fsu create blackboard site

by Miss Aylin Walker 5 min read

Blackboard Instructions

  • Creating a Course Site. Log in to Blackboard using your FSUID. ...
  • Copying Content from Previous Courses. After the site is created, if you wish to copy content from a previous section of the same course, open the OLD course site and ...
  • Archived Courses. Courses are archived after two years. ...
  • Adding Users to a Course. ...
  • Using Turnitin. ...
  • More Help. ...

Full Answer

What is the FSU card?

The FSU Card is the official ID for The Florida State University, and is a required first step before you can set up email accounts or access university services such as Omni , FSU WebMail and Blackboard. Visit the official FSU Card web site for all the details.

What are the tools used in the College of Communication and Information?

The College of Communication and Information has several online instructional tools that are used for both face to face and online instruction. All new faculty and adjuncts are strongly urged to attend both a Blackboard:Getting Started workshop and Elluminate Moderator Training. In addition, a few courses that are specific to the SLIS School Media program may require you to use Chalk and Wire, a web based e-portfolio system required for all students in the SLIS School Media Program. If you are the primary instructor for a SLIS course, and are unsure if your course has a Chalk and Wire component, please contact Linda Swaine < [email protected] > for more information.

Who is Candace Strickland?

Candace Strickland is our Coordinator of Research for the College of Communication and Information. She can assist you with finding funding sponsors, preparing and submitting proposals, implementing new awards, and support in the area of contracts and grants.

What does FSU do?

As a public entity, FSU must ensure fair and open competition exists in all procurement activities (excluding . Authorized Exemptions. ) in order to avoid the appearance of and prevent the opportunity for favoritism and to inspire public confidence that contracts are awarded equitably and economically.

What is the agency in Chapter 287?

The definition of agency in 287 does not include the university or college boards of trustees or the state universities and colleges, except for certain subsections of 287 that specifically include the university or college boards of trustees or state universities and colleges. Chapter 286. Public Business.

How often do you renew a PCARD?

Cardholders and Proxies are responsible for enforcing all PCard policies. Cards are renewed every three (3) years for the first renewal and then every two (2) or three (3) years after that. All cardholders are required to re-accomplish the on-line . Back to Table of Contents Button.

What is Chapter 119?

Public Records. Provides that any records made or received by any public agency in the course of its official business are available for inspection, unless specifically exempted by the Florida Legislature. Florida’s Government in the Sunshine Manual and Public Records Law Manual.

Can you waive per diem?

Departments may not adopt reimbursement rates less than those established by federal or state law; however, a traveler may choose to waive the full reimbursement amount in favor of a lesser amount.

Is an installment purchase a competitive solicitation?

Installment purchases are subject to a competitive solicitation. Also, since interest is defined as a commodity, if the total amount of the purchase plus interest exceeds the competitive solicitation threshold of $75,000, the purchase is subject to the competitive solicitation requirement.


Creating A Course Site

  • Log in toBlackboard using your FSUID. Click the Courses & Orgstab at the top of your home page. In top the left panel click Request a Bb Course/Dev Site. Click the Request Course Sitebutton. Choose Individual or Cohort: 1. If your course has only one section, click Individual. 2. If it is cross-listed with another department or consists of an under...
See more on arthistory.fsu.edu

Copying Content from Previous Courses

  • After the site is created, if you wish to copy content from a previous section of the same course, open the OLD course site and go to Control Panel > Packages & Utilities > Course Copy.
See more on arthistory.fsu.edu

Archived Courses

  • Courses are archived after two years. Archived courses are not visible on your Blackboard home page, but they can be retrieved by Blackboard technicians. If you want to copy content from a course that is no longer visible, contact Blackboard User Supportand ask them to un-archive the course; be sure to include course number and term/year.
See more on arthistory.fsu.edu

Adding Users to A Course

  • To add a non-enrolled user to a course (e.g. an auditor or graduate assistant): 1. Go to Control Panel > Users & Groups > Users and click the Find Users to Enrollbutton at the top of page (NOTE: Don’t use the search menu on the Users page. It only searches users that are already enrolled. Click the grey Find Users button first). 2. If you know the person’s username (FSUID), enter it, se…
See more on arthistory.fsu.edu

More Help

  • For more tutorials and support, click the Support tab on your Blackboard home page. There are several options for help here; we find the Bb Support Center search particularly useful. If you can’t find solutions there, email Blackboard User Support.
See more on arthistory.fsu.edu