course statistics blackboard

by Justen Ward 3 min read

To view statistics reports for content items in Blackboard, you MUST enable statistics on each item by going to that item’s location in your course and enabling tracking under Statistics Tracking (On/Off) from the contextual menu. Statistics can be generated for individual items and external links in your course.

Accessing Statistics Reports
Log into your Blackboard course, locate the item you wish to run a report on and hover over the name of the item. Click the button that appears next to the item and choose View Statistics Report from the menu.
Dec 6, 2018

Full Answer

What is the summary of usage section in Blackboard Learn?

Run statistics reports. On the Administrator Panel, under Tool and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Statistics Reports. Select the report to run by selecting Run in the report's menu. The following reports are available: Course Activity Overview displays overall activity within a single course, sorted by student and date. Data includes the total and average time spent per …

How do I run a statistics report?

Run statistics reports. On the Administrator Panel, under Tool and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Statistics Reports. Select the report to run by selecting Run in the report's menu. The following reports are available: Course Activity Overview displays overall activity within a single course, sorted by student and date. Data includes the total and average time spent per …

How do I see a report of a user's activity across courses?

The statistics in the Site Workspace and the Channel Workspace will reflect a visit, one page view and no targeted visits. What is the benefit of knowing the total number of targeted visits? Looking at your visitors “ultimate destinations,” will help you assess what material is the most popular and build on that popularity.

What is a statistics report?


How do I track statistics in Blackboard?

To enable Statistics Tracking, hover over the item you wish to view statistics for and click on the button that appears next to the link and click on Statistics Tracking (On/Off) in the menu.Dec 6, 2018

How do I run a statistics report in Blackboard?

On the Administrator Panel, under Tool and Utilities, select System Reporting. Select Statistics Reports. Select the report to run by selecting Run in the report's menu.

How do I track student activity on Blackboard?

Access Student Activity data from the Course Content page. Access an assessment's menu and select Student Activity. A panel with student activity information opens. You can't access Student Activity in an anonymously graded assessment's menu.

Does Blackboard track time?

Blackboard Course reports provide data covering course activity until the day before the report is run. They do not provide "real time" course activity data.

How do I pull data from Blackboard?

Downloading ResultsSelect the delimter type (comma or tab). The recommended setting is Tab.Format Results: Select how to format the results download. The recommended settings is By User.Attempts to Download: Select which attempts to download. ... Click on Click to Download Results.Dec 21, 2018

How do I track individual content items in Blackboard?

Track student views in BlackboardGo to the item and click the dropdown menu to select View Statistics Report.Click the dropdown menu to Run.Select the desired specifications.To select individual users, use Ctrl + mouse to highlight names, or use Ctrl + A to select all.Click Submit.Aug 8, 2018

Can Blackboard detect Googling?

Yes, Blackboard can detect plagiarized content using SafeAssign plagiarism checker.

Can professors see if you switch tabs on Blackboard?

Blackboard cannot tell if you switch tabs if you have opened it on a normal browser. It can only detect if you are working on a proctored test or using a lockdown browser.Feb 4, 2022

Can professors see what you open on Blackboard?

On the site, professors can see the number of pages the student has visited … Instructors can also detect other student activities when using online exam portals.Jan 29, 2021

Can teachers see how long you spend on a test on Blackboard?

7. Blackboard Upgrades 2014 – Academic Technology. Now, the Blackboard Test Access Log lets professors see when a student takes a test, when they answer each question, and how long they spent on … that power cord kicked out, the system will display a long gap in time. …Jan 26, 2021

How do I know if I am proctored on Blackboard?

You will be proctored by the instructor/TA through your webcam in Zoom during your exam. 2. On the test date, you will find the exam under 'Announcement' in our Blackboard course site.Apr 17, 2020

All User Activity Inside Content Areas

  • This allows you to see at a glance which content areas of your course are most visited. The report excludes areas associated with Blackboard Tools e.g. Announcements and Discussion Boards.
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Course Activity Overview

  • This shows time spent in the course. You get a summary showing access by day of the week and then a chart showing how long each student spent in the course. Click on a student’s name and you get a report of their individual activity.
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Overall Summary of User Activity

  • This is probably the most comprehensive report. It displays user activity for all areas of the course, as well as activity dates, times and days of the week. However the amount of data shown – especially if you run the report for a long period, for the whole class – can make it quite confusing. At the bottom of the report it shows the total number of hits on the course in the sele…
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Single Course User Participation Report

  • This produces an Excel file showing a summary of student engagement with Blackboard assignments, tests and tools such as discussion boards and blogs. Unfortunately it does not include Turnitin assignments in the submission data.
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Student Overview For Single Course

  • This shows a summary of a student’s activity in the course, and a breakdown of the content items they accessed, and when. See also Statistics Tracking on Content Items
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