Your institution can disable options. Select Add to place the module on the tab. To remove a module, select the Close icon located at the top of each module.
To remove a module from Blackboard Entry page:Click Add Module.Click the Remove button. Note: Some modules are required and cannot be deleted.
Delete an assignment in Microsoft TeamsNavigate to a class team and select Assignments.Find the assignment you'd like to delete and select to open it. ... Select More options. ... Select Delete, and then select Yes when you are prompted to confirm the deletion.
Students will only have the option to "Copy Link" on assignments. The teacher of the class should have the option to "Edit" "Copy Link" and "Delete" when clicking on the 3 dots icon in the upper right of the assignment stripe.
Replies (1) My first recommendation is to remove the student from the class team. For this, please go to the class team, select More options (...) and select Manage team. Select the X button next to the name of the student.Feb 23, 2021