giu blackboard

by Armand Roob 3 min read

How do I log into Niu blackboard?

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What are the blackboard tutorials?

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What is the blackboard access issue?

Users were unable to log into Blackboard (and some other Mason systems) from approximately 1:00 - 1:25pm ET on Monday, October 4. The issue is now resolved. Users already in Blackboard were not affected. Mobile Mason App. New to Mason? Need help navigating campus? Search for building on the maps, find campus events, access Blackboard, keep ...

Who can be listed as an instructor of record in Blackboard?

The GIU Faculties of Engineering organized two orientations for new (20th of Feb, 2020) and enrolled students (23rd of Feb, 2020) that were hosted by H.E. Mr. Julius Georg Luy, GIU Chairman of Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mansour, GIU Co-Chairman of Board of Trustees, Academic Founding President Prof. Dr. Matthias Knaut, Prof. Dr.-Ing. ...


Frequently Asked Questions

I am a new faculty member and do not have a working AccountID but need to get my courses started. When will I be able to request my courses?

Faculty Access to Blackboard

I am a new faculty member and do not have a working AccountID but need to get my courses started. When will I be able to request my courses?
