discussion board reply examples

by Mr. Jose Erdman 7 min read


  • BONUS. Do you see advantages and disadvantages for this type of preschool? ...
  • Week 7. How can the three Ms of playful exploration lead children into learning to draw? ...
  • BONUS. What impact did the first book you remember hearing or reading about as a child? ...
  • Response 1. Thanks for sharing your analysis of the three Ms. ...
  • Response 2. ...

Full Answer

How to write a good discussion response…?

5 Correct Discussion Board Responses Examples 5 Discussion Board Responses Examples to Learn From. The concept of such a school is great. As already noted by Mike,... When Posting Replies to Peer’s Posts. It’s very important that you also know and understand how your instructor wants... Tips for ...

What is the purpose of a discussion board?

Example(3((Response):! I'm doing is okay. Maybe some might not think it is enough, but for now and the circumstances I am enduring, I can find peace in knowing it is okay. I like to remind myself that no matter how slowly I move, as long as I am moving in the right direction, then I am okay. And trust me, I have to remind myself of this daily!

How to respond to others in discussions?

DISCUSSION BOARD REPLY al Affiliation) mate thread on Taguchi Method The mate found the method Taguchi developed to be interesting in that he challenged the traditional approach in design of experiment by claiming that the design stage is where the most of the quality of products and services is determined.The main advantage of the method as brought out by the …

How to write and respond to discussion posts?

Aug 05, 2014 · Here's an example of a great response: "Great job, XXXXX. Your report was very informative, and I learned a lot about... Here's another great one: "Hi XXXX! I think you have a good proposal here for selective breeding. Although indirect,... Here's an example of an inadequate response: "Hi XXXX. ...


How do you respond to a discussion board?

Agree or disagree with the post and explain why you agree or disagree. Expand on your classmate's post to demonstrate that you understand the topic. Reply to a question posed by one of your classmates or by the instructor and support your statements with sources from the text.

How do you reply to a discussion board post example?

There are three main ways to respond constructively to a post: “No, because...” • “Yes, and…” • “Yes, but...” If you disagree with someone's post, show that you appreciate that your classmate has an opinion, even if it's different from your own.

How do you write a good discussion response?

How to Write a Strong Discussion PostUnderstand the Prompt. Preparation is key. ... Refer to the Scoring Rubric. Every discussion board ought to have a scoring rubric. ... Present Evidence and Examples. ... Draft the Answer before Posting. ... Express Yourself Clearly. ... Respond in a Timely Manner. ... Be Respectful. ... Make it Meaningful.More items...•May 4, 2019

How do you agree to a discussion post?

Use the following examples when in a business meeting to agree with your colleagues' or boss's opinions.01“That is right” ... 02“You can say that again” ... 03“I concur with you” ... 04“I could not agree with you more” ... 05“Lead the way “ ... 06“There is no doubt “ ... 07“That is absolutely true. ... 08“Exactly what I was thinking”More items...•Jan 25, 2021

What does a good discussion post look like?

Develop a strong argument and support your statements with evidence from the course materials. In other words: research, research, research and cite, cite, cite. Be concise and articulate your ideas thoroughly. Explore all parts of the discussion question and get other students to think beyond traditional measures.May 27, 2021

How do you start a discussion post about yourself?

Your introduction should be no shorter than 250 words in length and should give us a general idea of your interests and goals. You may want to explain your decision to come to SCC, your major, your career goals, and where you see yourself in the next five years.May 31, 2016

How do you comment on a discussion board on Blackboard?

The Blackboard Discussion tool works in a similar way....Replying to a Thread and PostEnter a new subject, or leave unchanged.Click the Show More ( ) button if you cannot see all of the tools in the Toolbar Area.Then enter your reply in the message area.Include attachments if allowed and desired.Click Submit.

How do you write a substantive response?

A substantive post about the topic under discussion should provide a reason for your beliefs. In other words, why do you feel the way you feel? Your opinion is acceptable, but you must have a solid rationale for it. You will need to write critically and persuasively.


The concept of this school is great, as it provides amazing opportunities for children to grow. I would have loved to experience school in this way. I this type of learning environment is very healthy for people, as it keeps the children active, rather than being cooped up in a stuffy classroom.

Response 1

Thanks for sharing your analysis of the three Ms. Your analysis was concise. I like your method of easing the children into this type of learning environment.

