delete draft from blackboard

by Lewis Pouros 6 min read

How do you delete a saved draft on Blackboard? Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft’s title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

Draft posts
Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete. Select Edit to open the editor.

Full Answer

How do I edit or delete a draft post?

Feb 10, 2021 · Original draft version is displayed in a Blackboard Assignment rather than the latest submission Students: Before submitting your file to the Blackboard Assignment, delete the draft versions by clicking on the Mark for removal tool next to each draft (see …

How do I view my drafts in the Forum?

Oct 09, 2021 · How do I delete a draft on Blackboard? Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft’s title to open … 9. Clearing a Student Submission – Blackboard Quick Reference …

How do I save a draft of a post?

Mar 17, 2022 · Submit post > Save draft > Delete draft; Observe Grade Status = In Progress and Post Count = 1 (0+1=1, 1+0=1, 1 … 5. Blackboard (Students) – Assignments: Submit a Saved Draft.


Can you delete a blackboard submission?

From the pull down menu select View Grade Details. 4. On the screen that appears, find the submission near the bottom of the screen. To the right of the entry, click the button labeled Clear Attempt.

How do you delete drafts?

Press & hold a draft message to View/Delete or press the Menu button again & select Delete Drafts to go to a view where you can bulk mark the drafts you want to delete.Nov 21, 2010

Can you delete a blackboard submission as a student?

Student Questions About Assignments in Learn | Blackboard … You can't edit a submitted assignment, but you may be allowed to resubmit it. However, you can't resubmit all assignments.Nov 2, 2020

How do you delete a draft reel?

You can delete drafts on Instagram if you no longer want to keep them. It's easy to delete multiple drafts at a time — just select all the drafts you want to delete and tap "Discard Posts." Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Dec 5, 2019

Where are draft messages saved?

Tap on the "return" button in the top left corner. 2. The message will automatically be saved in drafts. You will see a message pop up at the bottom of the screen confirming the message was saved in drafts.

How do I delete an assignment on Safeassign?

To Remove a SafeAssignment, choose the Content Area in which the Assignment has been posted, click the drop-down menu to the right of the SafeAssignment name, and choose Delete. You will be asked to confirm the action.