discussion boards examples

by Rachelle Heaney 3 min read

Discussion Board Examples Example of a Good Discussion Post Discuss your thoughts on the most recent reading and respond to a peer's comment: I thought the most recent reading spoke to the importance of caring about the environment.

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How do you reply to a discussion board?

5 Discussion Board Responses Examples to Learn From Example 1 The concept of such a school is great. As already noted by Mike, any student who loves education and wants to get fully immersed in the whole education experience would thrive in such an environment. For one, this is the perfect example of a healthy learning environment for all students.

What is the purpose of a discussion board?

Apr 06, 2014 · Discussion Board Examples From Online Course Syllabi Example 1 Discussion Board: A percentage of your grade is based on your posts on the Discussion Boards. If you are required to post on the discussion board, it will be clearly indicated in that week's assignment. You must post at least twice to each discussion board unless otherwise

How to write discussion questions that actually spark discussions?

Mar 29, 2021 · The Discussion Board is a Blackboard Tool allowing for asynchronous conversation and sharing. Example Discussion Board Assignments: “Introduce Yourself” Often the first discussion board in a course allows students to get acquainted and also to learn how the discussion boards work.

How to use discussion board?

Examples of discussion forum instructions to students include: How to Write a Strong Discussion Post https://writersperhour.com/blog/how-to-write-strong-discussion-post


How do you write a good discussion board?

Tips for writing a good discussion threadPart 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. In other words, answer the question, “What do you think?”Part 2: State why you think what you think. ... Part 3: State what you wish you knew or directly solicit the opinion of classmates (in other words, ask a question!)May 13, 2021

How do you start a discussion board?

How to Write a Strong Discussion Post [INFOGRAPHIC]Do your homework. ... Read prompts carefully. ... Wake up your classmates with a strong argument or perspective. ... Be relevant. ... Bring something unique to the post. ... Prepare your response in a text editor (like Word) before you post. ... Leave participants wanting more.May 27, 2021

What are discussion boards used for?

Discussion boards provide a connection to other humans. They are, in short, a way to “humanize” online learning. Discussion boards help to create a social presence in an online course along with a sense of community. Presence and community, in turn, can foster emotional connections.

How can I make my discussion board more interesting?

Here are five tips I've gleaned for improving online discussion boards.Divide and Conquer. ... Direct Traffic. ... Assign Actions. ... Incorporate Student Interactivity. ... Deter Students from Parachuting into Discussion.

How do you write a strong response to a discussion board?

How to Write a Strong Discussion PostUnderstand the Prompt. Preparation is key. ... Refer to the Scoring Rubric. Every discussion board ought to have a scoring rubric. ... Present Evidence and Examples. ... Draft the Answer before Posting. ... Express Yourself Clearly. ... Respond in a Timely Manner. ... Be Respectful. ... Make it Meaningful.More items...•May 4, 2019

How long should Discussion boards be?

Original posts should consist of at least 150 words. Try not to exceed 300 words; however, no points will be deducted for longer postings. Response postings should consist of at least 75 words. Try not to exceed 300 words; however, no points will be deducted for longer postings.

What is a discussion board?

A discussion board is an online tool that allows groups to communicate asynchronously. A discussion board is made up of forums, which are folders containing messages on a particular subject. Forums contain threads.

What is a discussion board and how does it work?

A Discussion Board is an asynchronous communication tool that allows students to collaborate with others through posting or answering questions. Students respond to a discussion board forum topic by creating a thread, or replying to an existing thread.

Why are discussion boards important for students?

When a student facilitates a discussion board, they feel an increased sense of ownership over their own learning, and the learning of their fellow students - they are more invested in the Page 4 learning process. Encourage your students - especially those who do not normally speak out in class.

How do you engage discussion boards?


What makes a good online discussion?

If you're the first to post, strive to encourage discussion. Get others thinking (and writing) by making bold statements or including open-ended questions in your message. Those who post first are most often responded to and cited by others. Remember to check back and see if and how others have responded to your ideas.

How do you agree to a discussion board?

Validate the post by sharing your experience and stating how it relates to the course material or to the initial post. Agree or disagree with the post and explain why you agree or disagree. Expand on your classmate's post to demonstrate that you understand the topic.

What is a discussion board?

What are discussion boards for online courses? Discussion boards for online classes give students the opportunity to talk about course topics with each other, and with the instructor, as they would if they were in a traditional classroom. This helps students absorb the class material and share ideas.

Why do students have discussions in class?

Also, students have the opportunity to practice their communication skills, connect with their peers, get used to using proof to bolster their arguments , and sharpen critical thinking abilities.

What are some mistakes that students should know about in order to avoid them?

The following are some mistakes that students should know about in order to avoid them. Not being thorough. “Many students simply do not address the writing prompt thoroughly in their post. Sometimes a prompt will require that a student addresses two to three points, but students don’t do that,” said Adcock.

What is an e-learning survival guide?

