download blackboard journal rubric

by Enrico Schimmel 4 min read

How do I export a rubric from Blackboard?

To get started, download these sample rubrics for grading discussion topics, writing assignments, blogs, journals, wikis, etc. and import them into your course. Here’s how to import a rubric into your Blackboard course: On the Control Panel, expand the …

How do I upload a journal entry to BlackBoard Learn?

Rubrics can help ensure consistent and impartial grading and help students focus on your expectations. A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. When you create a rubric, you divide the assigned work into parts.

How do I use rubrics in the gradebook?

Rubric Export Settings. You will now see a screen labeled Export Rubric Settings: Export Rubric List: The rubrics included in the export will be listed here. Export Location (Export to Local Computer/Export to Content Collection): Choose the location you wish to export the rubric to. When finished, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

What is a rubric assessment?

If your rubric is larger than 15 x 15, only the first fifteen rows or columns carry over to an Ultra course at this time. You need to make all changes to rubrics inside a Blackboard Learn course. Don't make changes to the exported ZIP file. Control Panel > Course Tools > Rubrics. To import a rubric, select Import Rubric and browse for the file.

How do I download rubric from Blackboard?

To export a rubric, select the check box next to the rubric's title and select Export. You can save it to your computer or the Content Collection if you have access to it.

How do I download a journal from Blackboard?

Downloading Your Blackboard Course Content (for instructors)In your Blackboard course, click Files under the Course Management section in the left menu.Click the course ID.At the bottom of the page, click Show All.Click the box to select all.Click Download Package.All files will be downloaded to your computer.Aug 20, 2021

How do I copy a rubric in Blackboard Ultra?

Go to the course where you want to copy the rubric. Click the overflow menu (...) to access the course copy tools. Select Copy Content. Search for the course where the rubric assignment resides.Nov 5, 2019

How do I copy a rubric from one course to another in Blackboard?

0:002:41Blackboard Learn: How to Copy a Rubric from One Course to AnotherYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick next to the title of the rubric that you want to copy into another course then click exportMoreClick next to the title of the rubric that you want to copy into another course then click export then click Submit now here you'll click the download button.

Can other people see journal entries on blackboard?

You can choose to make journal entries public, allowing all course members to view all entries. For example, you may choose to make a journal public when you ask for opinions on how to improve the evaluation process. Students can read what other students wrote and build upon those ideas.

Are blackboard journal entries private?

By default, Journals are set to private. Instructors can change this setting to public, which means that other students can see others Journal, but cannot comment on it. In a public setting, students can read what other students wrote and build upon those ideas.Apr 5, 2020

Can you copy a rubric in Blackboard?

Select Create a Copy at the bottom of the screen. When you create a copy of a rubric you used to grade a test or assignment, the new rubric is associated with the item.

How do you copy a rubric?

How do I copy a rubric?Go to the Rubrics tool. Select the Rubrics tool from the Tool Menu of your site.Select the Copy icon [Copy Rubric] for the rubric you would like to copy.Enter a new Rubric Title. The default title will be the name of the original rubric with "Copy" appended. ... Select Save.May 10, 2019

How do I view rubric feedback in Blackboard?

To view the rubric for an assignment prior to submission:Go to the My Grades area of your course. ... Find the graded assignment in your assignments list and select “View Rubric” to view the graded rubric.More items...•Jun 23, 2021

How do I upload a rubric to Blackboard?

Here's how to import a rubric into your Blackboard course: On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and select Rubrics. To import a rubric, click Import Rubric on the action bar and browse for the file. Click Submit to upload the file.

How do I copy a rubric from one course to another in canvas?

Whilst in the course that has the rubric you want to copy, go to your course settings and click on “import content into the course.” Click “copy a Canvas course” from the drop down type in the name of the course you are in. Essentially what you are doing is basically copying your rubric back into the same course).Jun 20, 2018

How do I edit a rubric in Blackboard?

Editing the RubricClick Add Row to add a new criterion, or Add Column to add a new achievement level.Choose a Rubric type from the drop-down list: ... Click Edit from a label's contextual menu to change the name.Type a point or percentage value for each row.More items...

What is a rubric?

Rubrics can help ensure consistent and impartial grading and help students focus on your expectations. A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. When you create a rubric, you divide the assigned work into parts. You can provide clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each part, ...

Why do students use rubrics?

Students can use a rubric to organize their efforts to meet the requirements of the graded work. When you allow students access to rubrics before they complete their work, you provide transparency into your grading methods.

How to add a rubric to a test?

On the assignment, test, or discussion page, select the Settings icon to open the Settings panel. In the Additional Tools section, select Add grading rubric > Create New Rubric. On the New Rubric page, type a title with a limit of 255 characters. If you don't add a title, "New Rubric" and the date appear as the title.

How many columns can you add to a rubric?

You can create two types of rubrics: percentage and percentage-range. New rubrics have four rows and four columns. You can add up to ten colum ns and rows, and you can delete all but one row and one column. You can associate rubrics with assignments and discussions.

Where are rubrics saved?

