ecu blackboard control panel

by Elna Lynch 6 min read

How do I use ECU in Blackboard?

You can access Blackboard by navigating to the Staff Portal and then clicking on the Blackboard application link in the "Easy Logins" menu on the left. Blackboard Unit sites are not automatically created. You need to speak to your School Admin officer to arrange a Blackboard site each Semester.

What is the easiest way to access all the key systems at ECU?

All the main systems you'll be using at ECU are located in one central place, the Student Portal, which can be found from the ECU website homepage. You'll need to use your ECU login to access this, but once you're logged in you will see other important systems, as labelled on the image.Feb 14, 2022

How do I log into ECU on blackboard?

You need to open the ECU Homepage and select Student and Staff Portal. Login using your username and password. Your Student Portal site will open. You can then select Blackboard from the Easy Logins menu.Apr 8, 2021

Does ECU use Moodle?

All ECU courses receive a course shell in Moodle managed by the instructor. Students are enrolled automatically in any courses they are registered for by signing into Moodle at the start of term.

How do I get my ECU student ID?

To obtain your card, you need to visit an eLab during service hours. E-Labs are located on each campus. Alternately, if you are an off-campus student and you're unable to get to campus, you can request a card online by submitting an Application for External Student ID Card , and your card will be sent to you.Feb 21, 2022

How do I download Microsoft Office ECU?

As part of ECU's Microsoft 365 subscription, you can download Microsoft Office to five personal computers. Access through ECU Mobile App. Stay connected to ECU from on or off campus using the free ECU mobile app available through your mobile app store.

How do I access my ECU email?

To access your Piratemail account via the Web, go to and enter your full email address ([email protected]) and Passphrase.

How do I change my ECU password in Blackboard?

You can change your password by visiting the MyLOGIN web page. You will need to log out of the Portal and re-login for the password change to take effect across our web applications.

What is your ECU username?

Your ECU Login ID is the same as the letters at the start of your ECU student email address ([email protected]). If you cannot remember this, then you will need to contact the IT Service Desk who will be able to assist you.Sep 20, 2021

Does ECU use Blackboard?

Blackboard has been in use at ECU since 2000.Nov 29, 2011

Is ECU a party school?

ECU claims the No. 5 ranking on Playboy's list of the top 10 party schools in the United States. No other colleges or universities in the Carolinas made the list. Located in Greenville, dubbed G-Vegas by many of the locals, ECU has a strong alumni presence in the Raleigh-Durham area.Apr 16, 2010

Does ECU use canvas?

ECU limits access to curricular courses in Canvas to faculty and students registered to teach or take a course.Oct 21, 2020