Response 2

Hi Julie,#N#Your focus on the actually manipulation process was very well done. It was nicely detailed and really put me into the perspective of a child learning how to paint.

What are channel members?

Channel members may include distributors, wholesalers, and retailers or agents and brokers where services are involved. Their main functions are related to the distribution of goods from the producer to the end user. Thus, it acts as a link. They also act as a promotion aspect, where they communicate with the end user and also with prospective buyers, including some of lower channel members in the chain. Channel members also set relevant prices at the level of the distribution. This implies that wholesalers will agree upon a certain price for a product, while retailers will provide their own price range. Risks involved in carrying out the channel work are borne by channel members. Channel members involve themselves in after-sales services as it is their role to ensure that their products are moving. Most importantly, channel members’ aid in the research and help get the information to ensure that the end user gets the product as expected.

What are some pricing tactics?

Some of the pricing tactics include charm/ psychological pricing which makes the buyer feel like they are paying less, for example, pricing a product $12.99 instead of $13.00. Offering discounts is another price tactic used to capture consumers making the product seems cheaper. Distributors allow wholesalers to negotiate to make them feel like they actually brought down the price for themselves.

Why do retailers use multiple pricing?

In most cases, combination selling reduces the cost due to the bulk purchase, pushing buyers to buy more of these products. Psychological pricing is also a commonly used technique to make consumers perceive the price as being relatively lower than competitors’ price. An example is pricing a product at $ 1299 instead of $ 1300.

Why is the internet so bad?

The Internet can lead to failures due to network problems and may interrupt an on-going purchase leading to loss of the purchase at that time. The Internet does not allow the buyer to check the product for any faults before it is shipped to them. This in its turn creates uncertainties among customers.

What is Darling hair?

Darling Hair is well known for their weaves, braids, wigs, extensions, and additions across the world. Darling’s marketing channel consists from the producer, the distributor, wholesaler, the retailer, and finally the end user. To ensure that products reach the end user on time and that stocks are always available, channel members need to frequently stock products, and thus the flow of production has to be constant to prevent diversion to other brands. They have “only Darling outlets” that only sell company’s products, thus ensuring that they can collect required information from users and also offer advice on how to take care of the products to ensure they get the desired effect. These outlets are relatively cheaper too. Wholesalers distribute the products from distributors to retailers. End users can obtain their products from wholesalers or retailers at different prices.

What is the most modern market channel?

The Internet is the most modern market channel. The Internet reaches billions of people at the same time at an affordable price. It has a significant impact as people are able to interact from anywhere in the world more actively from the comfort of their homes or offices. Users can purchase items through the Internet, and products are usually delivered as required.

What is channel alternative?

Channel alternatives are brought about to reach new customers and increase sales. They help in advertising with the aim of increasing brand awareness (Kotler & Philip, 2010). These may include affiliates, such as promoters, who better relate with the target market the firm wishes to explore.

What is discussion board assignment?

The purpose of the Discussion Board Assignments is for students to reflect thoughtfully and exchange ideas on the philosophical topics covered in this course . As a class, you will benefit from this assignment only as much as you put into it. Last minute posts that are inaccurate, sloppy, unorganized, and unclear help no one. If you find that a post is unclear or inaccurate, it is your role to ask your classmate for further clarification or to point out the inaccuracy. If someone replies to your post with a question, you owe him or her the courtesy of a response. You are also responsible for posting your answers and replies on time.

How often do you have to reflect on a discussion board?

Every week you will be asked to reflect on and respond to at least one Discussion Board question and post your contribution to the topic on the Discussion Board. Your contribution to the topic should be clear, complete, and accurate. This assignment also requires that you read the answers posted by your classmates and each week respond to at least one of those postings.

How often do you compose a response to a question posted by another student?

In addition to writing your own answer, each week you will compose a response to at least one answer posted by another student. In your replies to other students you can:


Pricing Strategies

  • Do you see advantages and disadvantages for this type of preschool?
    The concept of this school is great, as it provides amazing opportunities for children to grow. I would have loved to experience school in this way. I this type of learning environment is very healthy for people, as it keeps the children active, rather than being cooped up in a stuffy classro…
  • Response 1
    Hi Nita, I like how you discuss both the teacher observing the student and the student observing their own art. You bring up excellent points about the teachers observing the children, because it does help the teacher to better communicate with the children and understand them better. As t…
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Functions of A Channel Member

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