click Edit. Zoom. While viewing an existing page, click the Edit button.Enter the page name. Zoom. In the editing area, type the name of the page in brackets, and then click Save.

What does a user need to view a wiki?

User access levels are determined by whether the Wikipedian is logged in, the account's age and edits, and what manually assigned rights the account has. Anyone can use the basic functionalities of Wikipedia even if they are not logged in. Unless they are blocked, they may freely edit most pages.

Benefits of using wikis

Wikis can help course members build a shared repository of knowledge. As the knowledge base grows over time, you can expect the wiki to have some degree of seriousness and permanence.

When should you use wikis?

You can use wikis as course content or graded assignments for these types of activities:

Create a wiki topic

To get started, you need to create a wiki topic in your course. Your students and other course members can add pages to that topic.

Wiki topic page

A wiki topic page is the home page where all other wiki pages are collected. The home page is automatically displayed first when a student visits the wiki.

Wikis listing page

After you create a wiki, the wiki topics appear in alphabetical order on the Wikis listing page. Select a column title to sort the contents.

Wiki pages

Each newly created course or group wiki requires a home page. When you access a new wiki topic for the first time, you're prompted to create a home page. The home page always appears first in the wiki page list and the content appears when someone navigates to the wiki. Because the home page is first, you may want to add instructions here.

Watch a video about wiki pages

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory |representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,


Wikis provide spaces for collaborative writing. A wiki can be set up for the entire class to contribute to, or for specific groups. All members of a group, or all members of the class, will be able to create wiki pages and edit any wiki page, not just those they created.

Assignment Ideas for Wikis

Use a wiki for an “ice-breaker.” Have each student interview another student, write a brief biography, then post that to a class bio wiki.

Find the group

1. Find the group for whom you wish to enable wikis in the Groups area (found via Control Panel -> User and Groups -> Groups ), click on the Modify button beside the group and click on Edit.

How to access (2)

2) From the Control Panel – Users and Groups – Groups menu. (This applies to Instructors only.)

How to access (3)

3) Students and instructors who have been made members of the group can access the wiki also in this way.

Change wiki options?

Note that if you wish to change the behaviour of the wiki a number of options are available. To get to these options follow these instructions:

Edit Properties

2. Identify the Group Wiki you wish to change and click on the Modify button beside it and choose Edit Properties.


3. Scroll down to section 3 where the following options are available:


Create A Wiki Page

  • Only your instructor can create a wiki, but after creation, you can create pages. 1. On the wiki topic page, select Create Wiki Page. 2. Type a name and information in the Contenttext box. You can use the editor options to format the text and include files, images, web links, multimedia, and m…
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Watch A Video About Wikis

  • The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory |representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript. Video: Create and edit wiki pagesexplains working with wiki pages.
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  • If your instructor associated a rubric with the wiki and made it available, you can access it on the My Contribution page. Select View Rubric in the Gradesection to display the grading criteria.
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Edit Wiki Content

  • Any course member can edit a course wiki page and any group member can edit a group wiki page. All course members, including your instructor, edit in the same way. When someone is editing a wiki page, the page is locked for a duration of 120 seconds to prevent others from editing the same page. If you try to edit a page someone else is editing, you're informed that so…
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Link to Other Wiki Pages

  • If a wiki has many pages, you can link to another page to help organize information for easy access. You can only create links to other wiki pages when at least two pages exist. In the editor of the page you're currently on, select the Add Content icon at the end of the second row of options. 1. On the Create Wiki Page, put your cursor in the Wiki Page Contentarea where you wa…
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Comment on A Wiki Entry

  • On the wiki topic page, select the wiki page you want to comment on. Select Comment to add your thoughts, and select Add when you're finished. Expand the Commentsarea to view all comments.
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View Your Contributions

  • You can view a list of all the pages and versions you contributed or modified. On the wiki topic page, select My Contribution. On this page, you can view information about your contribution to the wiki in the content frame and the side panel.
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View Wiki Grades

  • After your instructor grades wiki contributions, you can view your grade in two places. The grading information appears on the My Contribution page and in My Grades. More about My Grades On the wiki topic page, select My Contribution. On the My Contribution page, you can view your grade in the Gradesection. You can also view your instructor's feedback and the date the grade was as…
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Benefits of Using Wikis

  • Wikis can help course members build a shared repository of knowledge. As the knowledge base grows over time, you can expect the wiki to have some degree of seriousness and permanence. With dedicated use, you can use wikis for these educational purposes: 1. Provide an easy to use environment for communication 2. Promote collaboration rather than competition 3. Foster a s
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When Should You Use Wikis?

  • You can use wikis as course content or graded assignments for these types of activities: 1. A glossary 2. A white paper 3. Class summaries and outlines 4. Connect student writing to form a book 5. A resources repository 6. Lab experiments 7. Student solutions for scenarios and case studies 8. A research notebook 9. Group project presentations Instructors can create course wik…
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The Parts of A Wiki

  • These elements comprise a wiki: 1. First, you create the wiki topic so that course members can contribute their ideas, research, and thoughts. The wiki topic is the theme that connects multiple wiki pages. In a wiki topic, related wiki pages are collected in one place. 2. Next, you can create wiki pages within the topic. A wiki page is a more specific prompt or subject related to the more …
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Create A Wiki Topic

  • To get started, you need to create a wiki topic in your course. Your students and other course members can add pages to that topic. 1. Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Wikis and select Create Wiki. 2. Type a name and optional instructions. Make the wiki available to students. 3. Select the Display After and Display Untilcheck boxes to enable the date and time selections. Dis…
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Wiki Topic Page

  • A wiki topic page is the home page where all other wiki pages are collected. The home page is automatically displayed first when a student visits the wiki. 1. Select Create Wiki Pageto add a page to the wiki topic. 2. Wiki Instructionsare expanded by default, but you can minimize them. 3. In the sidebar, you can expand the Wiki Detailssection to display information such as the type, cr…
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Wikis Listing Page

  • After you create a wiki, the wiki topics appear in alphabetical order on the Wikislisting page. Select a column title to sort the contents. 1. On the Wikis listing page, select a wiki title or select Openin a wiki's menu. 2. To change a wiki's availability or student access, select one or more check boxes and use the Availability and Student Accesslists. 3. The Typecolumn lists whether a wiki is for th…
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Wiki Pages

  • Each newly created course or group wiki requires a home page. When you access a new wiki topic for the first time, you're prompted to create a home page. The home page always appears first in the wiki page list and the content appears when someone navigates to the wiki. Because the home page is first, you may want to add instructions here. You or any course or group member c…
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Watch A Video About Wiki Pages

  • The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory |representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript. Video: Create and edit wiki pagesexplains working with wiki pages.
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Create Wiki Pages

  1. On the Wikislisting page, select a wiki title.
  2. On the wiki’s topic page, select Create Wiki Page.
  3. Type a title and a description or instructions.
  4. Select Submit.
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Link to Other Wiki Pages

  • If a wiki has many pages, you can link to another page to help organize information for easy access. You can only create links to other wiki pages when at least two pages exist. 1. On the Create Wiki Page, put your cursor in the Wiki Page Contentarea where you want to add the link. 2. Select the Add Content icon in the editor, which will open a window where you can select the Lin…
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