gmu blackboard help

by Dr. Uriah Cassin 10 min read

How do I access GMU on Blackboard?

To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location.

Does George Mason use Blackboard?

All registered classes at Mason are assigned a Blackboard course shell on the Mason server. To locate your Blackboard courses, go to MyMason (, log in using your Mason ID and two-factor authentication, and click on the Courses tab.

How do I contact GMU?

Office Location and Hours General Inquiries can always be directed to (703) 993-2000 or [email protected].

What is GMU Blackboard?

What is Blackboard? Blackboard is a course management system used campus-wide at George Mason University. Courses are automatically generated each semester based on faculty assignments in PatriotWeb.

How do I check my George Mason financial aid?

Did you know you can view your requirements online?Login with your Mason Net ID(username) and password.Select the Financial Aid Tab.Click on Financial Aid Dashboard.On the Home page, select the appropriate Award Year to check the status of your financial aid requirements.

How do I drop out of GMU?

Submit your completed form, additional statement page (if needed), and supporting documentation to the CEHD Student and Academic Affairs Office - [email protected]. Submit your request in a timely manner. Timing is very important when submitting a request to withdraw.

What is George Mason zip code?

22030Institution InformationStreet Address:4400 University DrCity:FairfaxState:VAZip Code:220303 more rows