copy & paste on blackboard

by Casimir Hagenes 3 min read

How do I create a copy?

Copy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster copy noun Save Word \ ˈkä-pē \ plural copies Definition of copy (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work …

How to create good copy?

Synonyms & Antonyms of copy (Entry 2 of 2) 1 to make an exact likeness of for the movie, set designers copied the Oval Office in the White House down to the smallest detail Synonyms for copy clone, copycat, duplicate, imitate, reduplicate, render, replicate, reproduce counterfeit, fake, forge, knock off, rip off mimic, simulate reconstruct,

How to obtain a copy?

copy ( ˈkɒpɪ) n, pl copies 1. an imitation or reproduction of an original 2. a single specimen of something that occurs in a multiple edition, such as a book, article, etc 3. (Journalism & Publishing) a. matter to be reproduced in print b. written matter or text as distinct from graphic material in books, newspapers, etc 4.

How to order a copy?

Mar 03, 2021 · The copy command assumes the combined files are ASCII files unless you use the /b option. To copy files that are 0 bytes long, or to copy all of a directory's files and subdirectories, use the xcopy command. To assign the current time and date to a file without modifying the file, use the following syntax: copy /b +,,


What do you mean copy?

1 : an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work (such as a letter, a painting, a table, or a dress) 2 : one of a series of especially mechanical reproductions of an original impression also : an individual example of such a reproduction. 3 archaic : something to be imitated : model.Apr 6, 2022

What is the another word for copy?

Some common synonyms of copy are duplicate, facsimile, replica, and reproduction.

Is copy that a slang?

When used with the meaning "I Heard and Understood the Message," COPY THAT is a slang phrase. Slang refers to words, phrases and uses of language that are regarded as very informal and which are often restricted to a special context or a particular group of users.

What does copy mean in writing?

Copy is written material, in contrast to photographs or other elements of layout, in contents such as magazines, advertising, and books. In advertising, web marketing, and similar fields, copy refers to the output of copywriters, who are employed to write material which encourages consumers to buy goods or services.

Do you copy Meaning?

Hi, If “Do you copy?” means “Do you hear me?”, can we say, “I copy” to mean “I understand”? Yes, although this is mainly for talking over two-way radio, eg in a police-car..Sep 27, 2006

What are 7 copies called?

This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. a group, series, or set of seven identical copies (usually preceded by in). having or consisting of seven identical parts; sevenfold.

Why is 10 4 mean?

“OK10-4 is an affirmative signal: it means “OK.” The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper who created them between 1937–40 for use in radio communications among cops. Ten-Four Day ~ for decades, Oct 4 has been a day to salute radio operators.Aug 2, 2018

Does anybody copy Meaning?

It means someone heard and understood what someone said.

What does copy mean military?

Copy/Copy that: “Copy” is also used to acknowledge that information is received. The difference between Roger and Copy is that the former is used to acknowledge an instruction (which demands some action) while the later is used to acknowledge an information (which may not need an action) Negative: Means “NO”.Jul 13, 2006

What is copy for social media?

Copywriting for social media is an essential part of your overarching digital marketing strategy. Beyond product visuals, video, graphic design, and brand aesthetics, copy is what compels your followers to action.Aug 16, 2021

What is the copy of an advert?

Ad copy is a sales letter that addresses the possible objections a customer might have. It also highlights the key features and benefits the customer will receive by making a purchase.Jun 25, 2019

Why is it called copy?

When the word entered English in the 1300s, it could mean either an abundance of something or a written account of something. English got the word via Old French, Ayto says, but the ultimate source is copia, a Latin noun whose primary meaning is abundance.Aug 15, 2013

How does the noun 'copy' differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of copy are duplicate, facsimile, replica, and reproduction. While all these words mean "a thing made to closely resemble anot...

When might 'duplicate' be a better fit than 'copy'?

While the synonyms duplicate and copy are close in meaning, duplicate implies a double or counterpart exactly corresponding to another thing. // a...

When would 'facsimile' be a good substitute for 'copy'?

The words facsimile and copy can be used in similar contexts, but facsimile suggests a close reproduction often of graphic matter that may differ i...

Where would 'replica' be a reasonable alternative to 'copy'?

Although the words replica and copy have much in common, replica implies the exact reproduction of a particular item in all details, but not always...

In what contexts can 'reproduction' take the place of 'copy'?

The words reproduction and copy are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, reproduction implies an exact or close imitation of an existin...

How does the noun copy differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of copy are duplicate, facsimile, replica, and reproduction. While all these words mean "a thing made to closely resemble another," copy applies especially to one of a number of things reproduced mechanically.

When might duplicate be a better fit than copy?

While the synonyms duplicate and copy are close in meaning, duplicate implies a double or counterpart exactly corresponding to another thing.

When would facsimile be a good substitute for copy?

The words facsimile and copy can be used in similar contexts, but facsimile suggests a close reproduction often of graphic matter that may differ in scale.

Where would replica be a reasonable alternative to copy?

Although the words replica and copy have much in common, replica implies the exact reproduction of a particular item in all details, but not always in the same scale.

In what contexts can reproduction take the place of copy?

The words reproduction and copy are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, reproduction implies an exact or close imitation of an existing thing.

antonyms for copy

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

carbon copy

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Copy to a Different Folder

The command above copies program.iso from the Z: drive to the user's Programs folder.

Copy and Rename

Use the copy command to rename a file and even change the file's extension. In the example above, the j93n.exe file copies to a new folder on the Y: drive as m1284.msi.

Copy to Current Path

In this example, the copy command has no destination specified, so the readme.htm file is copied to whatever directory you typed the copy command from.

Copy Only Certain File Types

This example of the copy command copies all MP3s (*.mp3) from the Downloads folder to the Music\DownloadedMusic\ folder, but we want to make sure that every file is copied, even if there's already one in DownloadedMusic with the same name (/y).

Merge Files Into One

The copy command example above merges three TXT files into one new TXT file called combined.txt. As you can see, each file that should be part of the merge need to be separated by a + sign, but no spaces.