E-Learning Survival Guide#N#This guide provides an overview of what the e-learning experience is like. Includes details about the types of institutions that offer e-learning opportunities, the benefits of e-learning, financial aid options, the technology students use to take courses, and e-learning delivery methods. Also provides the perspective of an e-learning expert and a quiz to determine if e-learning is the right choice.


The concept of this school is great, as it provides amazing opportunities for children to grow. I would have loved to experience school in this way. I this type of learning environment is very healthy for people, as it keeps the children active, rather than being cooped up in a stuffy classroom.

Response 1

Thanks for sharing your analysis of the three Ms. Your analysis was concise. I like your method of easing the children into this type of learning environment.

Response 2

Hi Julie,#N#Your focus on the actually manipulation process was very well done. It was nicely detailed and really put me into the perspective of a child learning how to paint.

What is CAT in online teaching?

After students review asynchronous content and/or attend a synchronous class session, a quick Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT) can provide both students and instructor with information about how learning is happening.

What is the most important part of an online course?

Discussion boards are arguably the most important part of the online course. In a traditional f2f classroom, students see each other and interact in the physical classroom space. In an online course, discussion boards provide that same visible, interactive space for students to interact academically and socially with their peers.

Why is a discussion board important?

The discussion board is an excellent tool for students who may feel more comfortable expressing their understanding of course content in a written format , as opposed to verbally. Discussion boards can also be used to further employ the resources of the Internet by allowing students to include hyperlinks to relevant content.

How to write a discussion thread?

Tips for writing a good discussion thread 1 The Three Part Post (Developed by Dr. Judith Boettcher, Executive Director of the Corporation for Research and Educational Networking) 2 If the discussion question asks you to respond to an open-ended query pertaining to a particular problem, challenge, or idea, a good thread will incorporate three parts:#N#Part 1: State what your thought or recommendation might be. In other words, answer the question, “What do you think?”#N#Part 2: State why you think what you think. Examine your own experiences, beliefs, or knowledge. It is also a good place to provide references, textual quotations, and/or links to materials that reinforce your opinion.#N#Part 3: State what you wish you knew or directly solicit the opinion of classmates (in other words, ask a question!)

Why do students fail in a discussion?

Many students fail because their posts are not relevant to the discussion. Do not commit such a mistake. Even if you think that the topic of your post is interesting, make sure it is within the scope of discussion.

How to stand out in a speech?

To stand out, you need to include something that will attract the attention of your audience. Do extra research and the result will be worth all the efforts.

What is the benefit of taking an online course?

By taking an online course, you will have a wonderful possibility to communicate with your classmates on different platforms and share your opinions regarding specific issues. Moreover, by taking an online course, you will be able to participate in various discussions sharing your viewpoints and supporting them.

How can teachers help students with curiosity?

Willingham suggests three things that can help educators increase students’ curiosity. First and foremost, the teachers should find out what they want to teach and how they want to do it. If the teacher wants the child to be habitually curious, he/she should serve as an example for a child.

Is it better to write down a word file?

Even if you are confident about what you are going to say, it is better to write down the text in a Word file and double-check it . It will help you check if your thoughts are written in logical order. Also, the text of your post should be totally free from any grammatical mistakes and any kinds of typos. Moreover, this technique will help you have a fresh look at your post to be able to change something if necessary.


Discussion Board Examples

  • Example of a Good Discussion Post
    Discuss your thoughts on the most recent reading and respond to a peer's comment: I thought the most recent reading spoke to the importance of caring about the environment. In the reading the author made several good points about how individuals who learn more about ecosystems, and …
  • Example of a Bad Discussion Post
    Discuss your thoughts on the most recent reading and respond to a peer's comment: I liked the reading, it was good. I did not like Brandon's post cause he said he uses plastic and obviously that's wrong. Anyway, the article was interesting and talked about the environment.
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The Discussion Board’S Role in The Online Classroom

  • There are many things that students may want to know before participating in a discussion board for an online class. The following are answers to some of the questions they may have.
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Discussion Board Etiquette & Tips For Success

  • Just as traditional students should follow certain etiquette in the classroom, online students engaging in discussions on a board are expected to behave appropriately. The following are some tips to help students create posts and responses, so they do well in their online courses, while following standards that instructors expect.
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Common Online Discussion Board Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

  • Students who are not used to online courses are likely to make some mistakes when they participate in a discussion board. The following are some mistakes that students should know about in order to avoid them. 1. Not being thorough. Students should be aware of posting short or poorly thought out responses. Not having a thorough response can mean the student is not com…
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Role of Teachers Using Discussion Boards

  • When it comes to discussion boards, there are a lot of options. Choosing the best discussion board website can vary by instructor, major, or institution. Instructors working in science or data may want to consider using an interactive discussion board website. While teachers who are more comfortable with video conferencing and prefer lecture and video formats may want to conside…
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Instructor Input: How Online Discussion Posts Are Graded

  • Ultimately, students who are required to participate in online discussion boards have to think about how their posts will affect their grades. In order to provide a perspective on how these posts may be marked, we received input from the following experts:
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Additional Resources For Online Student Success