examples of wiki's in blackboard

by Danny Casper 10 min read

Wikis – Teaching with Blackboard Blackboard allows you to create multiple wikis in each course. For example, you might simultaneously have: a semester-long Wiki for everyone in the course to create a course handbook or study guide. group wikis for project research, drafting, and final versions.

Full Answer

How do I delete a wiki page in Blackboard?

Feb 03, 2021 · Wikis – Teaching with Blackboard. Blackboard allows you to create multiple wikis in each course. For example, you might simultaneously have: a semester-long Wiki for everyone in the course to create a course handbook or study guide. group wikis for project research, drafting, and final versions. 2.

What is a wiki page?

May 28, 2021 · If you are looking for blackboard wiki page examples, simply check out our links below : 1. Wikis | Blackboard Help. https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Interact/Wikis For example, if a wiki topic is Mid-Century Architecture, one of the wiki pages in that topic might be Frank Lloyd Wright. The Wikis listing page shows all wiki topics … 2.

How do I create a wiki for my students?

Aug 17, 2021 · If you are looking for blackboard wiki page examples, simply check out our links below : 1. Wikis | Blackboard Help. https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Interact/Wikis. For example, if a wiki topic is Mid-Century Architecture, one of the wiki pages in that topic might be Frank Lloyd Wright.

How do I view participation for students who have contributed to wiki?

best- known example of a wiki is Wikipedia, a collaboratively authored, online encyclopedia. Blackboard wikis can be associated with the Grade Center for entering grades. Separate wikis can be created for groups of students collaborating on a project or researching a topic. All group members and the course instructor can collaborate on group wiki pages. Creating a Wiki 1. …


What are Wikis in Blackboard?

A wiki is a collaborative tool that allows you to contribute and modify one or more pages of course-related materials. A wiki provides an area where you can collaborate on content. Course members can create and edit wiki pages that pertain to the course or a course group.

How do you create a blog on blackboard?

Creating a Blog EntryNavigate to your course Home Page.From the Course Menu, click Blogs (Note: faculty must add a Tool link to the Course Menu [link to course menu). ... Select a Blog to open.Click the Create Blog Entry button.Enter an Entry Title.Enter the text in the Entry Message text box.More items...

How do I create a wiki on blackboard?

Creating a Wiki PageNavigate to your course Home Page.From the Course Menu click Tools, and then click Wikis on the adjacent page.Select the desired Wiki.Click Create Wiki Page.Provide a name and enter content in the text editor.Click Submit to finish your work.

What are Group Wikis?

A Wiki is a collaborative tool that allows students to create and contribute to one or more pages of course related materials. There are two types of wikis in Blackboard: group or course wikis. A group wiki can be enabled whenever a group is created. All students in the course can contribute to the course wiki.

How do you write a blog example?

Write engaging content Keep in mind that blog posts, like many other types of writing, typically include three main elements: an introduction, the body text, and a conclusion. Let's start with the introduction. In the first few sentences of your article, you should already grab your readers' attention.May 24, 2021

What is a blog in Blackboard?

A Blog is a collaborative tool that allows students to post their personal reflection about the course or discuss and analyze course related materials. There are three types of blogs in a Blackboard course: individual, group or course blogs.

What are the types of wiki?

Here are 10 examples of wikis that are worth checking out.Wikitravel.WikiHow.WikiBooks.Wiktionary.Fandom.Wikispecies.Gamepedia.Wikimedia Commons.More items...•Jul 19, 2021

What is a Wiki tool?

A wiki is a collaborative tool that allows students to contribute and modify one or more pages of course related materials. Wikis are collaborative in nature and facilitate community-building within a course. Essentially, a wiki is a web page with an open-editing system.

What a wiki is?

A wiki is a site that is designed for groups of people to quickly capture and share ideas by creating simple pages and linking them together. Your organization can use a wiki for a variety of uses. On a large scale, you can share large volumes of information in an Enterprise wiki.

