how can i add a picture to my blackboard

by Hiram Skiles 10 min read

How to Add an Image to Blackboard

  1. Log into Blackboard and navigate to where you would like to add the image,...
  2. In the content editor toolbar, click the Insert/Edit Image icon...
  3. Under the General tab, click the " Browse My Computer " button to navigate to...
  4. Please remember to add an Image Description and a Title to...

To add an image in a Blackboard post:
  1. Click the Add Image button to see the Insert/Edit Images screen.
  2. Click Browse My Computer.
  3. Select your image to add to Blackboard. Try to keep your images small. ( ...
  4. Enter a Title and Description.
  5. You can also adjust some aspects of the image from the Appearance tab.
  6. Click Insert to finish.

Full Answer

How to add a photo to Blackboard?

Place the cursor where you want the image to appear. Select Insert Image. How to Insert an image into a Blackboard discussion board postPage 2 or Right-click where you want to place the image and select Image. General Tab 1. Click Browse My Computer and open the image you want to use. 2. Type in a description of the image (not just the image name).

How to add a background to a photo?

Jan 09, 2022 · How to embed a photo in Blackboard. Step 2: Click the “Insert/Edit Image” button. …. Step 6: Click the “Submit” button (if discussion) or “Post Entry Button” (if journal or …. 9. Uploading a Profile Picture to Blackboard – Sites.

How do you compress an image?

Dec 23, 2020 · Step 1. After logging in, select your name on the left menu. Click the profile image to upload a photo. Note: You cannot edit or crop uploaded profile images in Blackboard. Your image appears next to discussion board posts and other areas of Blackboard.

How do you insert pictures?

Select the ‘Use custom avatar image’ on the ‘Personalize My Settings’ page, browse your computer for your picture, and click ‘Submit’ once uploaded. Your new avatar image should now appear next to your name in the Global Navigation menu. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have trouble uploading a profile pic in Blackboard.


No profile icon appears in the menu

If you don't see the empty profile icon in the menu, your institution hasn't turned on the profile tool.


On the Edit My Blackboard Profile page in the right panel, select Change Picture to upload an image from your computer.

Knowledge Base

Home > Help & Support > Knowledge Base > Teaching & Learning > Blackboard > How do I upload my photo to Blackboard?

How do I upload my photo to Blackboard?

By default, a student's profile photo is only available to instructors. This can be changed to "Anyone in my courses" on the profile page.

Wordwrapping text around an image

When you want to include an image in the text of an announcement or item, it is desireable to have the text wordwrap around the image as shown. The following steps show how to make that happen. It will require editing some HTML, but it is fairly simple.

Your picture is now in line with the paragraph of text

Your picture is now in lign with the paragraph of text – this is NOT what we want.

Edit the img tag in the HTML

If you inserted you image before the very first line of text – the top of the code should read something like this:

Bonus step

If you are comfortable editing the HTML you can also add this to the “style” field inside your img tag: style=”padding:10px;” as shown below. There is a colon : after padding and a semi-colon after 10px. This will add ten pixels of padding around your image – you can change the number 10 to increase or decrease the padding.
