cypress college blackboard isn't working

by Astrid Brekke 3 min read

Accessing myGateway

Accessing myGateway can be done in several ways: at the myGateway link at the top of every page of our website, through our Cypress Connect app, or by clicking the button above.

myGateway Help

If you are experiencing problems, including with login or PIN resets, contact the District Information Services Helpdesk at [email protected]. For quick help, please refer to the District-provided myGateway help guide.

Why is a class closed?

To petition, be sure to attend the first class meeting. Closed Class — Generally a course is listed as “closed” because it it either full or it has already begun (this includes beginning later in the same day). A waitlist may be available and the course may also be available to students wishing to petition.

Why is my waitlist restricted?

For instance, a waitlist may have space, the course may be restricted because of prerequisites or because it’s part of a learning community, or it may be full. These statuses will help you understand more about the course, and the possibilities for enrolling. Clicking on the status will provide more information.

What is a waitlist on mygateway?

The waitlist provides a prioritized listing of students who wish to enroll, but cannot because of limited capacity. If an enrolled student drops prior to the start of classes, myGateway sends an email (see note below about Yahoo! accounts) and a personal announcement to the first student on the waitlist.

What is waitlist in school?

Waitlist — An electronic list of students who would like to enroll in a closed class. Waitlisting does not guarantee enrollment into any class and not all classes have waitlists. See Page 10 of the fall 2012 class schedule for more information about waitlists.
