getting rid of a thread in blackboard

by Camylle Shields III 3 min read

On the Thread Detail page, click the title of one of your own posts. The post appears in the Current Post portion of the content frame. Click Edit to modify the message or click Delete and confirm its removal.

Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.

Full Answer

How to delete your own post on Blackboard?

Nov 07, 2021 · If you have the Manage Threads permission, you can delete a thread by pressing on the 3 dots (…) at the top right side of the threads window and press Delete Thread. This will remove the thread entirely.

How do you delete your own thread?

Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete. Select Edit to open the editor. After you make your updates, select Save Draft again to update the draft or Submit to publish the post.

Can you delete your own thread?

Feb 21, 2022 · Go to the area in Blackboard where you want to paste copied text (ex: a Discussion Board thread). Paste the text you have copied into Blackboard's text editor (Press Ctrl + V or Cmd + V ). Note: You will be prompted to keep or remove the formatting in the pasted content. Highlight the text you just pasted. Click the Clear Formatting icon at the top of Blackboard's …

How to retrieve deleted threads?

Use the up and down arrows below the title box to adjust the order and submit. or alternatively you can use the drag and drop arrows on the left hand side: Deleting Forums You can delete forums and threads no longer used. When a forum or thread is removed, all content and grades are permanently deleted.


Editing Forums

As the discussion progresses, editing forum settings may help resolve discussion issues. For example, if students are posting to the wrong topic, fine-tune the forum name or description to clarify the forum’s purpose. If all forums were created at the beginning of the term and made unavailable, any forum can be edited to make it available.

Copying Forums

Discussion forums can be copied and added to the current Discussion Board or to a Group Discussion Board in the same course.

Changing the Order of Forums

Reorder the forums by pressing the move icon, the double-tipped arrow or handle next to an item, and use the drag-and-drop function to move the forum into place.

Deleting Forums

You can delete forums and threads no longer used. When a forum or thread is removed, all content and grades are permanently deleted. For example, delete an ungraded forum used to discuss questions about a completed assignment.

Online Discussions: An Overview

Watch: Discussion Boards#N#See an overview about how to use the Discussion Board.

All About Forums

The main Discussion Board page displays a list of available discussion Forums. A Discussion Board can contain one or more Forums. A Forum is an area where a topic or a group of related topics are discussed. For each Forum, the page displays the total number of posts, the number of unread posts, and the total number of participants.

Different Ways to View a Forum

A forum can be viewed in one of two contexts: Tree View or List View. This choice remains in effect until you change it and it can be changed at any time. These choices are available at the top of the Forum page.

All About Threads

Within a Forum, a list of posts called Threads is displayed either in Tree View or List View. To enter a Thread to review related responses, click on the Thread name. If your instructor allows, you can create a new Thread by clicking Create Thread. To manage which Threads you see, select an option from the Display action menu.

Creating a New Thread

Forums have many settings that control who can post and what other types of actions users can take, such as editing their own Threads, posting anonymously, or rating posts. Depending on which forum settings your instructor has selected, you may be allowed to create a new Thread.

Inside a Thread: Thread Details

After you’ve posted your initial Thread, you will most likely reply to others in your course, as you would during a regular classroom conversation. Let’s take a look at the Thread Detail page, and then we will discuss how to reply to your fellow participants and classmates.

Replying to a Thread and Post

Once you’ve accessed a forum and have entered the Thread, you can reply to anyone who has posted to that thread.

How to use discussion in a class?

You can use discussions for these tasks: 1 Meet with your peers for collaboration and social interaction. 2 Pose questions about homework assignments, readings, and course content. 3 Demonstrate your understanding or application of course material.

What is discussion in college?

Discussions are an online forum about course concepts. Your instructor may expect you to create your own discussions and participate in existing ones. Your instructor can also grade your contributions.

How to get rid of red thread?

Since it’s not possible to remove the pathogen nor control the weather, the most effective way to get rid of Red Thread is to address the susceptible host plant. Fertilizing lawns in late spring and early summer will help to provide nitrogen. As that nitrogen gets watered in, most lawns will grow-out this specific turf disease problem.

What is red thread?

From a distance, Red Thread appears as pink to red patches from 4″ to 2 ft. in diameter. When observed more closely, you will see the reddish thread-like fungal structures on grass plants. When there is dew present on the lawn, you may even see small pink tufts on these spots as well. As the fungus grows, smaller spots may turn into larger ones as ...

When is red thread in lawn?

This disease typically appears in our area between late April and mid Jun. It can possibly be found during most of the growing season. The time we see it most likely is in the months of May and June. This is when nighttime temperatures are ...

When do lawns grow?

The time we see it most likely is in the months of May and June. This is when nighttime temperatures are hanging around 70° F and lawns have aggressively grown. This growth uses up most of the nitrogen in the soil.

How to copy and paste on Blackboard?

Right click in the selected text, and then click Copy. Navigate into the discussion board area in Blackboard using Internet Explorer. Click in the box where you would type your discussion board entry if you were doing it in Blackboard and not copying and pasting it in. Right click in the box, and then click Paste.

How to create a discussion board in Blackboard?

Now, with that out of the way, I will turn to the method. It is as follows: 1 Draft the discussion board post in Microsoft Word. Format it exactly as you want it to appear. 2 Click on Edit and Select All. 3 Right click in the selected text, and then click Copy. 4 Navigate into the discussion board area in Blackboard using Internet Explorer. Click in the box where you would type your discussion board entry if you were doing it in Blackboard and not copying and pasting it in. 5 Right click in the box, and then click Paste. (This appears to be a very important step. If you use the Paste button provided in Blackboard, your post will look horrible.) 6 You may note that some of the formatting has been lost. This will often relate to indention of the first line of a paragraph, line spacing, spacing between paragraphs, etc. However, the distortion is usually much, much smaller using this method, and it can usually be corrected rather quickly.
