cover that her son isn't answering his blackboard

by Valentin Schimmel Jr. 8 min read

Why did the mother advise her son in the poem?

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Why is the speaker telling her son about her life?

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Who is called the son of the mother?

May 14, 2018 · Published: 02:25 EST, 14 May 2018 | Updated: 08:49 EST, 15 May 2018. A frustrated mother has taken to a parenting forum to express her disappointment at her partner's proposal, asking whether she ...


Mother is called 'hard work' for REJECTING her boyfriend's 'lazy' marriage proposal (with a ring she didn't like) - so would YOU say yes?

Mother took to Mumsnet to reveal she rejected partner's 'thoughless' proposal

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Explaining the scene of the proposal, she continued: 'Yesterday, we had an open day at DS’ (dear son) nursery.

What did Paddock say about the evacuation of people after Hurricane Katrina?

Paddock said that the evacuation of people by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) after Hurricane Katrina was a a “dry run for law enforcement and military to start kickin’ down doors and ... confiscating guns”.

What did people say about Paddock before he was shot?

But tantalizingly, people who encountered Paddock before his shooting say that he expressed conspiratorial, anti-government beliefs, which are characteristic of the far right. In a handwritten statement, one woman says she sat near Paddock in a diner just a few days before the shooting, while out with her son.

What happened to Stephen Paddock?

What’s the latest development in the Stephen Paddock story? Stephen Paddock was the gunman who killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more last October, when he opened fire from the window of his room at the Mandalay hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. Yesterday, following legal action from news organizations, the Las Vegas police department released ...

Why did the mother advise her son?

Answer: The mother advised her son because she saw him losing hope in his life. She did this so that he could gain confidence to bounce back from his failures.

What is the son's mother's advice to him?

He seems to have lost hope and confidence. At this juncture, his mother advises him to be strong and move ahead to achieve the result . Through her experiences, she tries to pillar him to strive hard and constantly keep working without being worried about result. Probably, his confidence is uplifted and he determines to work hard.

What does the speaker highlight in this poem?

Answer: The speaker through this poem highlights the racial oppression faced by the blacks in America. The mother seems to be quite optimistic inspite of a troublesome life that she has already experienced. She wants her son to keep on striving hard towards his goal and never look back or give up helplessly. The poem appears to be sad yet an inspiring one and motivates the readers to believe in hard work rather than to nurture hope.

What is the mother's struggle in the book?

Answer: The mother has led a struggle some life. She explains the hard and harsh experiences of her life to her son. She shares the cruel reality that she has never led a luxurious, comfortable or a beautiful life as it might appear to her son. She compares her life not to be like a crystal staircase, and states that it has always been full of tacks, splinters and torn up boards. According to her, she went through difficult times, trying to live with the bare minimum that she had. There was no one to guide her yet she kept climbing the stairs of life. Even today, the hopeless and helpless situations do not demotivate her. There is hope yet in her life and she boldly determine to face the challenges.

Who was the judge's son?

Daniel Anderl, the judge’s 20-year-old son (not pictured), was killed. Her husband Mark Anderl, 63, is reportedly in critical but stable condition in hospital. After defaulting on multiple loans and bond issues, Trump was considered a terrible credit risk and could not get loans for new projects in the late 1990s.

Why does Congress want to get documents from the bank?

Congress wants to get documents from the bank to investigate the connections, for obvious reasons, and the Supreme Court will rule soon on whether they get access to them. Deutsche Bank lent Trump millions after he defaulted on loans they already gave him and after he once sued them in 2008.


What’s The Latest Development in The Stephen Paddock Story?

Stephen Paddock was the gunman who killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more last October, when he opened fire from the window of his room at the Mandalay hotel on the Las VegasStrip. Yesterday, following legal action from news organizations, the Las Vegas police department released a troveof documents o…
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What Did The Document Release Tell Us?

  • Mostly the documents contain harrowing accounts from victims of Stephen Paddock’s shooting spree. There is also an interview with Paddock’s wife. As police said in the press conference announcing the release, there is nothing definitive in the material about Paddock’s motives for the massacre. But tantalizingly, people who encountered Paddock before his shooting say that he e…
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This Sounds implausible. Where Did This Idea Come from?

  • The short answer is that it has been a staple of the radical right for perhaps three decades. The first version of the Fema camp conspiracy theory was in the newsletters of the far right “Posse Comitatus” movement in the early 1980s. It was an update, or an adaptation, of the fears of foreign subversion that have animated the American populist righ...
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So What Does This Mean For The Paddock Investigation?

  • Police are not jumping to any conclusions about Paddock’s motives, and nor should we. But it is striking that there is evidence that he, like so many mass shooters, may have nurturedthe ideas of the conspiracy-minded far right. Often such beliefs are viewed as harmless, and increasingly they have been normalized by the success of figures like Alex Jones. But we need to start taking seri…
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