crays harbor blackboard

by Jovan Nader 7 min read

What is Grays Harbor Academy?

Grays Harbor Academy is an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) that uses the Edgenuity Student Information System (SIS) as the online platform. Our goal is to provide a learning alternative for students who prefer an option that includes independent learning outside of the typical classroom experience.

How many hours does Grays Harbor Academy take?

A student must be able to commit to 18-week courses in order to attend. A full-time student is required to spend at least 27.75 hours weekly engaged in learning activities. Grays Harbor Academy has specific enrollment deadlines that must be followed so that students can complete their courses.

Unique Billet

Purchase BlackBoard billet. Since the material has no shelf life and does not deteriorate it can be kept on-hand for immediate use.

Machine & Surface Coat

Machine tool surface, sand for smooth surface, and apply glossy finish coat for high quality tooling surface.