fallout 4 numberon blackboard

by Prof. Waino Wintheiser 7 min read

The number "8.9875517873681764x109" is written on the chalkboard next to the Tesla magazine inside Sedgwick Hall. This number is Coulomb's constant.

What does Gerald's barricade key open?

Be sure to check the the shelves by the terminal as well for “Gerald's Barricade Key”, which actually opens the expert-locked door on the first floor. There is a [Novice] locked Toolbox in this room as well.

Where is Gerald's vault?

Gerald's barricade key is under the counter of the Tools store in Sedwick Hall. Gerald's vault password is obtained by reading the second entry in the council meeting minutes on the mayor's terminal.

Where is University Point on the map in Fallout 4?

The area known as University Point is a school ruins Location in the Southern central area of The Commonwealth. It is located South of the Andrew Station, and North of the Neponset Park.Nov 3, 2016

Can University Point be a settlement?

The location consists of the remains of Mass Bay University, which had been turned into a settlement, and were then overrun by synths. According to Railroad agent Deacon, University Point gained a second lease on life when it became the heart of Mass State, a major player in Commonwealth politics.

Where is Billy Peabody?

When Billy entered the fridge he became trapped due to its locking mechanism not featuring an interior handle. The fridge, in which Billy has been trapped for two hundred and ten years, is found next to the road between Neponset Park and University Point.

How do I get to Jamaica Plain Fallout 4?

It is accessible by entering the house next to it and climbing on the roof, or by going through the windows of the church, which are large enough to jump through without difficulty. The most sought after place in Jamaica Plain is the town hall, found across from the church.

What is the treasure of Jamaica Plain?

Once through the door guarded by the trip wires, traveling through the remainder of the basement and a few more doors (or the shortcut) will lead to the "treasure" of Jamaica Plain, containing the 2076 World Series baseball bat and many unique pre-War items not found elsewhere in the game.

What is the institute in Fallout 4?

For the location in Fallout 4, see The Institute (location). The Institute is an advanced scientific organization based in the Commonwealth. It is known and feared for its ability to produce advanced synthetic humans (also known as synths) of high enough quality to pass as true humans.


Boards are finished pieces of lumber used in manufacturing, construction, and furniture. Wooden boards can also be cut down and finished in a variety of ways to make objects like chessboards and cutting boards .


It is a big chunk of wooden plank with a grip wrapped in duct tape. It weighs the same as a baseball bat, though it is much cruder and commonly found in the hands of super mutants .


A flat slate on which to write with chalk, commonly found in buildings throughout Appalachia. Found both blank and written upon, whereas others are covered in illegible documents. Distinctive messages are written upon chalkboards in the locations below.

Behind the scenes

Chemical compounds written on chalkboards in Eta Psi House and the Nukashine include ethanol (C 2 H 5 OH), carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ), uranium hexafluoride (F 6 U), and caffeine (C 8 H 10 N 4 O 2 ).
