how do i submit work on blackboard njcu

by Magnus Greenfelder 4 min read

How do I save and submit an assignment in Blackboard?

To save your Google Doc as a Microsoft Word file: Open the file. Click File and then Download as. Choose the Microsoft Word (.docx) file format. If you are using an Android or iOS device: Open the Google Doc. Next to a file, tap More More. Choose Share & export. Select Save as Word.

How do I send a message to a student in Blackboard?

Answer: From inside of your course in Blackboard, click on "Messages" from your course menu. Select. "Create Message," select the "To" button, select the user from the list, select the. right arrow to move the user to the recipients box, compose your message and. select "Submit" to …

Where can I Find my Turnitin and Blackboard test submissions?

Jul 20, 2021 · How do I get my name changed in the NJCU data base? How do I submit transcripts from other countries? ... How do I apply for Financial Aid at New Jersey City University? How do I apply for New Jersey State Aid? How do I enter my Federal Work Study (FWS) hours? ... I Need To Take A Test In My Blackboard Course. Do You Have Any Test-Taking …

How do I submit my mymarks on Blackboard?

Aug 31, 2021 · Resubmitting an assignment · In the menubar of the relevant course or project site, click Assignments . · Click the title of the assignment you want to resubmit. 9. The Ultimate Blackboard How to Resubmit Assignment Trick. The Advantages of …


Creating your Assignment

You are strongly advised to use your Microsoft Office 365 account when writing and saving your assignment.

Locate the Assignment

Locate the Blackboard Assignment within your Blackboard course. The screenshot below shows the icon you will see for a Blackboard Assignment.

Submit or Save to Draft

To Submit your assignment click on Submit. Be careful not to double click on the Submit button.#N#Make sure to click on Submit once only, and then wait until the transfer finishes. Do not double click on Submit, do not click the back button during the transfer, do not click on submit again even if you think it is taking too long.

Check your submission

At the top of the screen you will see a receipt. Copy and paste the receipt code, paste it into a document and save it somewhere safe. This receipt can be used to prove that you submitted your assignment.

See your Blackboard Assignment submission receipts saved in MyMarks

You can see all of your Blackboard Assignment submission receipts in MyMarks. Note that this only applies to Blackboard Assignments. Turnitin and Blackboard Test submissions are not found here.

View a rubric

Note that if a Rubric will be used to mark your assignment you may view it by clicking on the icon shown above.#N#The instructor has the option to adjust the marks after the rubric has been used.#N#You may or may not be shown what rubric criteria you attained when viewing your score. This is at the discretion of the instructor.
