faulkner blackboard bookstore

by Jailyn VonRueden V 9 min read

What is Faulkner University known for?

Where are Faulkner University's online degree programs offered?

Who is the president of Faulkner University in Alabama?

Blackboard*Handbook*forStudents!! * 3* * How&to&create&discussion&board&threads& 1. Click*DiscussionBoard* * 2. Click*the*name*of*the*forumyouwant*tomake*apost*in.*

How do I register for Faulkner Law School?

The Faulkner University Online Bookstore is located here: Faulkner’s Online Bookstore. Please be sure to refer to your individual schedule when purchasing textbooks. With the online bookstore, you can: See the books required for your class and section. Buy all your course materials, all in one place, all based on your course schedule.


Where is Faulkner University?

Faulkner University is a private, Christian liberal arts university based in Montgomery, Alabama, with a mission to provide an education anchored by not only intellect but also character and service, the Faulkner experience aims to educate the whole person.

When will Faulkner University start eSports?

Faulkner University is excited to announce plans for a new eSports team scheduled to begin competition in the fall of 2022! Esports, organized video competitions, is exploding in popularity across high schools, colleges and universities throughout the country. Since competitions….

When is MGM Nutrition opening?

On October 24th, 2020, Faulkner business students Brianna Cagle and Logan Wallace held the grand opening celebration for their new business, MGM Nutrition. Located across the street from Faulkner behind Game X Change and Furlong’s Engraving, MGM Nutrition serves a….

Who is Elliott Graves?

From playing football to now working as a senior recruiter for a staffing and recruiting company, the College of Business’ Young Alumnus Elliott Graves says he found not only his career path at Faulkner, but lifelong connections as well. Graves…

What is a graduate degree?

A graduate degree can help propel you to greater heights in your career. We offer master's, law, and doctoral degrees in a variety of formats – on-campus, online or hybrid – all taught within the context of a Christian worldview. Graduate. Master's & Doctoral.


You can begin your law journey by taking a tour of the law school and sitting in on a 1L law class. To register please contact Lori Dixon at 334-386-7531, [email protected], or [email protected].

For Students

Faulkner Law prepares students to practice law with purpose. We’re looking for students who see a law degree as a way to make a positive difference in their community. Your LSAT score and undergraduate GPA matter, but so do your character, leadership skills, and demonstrated public service.

We offer two degree programs

Juris Doctor (J.D.) – This 90-credit hour J.D. program is open to first-year, transfer, and visiting law students.
