dbhs blackboard

by Shania Feest II 9 min read

What is blackboard e-education?

Diamond Bar High School 21400 Pathfinder Rd., Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Phone: (909) 594-1405 School Fax: (909) 595-8301 Registrar Fax: (909) 895-8661 Email: [email protected] Walnut Valley Unified School District

Are the Army Enterprise blackboard distributed learning platforms down?

There is also a focus on the school climate at Douglas Byrd High School to ensure school safety. Community support and parent involvement in our school is welcome. Our principal, administrative team, faculty and staff, continue to make Douglas Byrd High School a great place where people want to be. Phone: 910-484-8121.

What is Bedford-Somerset DBHS?

1440 Suncrest Drive. Gray, TN 37615. 423-477-1600. 423-477-1625

How do I log in to blackboard with mylit?

Somerset Office. The Bennett Building 245 West Race Street Somerset, Pennsylvania 15501 Phone: (814) 443-4891 Toll Free: (877) 814-4891


Douglas Byrd High School

Take advantage of the great media center in your school and check out a book today!

21st Century Community Learning centers

The first day of the 21st Century Tutoring program at DBHS is scheduled for Monday, September 20, 2021.

Cumberland County Schools 1:1 Program Contract – 2021-2022 School Year

Statement of Purpose: The use of Cumberland County Schools technology resources is a privilege, not a right.

DBHS 9th-12th Homeroom Assignments

This is a list of last names that students should go by to find their homeroom.

Our Mission

Our mission is to assure that services are high quality, cost-effective, timely and accessible. We promote family centered services in our early intervention program, recovery and resiliency in our mental health program, and self-determination in our intellectual disabilities program.

Our Vision

Every person and family that we serve will have a network of family, friends, advocates, and supportive services to provide assistance in living a full and productive life in our community.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to be open and provide services. We also offer services by telephone during this state emergency. Please contact us to discuss Telehealth services! For more resources, visit News / COVID19.

Who We Serve

Bedford-Somerset DBHS provides support and services for Children to enhance the child’s development, building upon natural learning.