How do I make a group wiki on blackboard?

Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Wikis and select Create Wiki. Type a name and optional instructions. Make the wiki available to students. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections.

What is the most popular wiki?

The ten most visited Wikipedia pages in all five months are: 1) “Main page”, 2) “Wikipedia”, 3) “Wiki”, 4) “United States”, 5) “WII”, 6) “World War II”, 7) “Sex”, 8) “Naruto”, 9) “List of sex positions”, 10) “PlayStation 3”.

How do I grade a wiki on blackboard?

View participant contributionIn the wikis tool, access a wiki and select Participation and Grading. If you haven't enabled grading, this option is called Participation Summary. ... On the Needs Grading page, select Grade All Users in the wiki's menu.In the Grade Center, locate the column for the wiki you want to grade.

Benefits of Using Wikis

  • Wikis can help course members build a shared repository of knowledge. As the knowledge base grows over time, you can expect the wiki to have some degree of seriousness and permanence. With dedicated use, you can use wikis for these educational purposes: 1. Provide an easy to use environment for communication 2. Promote collaboration rather than competition 3. Foster a s
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When Should You Use Wikis?

  • You can use wikis as course content or graded assignments for these types of activities: 1. A glossary 2. A white paper 3. Class summaries and outlines 4. Connect student writing to form a book 5. A resources repository 6. Lab experiments 7. Student solutions for scenarios and case studies 8. A research notebook 9. Group project presentations Instructors can create course wik…
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The Parts of A Wiki

  • These elements comprise a wiki: 1. First, you create the wiki topic so that course members can contribute their ideas, research, and thoughts. The wiki topic is the theme that connects multiple wiki pages. In a wiki topic, related wiki pages are collected in one place. 2. Next, you can create wiki pages within the topic. A wiki page is a more specific prompt or subject related to the more …
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Create A Wiki Topic

  • To get started, you need to create a wiki topic in your course. Your students and other course members can add pages to that topic. 1. Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Wikis and select Create Wiki. 2. Type a name and optional instructions. Make the wiki available to students. 3. Select the Display After and Display Untilcheck boxes to enable the date and time selections. Dis…
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Wiki Topic Page

  • A wiki topic page is the home page where all other wiki pages are collected. The home page is automatically displayed first when a student visits the wiki. 1. Select Create Wiki Pageto add a page to the wiki topic. 2. Wiki Instructionsare expanded by default, but you can minimize them. 3. In the sidebar, you can expand the Wiki Detailssection to display information such as the type, cr…
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Wikis Listing Page

  • After you create a wiki, the wiki topics appear in alphabetical order on the Wikislisting page. Select a column title to sort the contents. 1. On the Wikis listing page, select a wiki title or select Openin a wiki's menu. 2. To change a wiki's availability or student access, select one or more check boxes and use the Availability and Student Accesslists. 3. The Typecolumn lists whether a wiki is for th…
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Wiki Pages

  • Each newly created course or group wiki requires a home page. When you access a new wiki topic for the first time, you're prompted to create a home page. The home page always appears first in the wiki page list and the content appears when someone navigates to the wiki. Because the home page is first, you may want to add instructions here. You or any course or group member c…
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Watch A Video About Wiki Pages

  • The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory |representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript. Video: Create and edit wiki pagesexplains working with wiki pages.
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Create Wiki Pages

  1. On the Wikislisting page, select a wiki title.
  2. On the wiki’s topic page, select Create Wiki Page.
  3. Type a title and a description or instructions.
  4. Select Submit.
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Link to Other Wiki Pages

  • If a wiki has many pages, you can link to another page to help organize information for easy access. You can only create links to other wiki pages when at least two pages exist. 1. On the Create Wiki Page, put your cursor in the Wiki Page Contentarea where you want to add the link. 2. Select the Add Content icon in the editor, which will open a window where you can select the Lin…
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