Rubrics are saved in export and archive packages. When you convert an Original course to Ultra, percentage-range and percentage rubrics are converted without descriptions. All other rubric types are converted to percentage rubrics, such as points and point range.

How many characters can you put in an achievement title?

For new and existing levels of achievement, you can add an optional description. Achievement titles have a 40-character limit. Criteria and description cells have a 1,000 character limit. You can't add HTML code to titles and cells. You can paste text from another document, but the formatting doesn't carry over.

Can you create a rubric for an assignment?

You can also associate an existing rubric unless you've already graded the item. You may associate only one rubric to each assignment, test, or discussion.


A rubric is an assessment tool listing evaluation criteria for an assignment, and provides a means to convey to students your expectations for the quality of completed assignments. Rubrics can help students organize their efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment, and you can use them to explain evaluations to students.

About Rubrics

Rubrics are made up of rows and columns. The rows correspond to the various criteria of an assignment. The columns correspond to the level of achievement expressed for each criterion. A description and point value for each cell in the rubric defines the evaluation and score of an assignment. You can create as many rubrics as you need.

Rubric Examples

Below you will find list of example rubrics that you can download from here, upload to Blackboard, modify in Blackboard, and apply to your Blackboard assessments.

Exporting a Rubric

You will now see the Rubrics screen that lists all the course rubrics. To export a rubric:

Downloading Exported Rubrics

You will now see a screen labeled Download Exported Rubric (s). To download the rubric, click the Download button.

How to export rubrics?

To export a rubric, select the check box next to the rubric's title and select Export. You can save it to your computer or the Content Collection if you have access to it.

Can you share a rubric in Blackboard?

You can share rubrics between Blackboard Learn courses. If you teach multiple courses, you can create a rubric in one course, export it, and then import it into another. You can also share the exported file with other instructors to use in their Blackboard Learn courses.

How to add a journal to a course?

Create a journal. On the Course Content page, select the plus sign wherever you want to add a journal. Select Create > Participation and Engagement > Journal. You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add a journal. Type a meaningful title to help students find the right journal in the content list.

How to make a journal count for a grade?

To motivate students to post insightful contributions, you can make a journal count for a grade. Select the gear icon to open the Journal Settings panel. When you choose to grade a journal, more options appear such as the due date and maximum points. The maximum points apply to one or more entries made by a student.

What is a journal in writing?

Journals are ideal for individual projects. For example, in a creative writing course, each student creates entries and you provide comments. In this manner, a student can refine a section of a writing assignment over a period of time, with your guidance and suggestions. Students can also comment on their own entries to continue the conversation.

How can students reflect on the learning process?

Students can reflect on the learning process and document changes in their perceptions and attitudes. Students can describe the problems faced and how they solved them. You can also create instructor-directed journal entries that are more formal in nature. You can narrow the focus with a list of topics for discussion.

Why do students use journals?

Students can also use journals as a self-reflective tool. They can post their opinions, ideas, and concerns about the course, or discuss and analyze course-related materials. You can create journal assignments that are broad and student-directed. Students can reflect on the learning process and document changes in their perceptions and attitudes.

Can you copy a journal from Ultra?

Copy workflow. Ultra journals are included in the supported content items you can copy from other Ultra courses you teach. At this time, if you copy only journals from an Original course to an Ultra course, the graded journals only appear in the gradebook, but you can't edit the content or show them to students.

Can you change a journal from graded to ungraded?

You can change a journal from graded to ungraded as long as there are no entries or comments. Once entries and comments have been submitted, you can't change the journal type.

What is journaling in college?

Journals are personal spaces for students to communicate privately with you. Students can also use journals as a self-reflective tool. They can post their opinions, ideas, and concerns about the course, or discuss and analyze course-related materials. You can create journal assignments that are broad and student-directed.

How to add a journal link to a course?

Add a journals link to the course menu. You can add a link to the course menu for immediate access to the journals tool. You can also customize the name of the link. Select the plus sign above the course menu.

Why do students comment on journals?

Student entries and your comments can help build rapport and create a healthy intellectual exchange. A student can make a comment after you comment on an entry to continue the conversation.

How can students reflect on the learning process?

Students can reflect on the learning process and document changes in their perceptions and attitudes. Students can describe the problems faced and how they solved them. You can also create instructor-directed journal entries that are more formal in nature. You can narrow the focus with a list of topics for discussion.

Can you drag a folder of files?

If your browser allows, you can also drag a folder of files. The files will upload individually. If the browser doesn't allow you to submit your assignment after you upload a folder, select Do not attachin the folder's row to remove it. You can drag the files individually and submit again.

Can students read what other students wrote?

Students can read what other students wrote and build upon those ideas. When used in the group area, members of a group can view and comment on each other's entries for the group journal. The group, as a whole, can communicate with you and all members benefit from the comments.

Can you comment on another student's journal entry?

Students can't make comments on another student’s journal entry, even if you made the journal public. Students can only comment on another student’s entry when they're members of the same group. For group journals, you and all group members are allowed to make comments on individual entries.